Monster Altar

Chapter 110

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After half an hour, Fang Ping and the Yao Family and Liao Family quickly evacuated. Yao Family Patriarch Yao Tie carried a youngster who was injured and unconscious, it was Liao Boyun.

After leaving, Fang Ping quickly separated from the two forces. The subsequent embezzlement of Liao Family assets did not require his participation. Yao Family and Fan Family are both experienced in this area. He only needs to wait for the final harvest. Row.

When the outside world learned of what happened to the Liao Family, other Awakener families swarmed like sharks smelling blood, and participated in the carve-up feast.

However, Yao Family and Fan Family took the lead, and the two companies joined forces to obtain the biggest gain, including a small planting base operated by Liao Family.

Half a month later, the feast for the carve-up of Liao Family came to an end, Fang Ping added a company with assets of 300010000.

This is a chain restaurant company with branches in many places in He’an Base City. From the book point of view, it can bring about 20010000 yuan of income to Fang Ping every year.

Although it is not cash, it can bring stable income to Fang Ping. From Fang Ping’s point of view, it is really good. A chicken that can lay eggs is obviously better than eggs.

“Who is it?”

Fang Ping, who was developing and tempering his abilities in the courtyard, stopped the development and tempering of his abilities and looked towards the courtyard gate.

Hey, hey, dong!

In just a moment, there was a knock on the door, and there was obviously someone visiting.

“Tier 3 Awakener, who is it?”

Fang Ping walked towards the door. He had already sensed the sound of people outside, one Tier 3 Awakener and two Tier 2 Awakener.

Tier 3 Awakener is no longer a nobody in He’an Base City, but the other party’s voice is very strange, Fang Ping does not know this person.

Opening the door, Fang Ping saw 3 people outside the door. The 2 Tier 2 Awakener were ignored by him. He looked at the Tier 3 Awakener.

Although he is only a Tier 2 Awakener now, neither he nor the outside world treat him as a Tier 2 Awakener.

This is a youngster, with a middle order figure, deep lines, a cold-faced appearance, and a straight suit that makes him look tough.

“Hello, this is Ke Peng from Ke family.”

Seeing Fang Ping opening the door, the youngster is self-introduced.

Ke family?

Fang Ping’s complexion remained unchanged, but thoughts flashed quickly in his mind. Doesn’t the Death God from Liao Huan belong to the Ke family?

What kind of role did the Ke family play in Liao Family’s assassination of him, and what kind of attitude does it look for now?

“I don’t know what you are looking for?”

Fang Ping asked.

“I came for the Enchanted weapon “Death God” of my Ke family. Don’t deny it. My Ke family has investigated this very clearly.”

Don’t give Fang Ping a chance to deny, Ke Peng’s voice definitely said.

“Since it is the Enchanted weapon of your Ke family, why is it in the hands of the Liao Family?”

Without denying, Fang Ping asked coldly on his face.

The other party has already talked about it, which means that the other party is sure that Enchanted weapon Death God has fallen into his hands.

He didn’t think that it was Yao Family and Fan Family who were whispering to Ke family. There were also ordinary persons employed by Liao Family at the scene. After Ke family inquired about these ordinary persons, it was easy to determine whether Enchanted weapon Death God was in In his hands.

“Some time ago, Liao Family borrowed it. After Liao Family was destroyed, my Ke family has been looking for its whereabouts and finally learned that it fell into your hands.”

Having said this, Ke Peng looked sharply at Fang Ping.

“After all, he is belonging to my Ke family. Please return it. Of course, this Enchanted weapon is what you got from Liao Family after all. My Ke family will give you 20010000 as compensation.”

“Lent it to Liao Family? 20010000 as compensation?”

Fang Ping’s face became very cold.

With just a sentence of “Lent to Liao Family”, Liao Family’s assassination of him with Death God was thoroughly evaded, and then 20010000 was used as compensation, and he wanted to recover an Enchanted weapon that could kill the Tier 3 Awakener. Is there such a good thing?

“I don’t care how this Enchanted weapon got into the hands of Liao Family. Since it got into my hands, then he is mine, and has nothing to do with Ke family from then on.”

Fang Ping’s eyes met Ke Peng, his voice was strong.

Not to mention that an Enchanted weapon that can kill a Tier 3 Awakener is not comparable to trifling 20010000. Just relying on this Enchanted weapon can threaten him, he is also impossible to return this Enchanted weapon to the Ke family.

“Are you sure you want to have an antagonism with my Ke family because of an Enchanted weapon?”

Ke Peng’s face became cold.

I originally thought that relying on the power of the Ke family, it would be easy to get the Enchanted weapon Death God back, but didn’t want to, Fang Ping actually refused.

“The last time I spoke to me like this was Liao Family, now Liao Family has been destroyed.”

Fang Ping’s voice is gentle, but what he says makes Ke Peng pupil suddenly shrink.

Regarding the death of Liao Family Patriarch Liao Huan and the demise of Liao Family, the Awakener families were very surprised and shocked. Rumor has it that Liao Family Patriarch Liao Huan died in Hellfire’s hands, but according to the investigation, it is very different from Fang Ping. Relationship.

Moreover, the Ke family who lent Enchanted weapon Death God to Liao Family understood that Liao Family Patriarch Liao Huan wanted to assassinate Fang Ping with Death God. Now Fang Ping is still alive, but Liao Family Patriarch Liao Huan is dead. The reason is thought-provoking.

“If you feel that the compensation is less, you can discuss it.”

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Ke Peng said.

“No, it’s not a question of money.”

Fang Ping directly refused.

If Enchanted weapon Death God cannot pose a threat to him, he does not mind returning Death God to the Ke family if the price is right.

But a special Enchanted weapon that can threaten him, he said is impossible to return it to the Ke family, he doesn’t think he will be lucky to escape next time.

“Are you… sure you don’t think about it again?”

Hearing Fang Ping’s decisive refusal, Ke Peng’s anger came out again.

As a child of the Awakener family, and a genius among them, when other people talked to him, they were all cautious and flattering. When they met Fang Ping, who had a stronger tone than him, he couldn’t help being very annoyed.

“I confirm.”

Watching Ke Peng’s every move, beware of the sudden eruption of the other party, Fang Ping said.

Hearing Fang Ping’s words, Ke Peng’s complexion became ugly, green and red.

The 2 Tier 2 Awakener who followed him all secretly mobilized their abilities. Once Ke Peng shot Fang Ping, he would immediately participate in the siege without the slightest hesitation.

But what surprised the two people and Fang Ping, Ke Peng did not at all, but took a deep breath, suppressing his anger.

“It seems that today is impossible to talk about, then we will talk about it next time.”

Watching Fang Ping, Ke Peng stepped back and left, and the two Tier 2 Awakener who followed him were also guarded to follow and leave.

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