Monster Altar

Chapter 104

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Doa Doa no Mi opened the door and Fang Ping entered the space inside the door and broke free from the swamp.

“I have the ability to create swamps, trouble!”

Far away from the swamp area, Fang Ping opened the door and appeared, looking at Liao Huan standing in the swamp not at all sinking, frowning.

Now he can contend with Liao Huan, the Tier 4 Awakener, relying on the powerful strength and fierce fleshy body obtained after using the Beauty of Fitzgerald.

Other abilities, whether it is Sharingan or Mera Mera no Mi abilities, face the Tier 4 Awakener level, the effect becomes weak.

Now that I encounter enemies who are in the swamp with nowhere to stay, I can’t help but feel a sense of power and nowhere to make them feel.


Placed in the swamp, Liao Huan is like surfing on the waves, stepping on the rolling swamp under his feet, quickly approaching Fang Ping.

As the opponent approaches, the swamp area spreads, spreading towards Fang Ping.

Although Fang Ping retreated sharply, it did not spread as fast as the swamp. The swamp quickly spread to Fang Ping’s feet.


Fang Ping was full of flames, and the blazing high temperature spread, and the swamp that came to him, under the high temperature, suddenly evaporated into hard soil.


Liao Huan looked at Fang Ping coldly, without any worries.


In the swamp, one after another as thick as several meters python appeared, which was shaped by the silt in the swamp.

The “swamp” ability he possesses is naturally not as simple as creating a swamp. In addition to being able to create a swamp, it can also be turned into a weapon.


Fang Ping punch towards the attacking python, the python was blown up, but there are two other pythons which have attacked Fang Ping from the left and right directions.

Peng –

Fang Ping leaped and avoided the bite of two pythons. The two pythons hit each other and both exploded.

Hey, hey, hey!

Large groups of silt splashed, like cannonballs, splashing around 4 weeks.

Fang Ping couldn’t dodge in the air, so he had to turn his body into flame immunity.

But it is at this time.

Standing in front of Liao Huan above the waves of the swamp, a huge wind blade hit Fang Ping that turned into flames.


Fang Ping was hit and fell into the swamp with a plop.

Fang Ping turned into flames. The flames on his body evaporated the surrounding silt, but the area of ​​the swamp was too wide, and water was constantly replenished from the surroundings. Instead, Fang Ping’s own flames quickly cooled down under the water and were eventually forced to Exited the flame state.

Fang Ping, who exited the flame state, quickly fell into the swamp, and the endless silt drowned Fang Ping.


Opening the door, Fang Ping, covered in mud, wandered through the doorway.

“It’s too bad to fight him where there is dirt, it can only be done!”

Facts have proved that he is not Liao Huan’s opponent where there is mud that can create swamps.


He lurked towards Liao Huan, opened the door from Liao Huan’s side, and rushed towards Liao Huan.

“hmph -“

Feeling the movement on his side, Liao Huan turned sideways, his right fist turned into a huge wooden fist and hammered towards Fang Ping.

Peng –

Collision, but the expected Juli not at all appeared.

Liao Huan feels like this fist is like being beaten on the soft cotton.

Moreover, a pulling force came from his fist, and his body was pulled out of the swamp under this pulling force, and rushed in through a door.

“Not good !”

Leaving the swamp, Liao Huan suddenly felt very bad, and quickly rushed towards the door that had not been closed.

“Leave it!”

Fang Ping sneered and quickly closed the door, trapping Liao Huan in the door space.

The space opened up by Doa Doa no Mi is similar to Liao Huan’s ability to make swamps. It can open up a certain range of areas, and as Fang Ping moves, the range will move forward.

However, as Fang Ping leaves the space inside the door, the space will disappear. If the enemy is trapped, you must be in this space with the enemy, and you will lose the means of avoiding attacks with space.

For this reason, Fang Ping does not often use this ability to trap enemies, but it is just right now.

“Thinking that you can be my opponent if you trap me here?”

Liao Huan’s complexion was relaxed, but his heart was solemn. He had already tried, but he couldn’t turn the surrounding area into a swamp. His ability to create swamps was limited.


A wind blade more than ten meters long condensed in front of him, slashing violently towards Fang Ping.


Fang Ping made a jump, avoiding the cut wind blade, but at the next moment, another huge wind blade slashed towards Fang Ping.

Ka-cha !

When it was too late to escape, Fang Ping punched out and shattered the wind blade. The wind blade’s fragments spattered in 4 places, and Fang Ping had another blood stain on his hand.

At this moment, another wind blade had already struck.

Peng –

After being hit by the wind blade, Fang Ping flew upside down. Fortunately, his strong defense made a shallow blood stain appear on his abdomen.

After all, Liao Huan is a strong presence among the Tier 4 Awakener. He has lost his spatial ability. Even if he strengthened 20010000 with Beauty of Fitzgerald, he was still suppressed.

“It won’t work anymore, add 20010000 to strengthen it!”

clenched the teeth, Fang Ping decisively added 20010000 strengthening.

Beauty of Fitzgerald has a time limit of half an hour. He understands that if he continues, he is likely to be consumed by the opponent, so he has to increase it.

Adding up before and after, a full 40010000 was consumed, and his heart was bleeding.

An ordinary person only spends about 1000 yuan a month, and 40010000 is enough for more than 300 years. That is the money that an ordinary person can’t use all his life, so he spends it extravagantly.


Although it is very distressing, the effect of strengthening is remarkable.

The degree of strengthening reaches 40010000, and there is a powerful force spraying thin in Fang Ping within the body, and an unprecedented powerful feeling emerges in Fang Ping’s heart.

Fang Ping felt that his current self, with one punch, could collapse even a building.


With one step out, Fang Ping’s silhouette was like a green light, rushing towards Liao Huan quickly.

The speed was soaring compared to before, and if he was outside, he was even sure to avoid the spread of the swamp with this speed.

“Can it be enhanced?!”

Perceiving that Fang Ping’s speed became faster, Liao Huan felt more solemn in his heart, and hurriedly used the wind blade to slash towards Fang Ping one after another, blocking Fang Ping’s approach.

Ka-cha !

Fang Ping, whose strength surged, smashed this huge wind blade with a random punch, while Fang Ping approached Liao Huan almost unaffected in speed.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

After smashing several wind blades one after another, Fang Ping approached Liao Huan.

Liao Huan could no longer maintain his calm, solemnly appeared on his face, and a large number of plants and vines poured out from all over his body, entwining and blocking Fang Ping.

Peng, Peng, peng!

Fang Ping’s fists and feet violently kicked out one after another, and the blocking vines exploded under the terrorist attack.

Finally, Fang Ping approached Liao Huan and punched Liao Huan in the chest.

Ka-cha !

There was the sound of something cracking, Liao Huan vomited blood and flew upside down, and his right chest collapsed.

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