Monster Altar

Chapter 105

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Fang Ping turned into a green rays of light, flashing towards Liao Huan.

Holding his right chest, Liao Huan corner of the mouth flow blood, reluctantly climbed up, and retreated sharply.

But the speed is obviously not as fast as Fang Ping, and the distance with Fang Ping is getting closer quickly.

In a panic, a large number of plant vines stretched out from Liao Huan, trying to block Fang Ping’s approach.

But a fist entwined with green lines, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, broke these plant vines, and punched Liao Huan again.

Ka-cha !

Liao Huan vomited blood and flew upside down, the left chest collapsed, forming a symmetry with the right chest.

The serious injury prevented him from getting up immediately, and Fang Ping took advantage of this opportunity to get close to him.

“Stop, I …”

Liao Huan became panicked and wanted to say something, but Fang Ping didn’t give him this opportunity at all.

The Awakener’s abilities are all kinds of strange things, and the other party will have an ability to come back under such circumstances, just like him, so he can never give the other party a chance.

Bang, bang, hong long!

Fang Ping fists punched, blood and even bone slag splashed, and the ground was beaten, and huge potholes appeared, just like the impact of a meteorite.

When his fist stopped, Liao Huan’s chest and abdomen became bloody, and he died completely for a long time.

“Finally solved!”

Looking at Liao Huan’s corpse, a boulder fell in Fang Ping’s heart, a relief.

For several months, he didn’t even dare to expose his residence, and his nerves had been tense. For fear that the people of Liao Family quietly found his current residence and assassinated him while he was asleep.

Now that it’s good, this trouble is finally solved.

With the death of Liao Huan, the Tier 4 Awakener, the rest of the Liao Family has no threat to him, it is better to say that the other people in the Liao Family should feel threatened.

Even if he doesn’t use the Beauty of Fitzgerald, he is sure to assassinate the Tier 3 Awakener, even more how, he still has more than 300 10000, which is enough to use the Beauty of Fitzgerald several times.

Looking at Liao Huan’s body, Fang Ping saw if he could get anything good from the Liao Family Patriarch’s body, immediately, he noticed the sniper rifle on Liao Huan’s back that was covered with black stripes.

Taking off the sniper rifle, Fang Ping was surprised to find that even in the fierce battle just now, the sniper rifle was not at all damaged, at least on the surface.

“Is this an Enchanted weapon?”

Staring at the black lines on the surface of the sniper rifle, Fang Ping secretly guessed. He even guessed that this sniper spear attack was probably the attack he encountered in the first place.

The one who attacked him from a long distance just now must be Liao Huan, but after fighting with Liao Huan, he didn’t see that black beam again, so he suspected that the attack came from this gun.

From the space inside the door, Fang Ping picked up the sniper rifle, set it up, and aimed at the distance.

A kind of energy or physical strength was drawn from him within the body and poured into the sniper rifle. He pulled the trigger, and suddenly a black beam shot straight forward.

Hey, hey, pu!

Tree after tree broke under the black beam, spreading for a long distance before they collapsed and disappeared.

“It really relied on this sniper rifle to attack me!”

The black beam fired by the sniper rifle is exactly the same as the black beam that attacked him just now. Liao Huan must have relied on this sniper rifle to attack him at the beginning.

“The formidable power is comparable to the full strength attack of a Tier 3 Awakener. If you are attacked without defense, even if the Tier 3 Awakener is likely to be killed, it will consume too much energy.”

When Fang Ping was attacked before, because Fang Ping was alert, Kenbunshoku Haki could perceive movement more than 300 meters away, so he was able to avoid it. If he was attacked frontally, he would definitely die.

“How to deal with Liao Family next?”

Looking at the corpse of Liao Huan that had fallen out of the space inside the door, Fang Ping considered how to deal with Liao Family next.

The Liao Family is a family of Awakener people, and it has been around for some years. There are many branches in the family. In addition to a few high-level members, there are many clansman Liao surnamed, at least 100 people in total.

With so many people, it takes a lot of time to kill one after another, and these people are impossible to stay together. Knowing that something happened to Liao Huan, I’m afraid they will spread out and hide immediately. When the time comes, a fish that is bound to appear. escaped the net.

These a fish that escaped the net, although it seems that they can’t threaten him, but if a few years later, a peerless evildoer suddenly appears in the opponent’s offspring, what should I do to avenge him?

If One Doesn’t Cut The Grass At Its Roots, Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More, he naturally understands this truth.

If he had not forged a feud, it would be that’s all. Now that he has clearly forged a feud, he naturally does not want to appear a fish that escaped the net.

This can’t help but entangle him, how can we ensure that a fish that escaped the net does not appear.

“As far as I am alone, I can’t cut weeds and eliminate the roots. I can only cooperate.”

After taking a few photos and burying the corpse on the spot, Fang Ping left quickly to prevent the corpse from being discovered too early.

The forces he knows, and the ones that can guarantee that a fish that escaped the net will not appear, are only Yao Family and Fan Family, and in comparison, Yao Family is more familiar.

Although a big battle took a lot of physical strength, it was Tier 2 Awakener after all. Half an hour later, Fang Ping, who borrowed a suit and hid his sniper rifle, found Yao Jun in the city.

“Liao Huan is dead? Fang Ping, you didn’t crack a joke, did you?”

Yao Jun smiled and looked at Fang Ping. This joke is not funny at all.

Liao Family is the enemy of Yao Family, Yao Family wants to kill Liao Family Patriarch Liao Huan, Tier 4 Awakener all the time.

But it is undeniable that the opponent’s strength is strong, so for so many years, Yao Family and Liao Family have struggled from time to time, but they still can’t help each other.

“This is a photo. Look for yourself. You Yao Family should have a technician in this area. You can let him analyze whether it has been processed. I buried the body myself. If you want to see it, I can take you to see it.”

Fang Ping directly sent the photos to Yao Jun. Yao Jun didn’t dare to neglect after receiving the photos, and immediately sent the photos to Yao Family’s technicians who are good at this aspect.

After a short while, the other party replied, confirming that the photo has not been processed in any way.


Yao Jun’s face was full of astonishment. This is really not a cold joke. Liao Heng, the Tier 4 Awakener of Liao Family, really died.

Yao Jun quickly took Fang Ping to find other senior officials of Yao Family. The other senior officials of Yao Family who heard the news were both surprised and excited.

“Fang Ping, do you know who killed Liao Huan?”

Yao Family Patriarch Yao Tie asked.

“Hellfire, I just met this person, he is a Tier 4 Awakener from Hellfire!”

Fang Ping said in a certain tone.

He can kill the Tier 2 Awakener who is only a Tier 4 Awakener. This high-profile thing does not fit his style, so he naturally dumped the pot to Hellfire.

In fact, throwing all kinds of nasty things to Hellfire has become the usual method of the Awakener family and some Awakener people. It has to be said that Hellfire has indeed carried a lot of wrongdoing in this regard.

“Although I don’t intend to join forces with Hellfire, Hellfire has helped us a lot this time…”

Yao Tie seems to really believe Fang Ping’s words. Of course, there is no difference between Believing or Not. The important thing is that Liao Huan is indeed dead.

“Hurry up and send someone to monitor the people of Liao Family!”

“The Liao Family has too many assets, it is difficult for the Yao Family to swallow it, so it has to unite with other families…”

After a long time, after finalizing the general plan, Fang Ping left.

With the help of Yao Family, Fang Ping quickly found Xu Wei and Xu Qing.

2 people are not at all. It’s just that the people from Liao Family blocked the surrounding signals. As for the person who blocked the signals, Yao Family was immediately obliterated.


Liao Family, the remaining three senior leaders of Liao Family gathered together anxiously.

“What’s the matter, why hasn’t Patriarch come back?”

The thin old man faintly felt bad, and worried in his heart.

“It’s not right. At this time, it should have been returned. Could it be that something has happened?”

The thick-brow man frowned.

“What happened? With Patriarch’s strength, even if Fang Ping was not killed, it was definitely enough to retreat calmly.”

Liao Boyun walked around the house anxiously.

At this moment, a middle-aged man gasping for breath pushed the door and ran in. This person was the one they sent to check.

If it was normal, their three people would definitely yell at each other’s rudeness, but now they simply don’t care about it, and asked anxiously.

“How about, did you see Patriarch?”

“There are signs of fighting at the scene, but not at all… When I saw Patriarch, I saw a corpse dedicated to Liao Family.”

The middle-aged man gasped.

“Impossible, how could it not be there?”

Liao Boyun 3 people’s unpleasant premonition became stronger.

“Will Patriarch have anything to do, leave?”

Liao Boyun said nervously.

“Yes, Patriarch must have left something urgent.”

The man with thick eyebrows quickly said that he was unwilling to believe in other possibilities besides this one.

Only the thin old man, who didn’t say a word, felt that the other one might be bigger than that of Patriarch who left temporarily.

But he really didn’t want to say it. Like the two, he also had hope.

At this moment, a youngster bumped in, a child of Liao Family.

“Get out, didn’t you see that we were in a meeting?”

The 3 people were in a state of anxiety, and couldn’t help getting angry when they saw the other party rushing in like this.


The youngster was panting, panting more fiercely than the middle-aged man just now.

The youngster must have been scared to pale when being scolded by high-level officials, but the youngster who has been scared too much, not at all notice this scolding.

“I, I saw…Fang Ping!”

He knew some of Liao Family’s plans for Fang Ping, so he turned pale with fright after seeing Fang Ping.

“What, did you see Fang Ping?”

The complexion of the 3 senior members of Liao Family greatly changed, and Liao Boyun even mentioned the young boy.

Patriarch Liao Huan went to assassinate Fang Ping, but Patriarch disappeared, Fang Ping appeared, and their bad premonition intensified.

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