Monster Altar

Chapter 111

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Looking at the three people who left, Fang Ping hesitated slightly, and finally let them leave.

If he pays some “price”, he can indeed keep 3 people, but not at all is too meaningful. The real threat is Patriarch, a Tier 4 Awakener from Ke family.

The 300010000 of the restaurant is a fixed asset. Today, he can use only 20010000. Even if he uses the Beauty of Fitzgerald, it is not enough to deal with a Tier 4 Awakener.

Therefore, he will never be able to take the lead before he is sure that Ke family will deal with him.

With a calm face, Ke Peng returned to the Ke family. Soon after, a high-level meeting was held in the Ke family.

“He refused!”

Ke Peng said solemnly.

“Hmph, fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness.”

A majestic and upright man with deep eye sockets coldly snorted and said.

He is one of the 6 Tier 3 Awakeners in the Ke family, an Awakener at the top of Tier 3.

“It’s indeed too fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness. My Ke family is willing to pay the price to compensate. It already gives him a lot of face, but I still don’t feel satisfied.”

An old man with gold teeth also said.

“Death God must take it back. Since the soft is not good, then the hard will come. Let us go a few more people.”

“Don’t underestimate him, have you forgotten Liao Family’s lessons learned?”

A middle-aged man shook his head.

“The opponent has spatial ability, and without the ability to restrain the spatial ability, no matter how many people there are, it is useless. In the end, it will only be us who will suffer a heavy loss.”

“What should I do?”

Thinking of Fang Ping’s spatial ability, several people frowned. The spatial ability is indeed a very tricky ability. Because of this, Liao Family suffered a heavy loss.

Ke family Patriarch, an old man with white hair but full of energy, he said.

“If you can’t come hard, it’s not at all good for us to hate an Awakener with spatial ability.”

“Patriarch, if this is the case, our Ke family might become the laughingstock of the Awakener family.”

The upright man obviously has some objections.

As an Awakener who is close to Tier 3 at the peak of Tier 4, he is the No. 2 person in the family. Even in the face of Patriarch’s decision, he will oppose it if it feels inappropriate.

“Yeah, Patriarch, if you let it go, other Awakener families might think of us.”

Seeing the upright man opposed, the old man with gold teeth also agreed.

“Other families thought that Liao Huan died in Hellfire’s hands. Do you also think that Liao Huan really died in Hellfire’s hands?”

Ke family Patriarch glanced across the crowd, seemingly pointed.

“Patriarch, Liao Huan borrowed Death God from us and died soon afterwards. There are indeed some weird things in this matter, but it would be too unthinkable to say that this matter was done by Fang Ping.”

“Fang Ping’s current realm is only a Tier 2 Awakener. Even if it has the peak order ability, at most battle strength is comparable to a Tier 3 Awakener. If you want to kill a Tier 4 Awakener, his strength is absolutely impossible. “

Ke Peng looked at Ke family Patriarch in doubt.

“Although it is indeed impossible to kill Liao Huan with Fang Ping’s strength, the other party must be related to this matter. Maybe there is a Tier 4 Awakener behind the other party.”

Ke family Patriarch expression is serious.

“Does this matter just give up like this?”

The upright man expresses unwillingly.

“He has a very close relationship with Yao Family, so tell Yao Family to see if he can get it back.”

Ke family Patriarch said.


A few days later, Fang Ping’s residence, Yao Jun arrived.

“Ke family asked you to be a lobbyist?”

Pour a cup of tea for Yao Jun, Fang Ping asked when the other party was hesitant to speak.

“You guessed it, I did come to be a lobbyist for the Ke family.”

After Fang Ping guessed it, Yao Jun did not hide it, and nodded in confession.

“After being rejected by you, the Ke family came to the Yao Family. After all, the other party is an Awakener family. I can’t refuse. There is no other way but to come.”

“What did the other party say?” Fang Ping asked.

“According to the other party’s opinion, the price is easy to negotiate, even if it is purchased at market price.”

Yao Jun said.

“Of course, Yao Family will support you no matter whether you are willing to sell it or not. Even if you have a bad relationship with the Ke family, Yao Family will be on your side.”

After the incident of Liao Family, Yao Family decided not to make the same mistakes as before and stood firmly on Fang Ping’s side.

Fang Ping was slightly surprised by Yao Family’s attitude. He didn’t expect Yao Family to defend himself so firmly this time, he said.

“In fact, this Enchanted weapon was loaned to Liao Family by Ke family to assassinate me.”

“What? This Enchanted weapon was lent by Ke family to Liao Family to assassinate you?”

Yao Jun was surprised. Yao Family didn’t know the reason. If he knew, he would definitely not come to serve as the lobbyist.

“So, I will not return this Enchanted weapon to the Ke family, not only because of the role that Ke family played in Yao Family’s assassination of me, but also because this Enchanted weapon can threaten me.”

Fang Ping said.

“I see, don’t worry, Yao Family is on your side in this matter.”

The reason for this is understood, Yao Jun naturally understands that Fang Ping is impossible to return this Enchanted weapon to the Ke family, no matter from the emotional aspect or from the aspect of his own safety.

After staying for a while, Yao Jun left and returned to Yao Family. The news he learned from Fang Ping informed Yao Family Patriarch Yao Tie.

“Grandfather, how is Ke family going to reply?”

Yao Jun looked at Yao Tie and asked.

“In this matter, the Ke family was wrong first. No wonder Fang Ping. Naturally, he would reply as he should.”

Yao Tie said without hesitation.

“And I will warn the Ke family and show our Yao Family’s position, Fang Ping, if you ask him to be careful, the Ke family may not give up.”

“Of course, I will send someone to monitor the Ke family. Once I find that they have plans to take action against Fang Ping, I will let you notify Fang Ping. If possible, let him be a guest at Yao Family for a period of time.”

Seeing the great potential of Fang Ping, Yao Tie understood the importance of friendship with Fang Ping, and even on the Ke family, the Awakener family, he chose to unswervingly support Fang Ping.

“I understood.”

Yao Jun nodded in response.

The family can stand on Fang Ping’s side and support Fang Ping, which is what he wants to see most. Now the family makes this choice, he is the happiest.

Soon after, Ke family received news from Yao Family. The news not only questioned the reasons why Ke family lent Enchanted weapon to Liao Family, but also showed support for Fang Ping.

Upon hearing the news of Yao Family, the faces of several senior members of Ke family were all gloomy, but in the end, not at all said that they wanted to take action against Fang Ping.

Not to mention, just a Fang Ping makes them very jealous, and coupled with a Yao Family who firmly supports Fang Ping, even if they are from the Awakener family, they have to be cautious.

In the end, the Ke family chose to put the matter aside for a while, although it did not give up, but did not choose to shoot Fang Ping.

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