Monster Altar

Chapter 107

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“Finally lucky!”

Seeing the anime characters that appeared, Fang Ping was shocked and had bad luck four times in a row. This time he finally had good luck, and he was lucky enough, and took out an incredible great character.

Look at the other’s attribute panel.

Name: Aokiji

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

Busoshoku Haki: Excellent

Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent: Excellent


Hie Hie no Mi: The upper fruit of the Xuexue fruit, which can turn any part of the body into ice, create freezing air and freeze all things that come into contact, and is immune to physical attacks.

“I really took out a great character!”

Fang Ping sighed.

Aokiji, the former admiral, although lost to Akadog, but it is undeniable that the opponent is one of the small group of people standing on top of One Piece.

His strength is strong enough to permanently change the terrain and climate, and he is the strongest person among the cartoon characters Fang Ping has presented to take out.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, Busoshoku Haki, Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent, Hie Hie no Mi ability, do you choose one to acquire?”

The majestic voice sounded.

“I choose Hie Hie no Mi ability.”

There is no need to hesitate how to choose, Fang Ping impatient made a choice.

Hie Hie no Mi ability, to some extent, is stronger than the Mera Mera no Mi ability he currently has.

Lava fruit is the upper level ability of Mera Mera no Mi ability, and Hie Hie no Mi is the same level ability of lava fruit. In comparison, Hie Hie no Mi is undoubtedly stronger than Mera Mera no Mi.

As Fang Ping made his choice, a white light crashed into Fang Ping within the body. Fang Ping suddenly felt that he had the ability to relate to ice, apart from this, he also had a lot of Aokiji’s memories of Hie Hie no Mi in his mind.

After digesting the extra memory in his brain, Fang Ping exited the sacrifice space.

The harvest of Hie Hie no Mi’s abilities has made Fang Ping very satisfied, but the sacrifice has not yet ended. There are still a Tier 3 monster’s body and a Tier 4 monster’s body that have not yet been sacrificed.

He looked at the corpses of the remaining two monsters expectantly, not knowing what kind of ability the corpses of these two monsters could offer.

The best is naturally put to the end, so Fang Ping chose to sacrifice the body of the Tier 3 monster first.


With Fang Ping’s sacrifice, the blood light in the sacrifice space lit up, the sky was shining, and a black rays of light fell and exploded, turning into a man wearing a black suit.

The black clothes conceal all the parts below the eyes of the man, making the man look fierce.

The partner’s attribute panel is displayed.

Name: Twice

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent


Multiplication: It can increase the number of itself and other organisms. The organisms that multiply have self-awareness, but the disadvantage is low durability.

“Doesn’t this embarrass me?”

Seeing the cartoon character who offered to take out, Fang Ping looked strange.

Twice, an anime character in my hero Academy, a member of the enemy alliance.

Is the opponent’s ability strong?

There is no doubt that it is absolutely extremely powerful.

Not only can it multiply itself, but it can also multiply other organisms, and a person is equivalent to a tissue.

But the shortcomings of this ability are also extremely obvious. People who are proliferated have too perfect self-awareness, even if they are clones.

For this reason, Twice traumatized herself and became a double personality.

To some extent, this is an Extremely Dangerous ability. An inconvenience may make yourself a dual personality like Twice.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent and value-added capabilities. Do you choose one to acquire?”

The majestic voice sounded, let Fang Ping make a choice, but Fang Ping still did not make up his mind.

The power of proliferation is unquestionable, but the danger is also unquestionable. An inconvenience may lead to mental illness.

“Should I choose?”

Scratching his own hair, Fang Ping fell into a difficult decision.

It took a long time before he made a choice.

“I choose Growth innate talent!”

Although the multiplication ability is good, it is too dangerous. It is not guilty to risk becoming mentally ill for one ability, and in animation, it is not only the ability to add value to create a clone.

Ninjutsu Shadow Clone among Hokage ninjas can create a fighting entity clone, which is not only safe and risk-free, but also can get the memory and experience of the clone after it is released. This is the perfect clone in Fang Ping’s ideals.

Shadow Clone is widely circulated among Hokage ninjas. There are many anime characters with Shadow Clone ability. Fang Ping feels that the chances of getting it are quite high.

As for Shadow Clone not being able to act on other creatures like multiplying, this has little effect on Fang Ping. He is secretive and he is unlikely to join any organization, so the ability to act on other creatures is not very useful.

“The last one.”

Put the body of the Tier 4 monster into the sacrifice space, Fang Ping took a deep breath and performed the final sacrifice.

Hula –

The sacrifice of Tier 4 monsters immediately triggered a strong reaction. In the sacrifice space, the blood-colored rays of light skyrocketed, and the stars in the sky became extremely dazzling. One after another anime characters came to life as if they were about to come alive.


A golden rays of light descended, exploded and turned into a young man.

She has yellow hair and blue pupils, handsome and handsome, wearing a white Hokage gown, lined with a green vest and blue tight clothes.

“Good luck, really good luck!”

Looking at this anime character, Fang Ping’s expression was full of excitement, even more excited than just offering a took out Aokiji.

Name: Namikaze Minato

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

Ninjutsu innate talent: very excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: excellent

Namikaze Minato, 4th Hokage, Kage level character in Hokage, with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, broke the title of “yellow flash”. Like Aokiji, he is also a figure at the pinnacle of the world.

In terms of battle strength, it should be inferior to Aokiji. After all, Aokiji can even permanently change the regional climate, but the benefits of Fang Ping are higher than Aokiji.

Sacrifice can only obtain the ability of the corresponding cartoon character, not the strength. Therefore, the value of an cartoon character lies in the ability, not the strength.

Namikaze Minato, as a Kage level character, has a variety of powerful ninjutsu. Each type of powerful ninjutsu is almost equivalent to one ability, and a variety of powerful ninjutsu is equivalent to mastering multiple abilities.

Moreover, the Shadow Clone Jutsu that Fang Ping wants to obtain, the other party must have.

As long as he obtains the opponent’s ninjutsu innate talent, he should be able to obtain the ninjutsu possessed by the opponent.

“I choose ninjutsu innate talent.”

Fang Ping made a choice, the golden light crashed into Fang Ping within the body, Fang Ping’s body did not change, but there was more memory about ninjutsu.

“Well, it’s not right…”

Suddenly, Fang Ping cried out strangely. Although he has a lot of memories of ninjutsu, they are all ninjutsu application skills and combat skills. Not at all ninjutsu’s knot printing method, he quickly checked looked towards his attribute panel.

Name: Fang Ping

Sacrifice value: 170

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent: Excellent

Hacker innate talent: very excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: excellent

Ninjutsu innate talent: very excellent (Flying Thunder God Jutsu: not activated, activation requires 10000 sacrifice value; Sage Mode: inactive, activation requires 10000 sacrifice value…)


Mera Mera no Mi ability (…), Doa Doa no Mi ability (…), Mangekyo Sharingan (…), Please don’t die (…), Beauty of Fitzgerald (…), Hie Hie no Mi (…) )

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