Monster Altar

Chapter 106

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Borrowing a military transporter, Fang Ping transported the monsters he hunted and purchased from the same group back to his residence. It was a residence with a yard where he lived for a period of time. No other residence could hold so many monsters. .

“The corpse of a monster needs to have an external channel for disposal!”

The corpse was placed in the yard. Looking at the monster corpses piled up in the yard, Fang Ping was excited, but also alert.

In the past, the monsters he hunted were handled by himself. The number was small, and nobody would pay attention to the whereabouts of the monster corpses, but now, with a large number of monster corpses in his hands, if there is no reasonable destination, it will definitely attract the attention of interested people.

“It would be great if you can offer a take out Refiner Master or Medicine Refining Master innate talent, which can not only explain whereabouts, but also serve as a source of income.”

No longer thinking about it, Fang Ping walked to the corpse of the monster and touched his hand on the corpse of a Tier 2 monster.


Bound by the scarlet chains, the body of the Tier 2 monster disappeared, and Fang Ping’s consciousness followed into the sacrifice space.


Tier 2 The corpse of the monster burned under the scarlet flame, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Just when Fang Ping thought that stars would appear in the sky and the illusory shadow of anime characters would appear, the bloody altar was dimmed, all kinds of sights disappeared, no illusory shadow of anime characters appeared, but the sacrifice was over.

“What’s the matter, isn’t even the body of the Tier 2 monster enough to sacrifice now?”

Fang Ping was astonished. According to his estimation, even if the sacrifice conditions were raised again, it should be when he reached Tier 3 Awakener.

Now he is still a Tier 2 Awakener, and there is not small distance from the Tier 3 Awakener. Although the battle strength is a bit scary when the cards are exhausted, even the Tier 4 Awakener can be killed.

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded.

“Sacrifice non-causal sacrifices and get ten sacrifice values.”

“What is the sacrifice value? What does it mean to have no cause and effect?”

Fang Ping is full of questions, subconsciously looked towards his attribute panel.

Name: Fang Ping

Sacrifice value: 10

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent: Excellent

Hacker innate talent: very excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: excellent


Mera Mera no Mi ability (…), Doa Doa no Mi ability (), Mangekyo Sharingan (…), Please don’t die (…), Beauty of Fitzgerald (…)

After seeing the name, there is an additional sacrifice value, and the number is just ten.

“What can this thing do?”

Fang Ping looked at his attribute panel back and forth several times, but couldn’t see where he could use the sacrifice value.

Throwing the sacrifice value aside for the time being, Fang Ping frowned and considered the meaning of “no cause and effect”.

“No cause and effect means no involvement. Does it mean that the hunting of monsters has nothing to do with me?”

“If this is the case, I can barely explain it. I bought this monster from other people. Well, that’s not right. I have sacrificed a monster that I didn’t hunt before!”

Fang Ping thought of the invisible monster that was invited by the Yao Family to search and kill. He did not participate in the hunting of that invisible monster, but in the end he still sacrificed summon with the invisible monster to produce anime characters.

“No. Strictly speaking, I was involved in that time. Although I did not participate in the siege of the invisible monster, I used Kenbunshoku Haki to indicate the location of the monster, which is considered to be involved.”

In Fang Ping’s mind, the phrase “sacrifice without cause and effect” gradually became clear, it should refer to the sacrifice of sacrifice, and he did not participate in any process of hunting.

“In other words, the sacrifice is divided into two situations: hunting by yourself and hunting by outsiders. Hunting by yourself can sacrifice the summon cartoon character illusory shadow, while hunting by outsiders can only get the sacrifice value that you don’t know the usefulness of. “

In order to verify this speculation in his heart, Fang Ping exited the sacrifice space and found a Tier 2 monster that he had hunted, and put it into the sacrifice space.


With the sacrifice, the blood-colored rays of light on the altar flickered, and the stars in the sky were shining. Finally, an illusory shadow of an anime character appeared. His guess was confirmed. The sacrifice was to divide oneself into the hunt and oneself did not participate. Hunting for 2 situations.

He looked at the anime characters who sacrificed summon.

Name: Kiyoshi Teppei

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent

Basketball innate talent: excellent

Fang Ping has an impression of this cartoon character.

Kiyoshi Teppei, an anime character in Kuroko’s basketball and a member of Seirin’s basketball club, basketball innate talent is not as good as the “Miracle Age”, but it is quite close.

Of course, just like Fuji Syusuke’s tennis innate talent, the opponent’s basketball innate talent is also useless to him.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent and basketball innate talent. Do you choose one of them?”

The majestic voice sounded again. I have experienced this choice several times, but this time, because of the appearance of the sacrifice value, Fang Ping couldn’t help but suddenly have a thought. What if I didn’t choose?

“Do not.”

Fang Ping replied.

Following Fang Ping’s answer, when Fang Ping did not get any innate talent, the anime character illusory shadow disappeared, and the majestic voice sounded again.

“Give up the innate talent and get 10 sacrifice points.”

Fang Ping looked towards attribute panel, we can see that the original ten sacrifice values ​​on the attribute panel have become 20 sacrifice values.

“The reason why I haven’t found the sacrifice value is because the way I opened it is wrong.”

Fang Ping didn’t know whether to cry or laugh looking at the increased sacrifice value of 10, not only the non-causal sacrifices can get the sacrifice value, but the sacrifices hunted by oneself can also get the sacrifice value, the condition is to give up the innate talent or ability.

By offering sacrifices to the remaining monster corpses that were not related to him, Fang Ping gained a total of 150 sacrifice points, and the total sacrifice points increased to 170.

For the remaining sacrifices, there are 3 Tier 2 monsters, 2 Tier 3 monsters, one Tier 4 monster, and one of the 2 Tier 3 monsters was hunted by him and Yan Xue together, and it can be regarded as being with him. There is cause and effect.


Diamond Ace Aodo High School Baseball Club Kominato Haru City.


Football Knight Ryuichi Araki, Enoshima High School Football Club.


Slam dunk expert Akagi Takeken, basketball department of Xiangbei High School.


Sword God domain Tsubasa Ryotaro.

Fang Ping sacrificed 4 corpses of Tier 2 monsters in one go, but none of the animation characters he wanted in the summon came out. The is innate talent is not bad, and the is innate talent is a bit biased.

Of course, he didn’t choose to give up and obtain sacrifice points that he didn’t know how to use. Instead, he chose to obtain the Growth innate talent of these cartoon characters.


Put a Tier 3 monster into the sacrifice space, and Fang Ping sacrificed again.

A white beam of light exploded and turned into a tall man.

The man wears a white suit vest and dark blue shirt. He has a green eye patch on his forehead, his hair is wavy, and his eyes are a bit like dead fish eyes, as if he was not awake.

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