Monster Altar

Chapter 112

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He has many powerful abilities, but because the realm is too low, it hinders the formidable power of these abilities. Knowing the realm’s drag on him, Fang Ping devotes himself to the development and tempering of abilities.

2th month of becoming a Tier 11 Awakener.

“Finally arrived at Tier 3!”

Fang Ping, who is developing his abilities, obviously feels that he has broken some kind of shackles, and his body is undergoing a certain transformation.

This kind of transformation is unclear, and there is a tingling sensation all over the body, as if there is a tiny electric current washing his body over and over again.

Every time you wash, your body will become stronger, your physical fitness will be greatly enhanced, and your body will feel lighter.

Naturally, his body did not become lighter. Rather, as the body became stronger and the muscle density increased, his body became heavier instead.

The reason why I feel that my body becomes lighter is that the increase in weight is minimal compared to the increase in strength.

“I became a Tier 3 Awakener in eleven months. I really deserve to be a very excellent Growth innate talent!”

Fang Ping is happy.

Most Awakeners, even those who can be called geniuses like Yao Jun, want to turn from Tier 2 Awakener to Tier 3 Awakener, at least about 2 years, he can become a genius in less than a year Tier 3 Awakener, obviously because of very excellent Growth innate talent.

It took a long time for the transformation of the body to completely end. Fang Ping felt that he had inexhaustible strength all over his body, and his body was as light as if there was no weight.

Hong long long ——

At the moment Fang Ping’s transformation was completed, an earthquake-like rumbling sound rang in Fang Ping’s mind. Fang Ping, who had already experienced it once, immediately realized that the change came from the sacrifice space.

Sure enough, at the next moment, his consciousness was drawn away and entered the sacrifice space, and the sacrifice space was shaking violently as expected.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

The surface of the blood-colored altar again has new blood-colored lines appearing. The blood-colored formation mark that was already extremely complicated has become more complicated.

It took a moment for this change to come to an end, and the sacrifice space returned to calm.

“I don’t know if the conditions of sacrifice have improved as I guessed!”

According to the changes in Monster Altar when it was promoted from Tier 1 Awakener to Tier 2 Awakener, Fang Ping guessed that after the change, Monster Altar’s sacrifice conditions will increase, and the lowest sacrifice conditions are likely to become Tier 3 monsters.

“Is that right? Only when the monsters are hunted and sacrificed can be understood.”

During this period, Fang Ping maintained the frequency of going out to hunt monsters once a month, but his luck was not so good, as if his luck had been defeated by the previous sacrifices.

Three missions failed, and no monsters were found. The other cartoon characters who took out a few times all came from the incompetent ordinary cartoon world and failed to gain new abilities.

However, the sacrifice value has been greatly improved.

Because of the sacrifice value required to activate the various ninjutsu mastered by Namikaze Minato, after some consideration, he decided to ask Yao Family to help purchase the monster corpse.

The large-scale purchase of monster corpses will completely expose the question of where the monster corpse is going. But now, although his strength is not top, his self-protection ability is top, and he does not need to explain the whereabouts of the monster corpse. .

Of course, it would be best if he could explain the whereabouts of the monster’s corpse, but unfortunately, his current ability, not at all, can conceal the whereabouts of the monster’s corpse.

Withdrawing from the sacrifice space, Fang Ping feels his own changes.

Peng –

Lightly stepping on the ground, his body ejected and jumped out of the fence as high as several meters, appearing on the street.

On the street, a pedestrian heard the movement and looked to this side.

Peng –

With a light leap, he rushed back to the yard like lightning. The pedestrians on the street saw only empty places, and almost thought he had heard it wrong.

The realm reaches Tier 3, and the quality of all aspects of the body is horribly enhanced, and flying over the wall becomes a pediatrics. Now he is no different from the Lightweight Art experts in the previous martial arts novels.

“I don’t know if the current realm can use Mangekyo Sharingan?”

Fang Ping opened Sharingan with some expectations, and tried to open Mangekyo Sharingan.

Mangekyo Sharingan, Hokage’s top level of blood inheritance, and Sharingan’s evolutionary form, this is a qualitative leap. When reaching this step, both ability and formidable power will undergo tremendous changes.

In Hokage, many of the famous pupil techniques in the Ninja world are performed by this type of Sharingan.

And this pair of Fang Ping’s eyes are derived from Uchiha Shisui’s eyes. The two kinds of pupil techniques possessed are the other gods and Susanoo. Among them, the other gods are the most important pupil technique of Fang Ping.

Although there is an interval of more than ten years, it is an extremely terrifying pupil technique, which can permanently change the will of others, and is known as the strongest Illusion Technique.


Fang Ping’s eyes, one after another magatama appeared.

A magatama.

2 magatama.

3 magatama.

When the third magatama emerged, the change not at all stopped. The original three magatamas changed in shape, merged together, and finally turned into a weapon shape with four arc-shaped blades.

“Able to use Mangekyo Sharingan!!!”

Feeling the changes in Sharingan, Fang Ping’s face revealed surprise.

Compared with Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan has only a few more words, but the formidable power is too much stronger. It is simply heaven and earth’s difference to separate.

If 3 magatama Sharingan can be evaluated as high order ability, then Mangekyo Sharingan can be evaluated as peak order ability.

“Susanoo ——”

Fang Ping has some impatients using the pupil technique that these eyes have. Other gods cannot use it casually, so he uses Susanoo.

Suddenly, the eyes that had felt a lot of load became heavier, and the eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, as if blood was about to ooze out.

And around Fang Ping, a thick green arm appeared, and several ribs appeared on the right side of the body.

Although the eyes are very uncomfortable, a powerful feeling is floating in Fang Ping’s mind.

He felt that if he took a picture of this palm, this yard and even the house might be completely destroyed under this palm.

Not at all I used Susanoo for a long time. After seeing Susanoo, Fang Ping quickly dismissed Susanoo, even Mangekyo Sharingan.

Unlike Sharingan in the normal state, if it is used for a long time, the eyes will be blind.

“Although you can use Susanoo, you can only use Susanoo in its initial form!”

Susanoo has many forms, and the initial form is the weakest form of formidable power among many forms. Fang Ping is now barely able to use Mangekyo Sharingan, so the displayed Susanoo is only the weakest of Susanoo’s many forms. Kind of form.

But even so, the formidable power possessed is extremely terrifying.

He felt that he now, even if he didn’t use Beauty of Fitzgerald, should have the power to fight Tier 4 Awakener. This is Mangekyo Sharingan, Hokage’s top bloodline.

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