Monster Altar

Chapter 103

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Tier 4 Awakener’s speed is faster than a car running at full speed. Even if it is blocked by trees, with its strong flexibility, Liao Huan is not at all slower.

A kilometer away, under his terrifying speed, he arrived in less than half a minute.

But after arriving, his expression could not help but become stunned.


Where Fang Ping was originally, there was a trace of a human figure with blood, but Fang Ping was missing.

“It’s not dead!”

Liao Huan’s face was gloomy and uncertain, and he actually let the other party escape.

The opponent didn’t die on the spot, so if it were to make up another blow before.

But when he saw the opponent fell to the ground, there was no movement at all, thinking that the opponent had been killed on the spot, so he didn’t make up another blow.

“After being so badly injured, the opponent may not be able to survive!”

Fortunately for him, the other party was indeed seriously injured.

Just from the bloody traces left on the scene, it can be judged that the injury on the opponent’s body must be extremely serious.

Even with such a serious injury, even if he had a recovery potion, he might not be able to save his life. The current location is a few kilometers away from He’an Base City, and the opponent may not be able to receive timely treatment and survive.

“The other party may not have gone far!”

Looking in the direction of He’an Base City, he searched while moving forward. If the opponent is not dead, he must be on his way to He’an Base City at this time.


Suddenly, a door opened in the void behind him, and Fang Ping’s silhouette jumped out.


His whole body was wrapped with green lines, and after it appeared, his right fist slammed into the back of Liao Huan’s head.

Ability Please don’t die’s powerful healing ability, so that his injuries have been recovered in a very short period of time. People who knew the sneak attack would definitely come to check, he hid in the door space.

Sure enough, Liao Huan rushed to him shortly afterwards, apparently it was Liao Family who shot him just now, and it was Liao Family Patriarch Liao Huan, the Tier 4 Awakener himself.

The anger of being sneak attacked, coupled with the fact that he had long wanted to find a chance to attack Liao Huan, so he used Beauty of Fitzgerald on himself without the slightest hesitation, sneak attack Liao Huan.

One shot was the enhancement of 20010000, and an unprecedented powerful feeling filled his whole body. He was very sure that now his battle strength had definitely reached the Tier 4 Awakener level.


After all, he was a Tier 4 Awakener, with extremely keen senses, and Liao Huan immediately noticed the changes in the air behind him.

And immediately upon discovery, on his back, a large number of plant vines that were harder than steel grew from behind and intertwined to form a huge hemisphere, protecting his back.


Fang Ping hammered the hemisphere formed by plant vines with heavy punches comparable to the power of Tier 4 physical type Awakener, and vines harder than steel were blown to pieces under this terrifying force.

Fang Ping’s fist penetrated the hemisphere and bombarded Liao Huan’s body. Liao Huan’s body flew out like a cannonball under the terrifying force, and tree after tree collapsed under his impact. Flew out a few ten meters.


Fang Ping quickly chased Liao Huan who was flying backwards. He was covered with green lines, like a green phantom.

“It’s you, you weren’t hurt? No, impossible.”

With blood on the corners of his mouth, Liao Huan stood up and looked at Fang Ping in surprise.

In his opinion, a person who had been seriously injured and survived was a problem, but there was no wound at all on his body, which was too weird.

“You are definitely injured, but how can you recover so quickly? And there is such destructive power……”

Fang Ping didn’t have any plan to answer the other party’s doubts, and quickly approached the other party.


Although extremely surprised, Liao Huan was not at all hurried because of this.

He has experienced too many battles for most of his life, even in a state of extreme surprise, he still made the most correct counterattack.

In front of him, an azure wind blade with a length of more than ten meters appeared and cut off the Fang Ping that rushed sideways. Under the wind blade, a large area of ​​plants was neatly broken into two pieces from the bottom.


Fang Ping squeezed out his fists, his fists were like cannonballs, and accompanied by the sound of strong wind, punch towards the giant wind blade.

Ka-cha !

After a full 20010000 enhancement, Fang Ping has reached the level of Tier 4 power type Awakener, and the same is true for defense, with a defense comparable to Tier 4 defense type Awakener.

When the fist collides with the wind blade, it is like a collision of two refined metal pieces. In the end, the metal that the wind blade melts cannot withstand the pressure first, and it breaks apart.

Pieces of wind blade fragments, like a sharp blade after another, splashed to 4 places, and the surrounding area of ​​a few ten meters was actually razed to the ground under the aftermath.

On Fang Ping’s hand, there was only a shallow trace of blood.


Before Fang Ping rushed towards Liao Huan again, another huge wind blade of more than ten meters slammed towards Fang Ping.

A Tier 4 Awakener who has already reacted has a terrifying battle strength, even more how, Liao Huan is a very strong one even among Tier 4 Awakener.


Hiding in the space inside the door, Fang Ping avoided this wind blade.

Wind Blade is the strength of Element, not just air. In the face of such an attack, even if he can turn into a flame, he is not immune.


From the space inside the door, Fang Ping approaches Liao Huan, jumps out from behind Liao Huan, punch towards Liao Huan.

Liao Huan, who had been prepared for a long time, actually reacted in time, and turned around, also punching towards Fang Ping.

It’s just that on his fist, a large number of plant vines spread and became extremely huge, just like a wooden fist of a giant wooden giant.

Ka-cha !

The enhancement of 20010000 makes Fang Ping’s power extremely terrifying.

Although the fist was in front of the giant fist formed by the vines, like a child in front of the giant, it crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood and smashed the fist formed by the huge vine and hit Liao Huan’s fist.

Liao Huan’s hand hurt severely, and his body backed back again and again, but finally blocked this fist.

Huh, huh, Shua!

There are a large number of vines rising from the surrounding area, binding Fang Ping, and the binding becomes thicker and thicker, and the vines are almost submerging Fang Ping.

Fang Ping turned into flames, and the raging flames burned toward the vines, but the vines were only blackened, not at all, and immediately burned.

Although Fire Attribute restrains Wood Attribute, when the gap is too large, this restraint has little effect.

However, Fang Ping of the incarnation flame broke away from the shackles of the vines and pounced on Liao Huan again.

Suddenly, the ground under Fang Ping’s feet became soft. The originally dry soil turned into a swamp, and Fang Ping fell into the swamp.

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