Monster Altar

Chapter 109

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A few days later.

“The technique of invisibility.”

In the courtyard, Fang Ping both hands forming seals, accompanied by white fog, two identical Fang Pings appeared.


Without Jiyin, a light blue rotating ball of light appeared in the 2 Fang Ping’s right hands, and then the ball of light was attacked on two pieces of ice not far away.


Under the horrible rotating force, the ice exploded and turned into broken ice to splash everywhere.

And one of Fang Ping was dissipated with white smoke.

It took a few days to learn all the 6 ninjutsu activated by Fang Ping.

Even Uzumaki Naruto took more than a month to learn Rasengan, let alone a few other ninjutsu.

However, after activating the corresponding ninjutsu, Fang Ping has Namikaze Minato’s related ninjutsu memory and knows the precautions of each ninjutsu, so it only takes a few days to learn it.

As for the problem of not having chakras, it is not a problem. Chakras are, after all, a kind of physical energy, and Awakener’s ability to perform also depends on physical energy, which can be replaced.

“Time is coming!”

It was close to the evening, Fang Ping carried a wooden box like a guitar case on his back and drove his pickup truck to leave the residence.

Tonight is the time to shoot Liao Family.

The truck traveled for nearly an hour and came to the villa area and met with a group of people. Among them, there were Yao Jun and other Yao Family members, as well as Fan Family members.

After the marriage, the relationship between Yao Family and Fan Family became closer. The cake of Liao Family was too big for Yao Family to keep, so Fan Family was also brought in.

“Except for Liao Boyun who needs to be captured alive, none of the other Liao Family will stay!”

Yao Family Patriarch Yao Tie said in Binghan’s voice that this old man who Fang Ping had been quite kind every time he saw was no longer kind.

To embezzle Liao Family’s assets, they need to control a senior Liao Family as a puppet, so they chose Liao Boyun, the weakest among the remaining three senior executives of Liao Family, as the control object.


Fang Ping and the others nodded with murderous intention.

Both Fang Ping and Yao Family have unresolvable feuds with Liao Family. It is absolutely impossible to be soft-hearted at this time.

Although Fan Family has a deep hatred with Liao Family not at all, as an Awakener family, when it is profitable, it will never be soft.

Hey, hey, sou!

There were more than 100 people in a line, scattered, and bursting into the residence of Liao Family from all directions.

In addition to them, there are several other places where such things are also going on.


“pu ——”

The killing took place, one after another Liao Family children were slaughtered.

Before that, everyone including Fang Ping had watched the information about the children of Liao Family, so they would not admit it wrong.

Not at all to deal with ordinary persons other than Liao. For disputes between Awakeners, the monster countermeasure department will generally turn a blind eye, because the way of raising gu can cultivate stronger Awakener people, which is more in line with the monster countermeasure department. Interests.

But it is different if a large number of unrelated ordinary persons are affected, causing a huge social impact.

The foundation of He’an Base City lies in these numerous ordinary persons. All aspects of city operation need these ordinary persons. It is precisely because of these many ordinary persons that He’an Base City can operate normally. Therefore, for ordinary persons, monster countermeasures Section is extremely tightly protected.


Holding a rapier in hand, Fang Ping walked among the Liao Family, familiar with the road, as if he had returned to his own home. He has been here many times, and he can’t be familiar with those familiar with it anymore.

“Didn’t you see that this Young Master is busy? Get out.”

Kicked a door open, a pale youngster who had been busy with the creation movement just at night glared at Fang Ping angrily.

Beside him, a tender model covered her body with a blushing face, first covering her chest, but then, with an idea, she hurriedly covered her face.

Let her chest be exposed to the air, at this moment, she probably thinks as long as she can’t see her face.

“Are you deaf? Get out!”

Seeing Fang Ping still didn’t mean to leave, the pale youngster angrily roared.

He simply never thought that Liao Family, the Awakener family, would be attacked. He didn’t even know that Liao Huan’s heaven-supporting pillar Liao Huan was dead, so he didn’t have any fear when he saw Fang Ping, a stranger. Fang Ping is a new Awakener hired by Liao Family.


Fang Ping slashed the rapier in his hand, his face was pale and a blood stain appeared on the youngster’s neck, and blood spattered.

The youngster covered his neck with his hands in horror, trying to say something in his mouth, but he couldn’t say it anymore and fell to the ground with a plop.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

It was not until Fang Ping had walked out of the house that the young model with him let out a horrified cry.

Puff puff–

Going to the next residence of the Liao Family children, Fang Ping carried a rapier and mercilessly killed the Liao Family children.

There is no guilt, he and Liao Family are already irreconcilable. After all, Liao Family should provoke him first, otherwise, given his character, he would never take the initiative.

“There is a Tier 3 Awakener who is leaving from the ground, and there is a secret passage in the villa!”

Suddenly, in his Kenbunshoku Haki perception, a person with the voice of Tier 3 Awakener was quickly escaping through the underground passage.

This person is not Liao Boyun, Liao Boyun’s voice, Fang Ping, has felt it, and it is not like that.

Open the wooden box on the back, take out the Enchanted weapon in the shape of a sniper rifle, locate it through Kenbunshoku Haki, and Fang Ping pull the trigger to shoot.


A black light penetrated the ground and attacked the Tier 3 Awakener. Before the Tier 3 Awakener could react, the black light passed through the body.

The body staggered, and fell to the ground with a puff, not dead, but not far from death.

At the beginning, Fang Ping was not attacked, but was seriously injured and dying from the aftermath. Although the opponent was a Tier 3 Awakener, he was attacked frontally, and the injuries suffered were no less than Fang Ping.

“Really good Enchanted weapon!”

A Tier 3 Awakener can solve it so easily, even Fang Ping himself can’t help but be slightly surprised.

With Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception, coupled with this Enchanted weapon, it can actually have such an effect.

“Fang Ping, why is this Enchanted weapon in your hands?”

Yao Jun just saw it and walked over in surprise.

“It was picked up by Liao Huan’s body.”

Fang Ping didn’t hide it.

Pick it up, Enchanted weapon can also be picked up, and it is still this level?

Yao Jun’s mouth twitched, and he obviously didn’t believe Fang Ping’s truth. Since Fang Ping didn’t want to say it, he wouldn’t ask, but said.

“This Enchanted weapon is called Death God, and it is Ke family’s Enchanted weapon. It’s best not to show it to others, otherwise, if you let Ke family understood, you will definitely ask for it.”

“Ke family?”

Fang Ping was shocked. He originally thought that this Enchanted weapon belonged to Liao Family, but didn’t want it to belong to Ke family.

Liao Huan used this Enchanted weapon to assassinate him, so what role does Ke family play in this?

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