Monster Altar

Chapter 115

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Day 2.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu ——”

Fang Ping knot printing, accompanied by white fog, another Fang Ping appears.

Today is week 6 and he will be attending a banquet with Yao Jun and Yao Ting, but this does not mean that he has to stop the Flying Thunder God Jutsu cultivation, the effect of Shadow Clone will be revealed at this time.

He can go to the banquet by himself, let the Shadow Clone cultivation Flying Thunder God Jutsu at home, participate in the banquet and cultivation Flying Thunder God Jutsu 2 without fail.

Originally, he thought about developing his Shadow Clone ability at home to hunt monsters, but unfortunately, this method is not feasible.

After Shadow Clone is created, half of his body energy will be divided, and then Shadow Clone’s body energy will be consumed until it is completely exhausted.

It takes at least a few days to hunt a monster at a time. For such a long time, if the monster has not been found, the Shadow Clone may have exhausted its body energy and disappeared, so it is not feasible to hunt the monster with Shadow Clone.

Towards noon, a limousine parked in front of Fang Ping with Yao Jun and Yao Ting in the car.


Yao Jun greeted Fang Ping. Fang Ping was not polite. He opened the car door and sat in. The car was larger, and it didn’t seem crowded even if there were 3 people in the back row.

Yao Jun wears a white shirt inside and a black dress outside with a black bow tie at the neckline.

Yao Ting wears an elegant purple dress with a bright deep V shape on the chest, a touch of whiteness is clearly visible.

“Some who attended?”

Fang Ping asked.

He wanted to relax, so he agreed. He didn’t know what kind of banquet he was going to attend.

“The banquet is hosted by several children of the Awakener family, and belongs to our younger generation.”

Yao Ting said.

Because of the distance she was too close, a faint incense came from her body into Fang Ping’s nose.

After traveling for half an hour, the car stopped at a hotel. After the invitation was submitted, the three people came to the banquet hall under the guidance of the waiter.

There were already many people in the huge banquet hall. As Yao Ting said, it was a youngster party, and all the people present were youngsters.

“Young master Jun, Miss Ting, Young master Fang.”

Seeing Fang Ping 3 people, someone immediately came to greet them.

Yao Jun and Yao Ting are the children of the Awakener family. Naturally, many people know them. Although Fang Ping is not a child of the Awakener family, he is known for his excellent innate talent and peak order ability. Few people know him.

“He is also here, I hope there will be no trouble!”

Looking at the youngster in the banquet hall, Fang Ping saw a youngster with a stern figure in the middle order 5 and raised his eyebrows impenetrably.

This youngster was the Ke family Ke Peng who had met once and asked him for Enchanted weapon “Death God”.

The communication with the other party at that time can’t be called pleasant, I don’t know if the other party will trouble him at this banquet.

“Don’t worry, this banquet is jointly organized by the children of multiple Awakener families. He doesn’t dare to mess around.”

Yao Jun also found Ke Peng and assured Fang Ping.

“I know.”

Fang Ping nodded, he was not afraid of Ke Peng, he was not afraid of each other a few months ago, even more how is now a Tier 3 Awakener.

The reason the expression changes after seeing each other is simply because I hate trouble.

Fang Ping 3 people noticed Ke Peng, Ke Peng naturally noticed Fang Ping 3 people, at this time, he was carrying red wine with 2 youngsters, a man and a woman.

“Ke family’s Death God is in his hands?”

The man among the two youngsters, one man and one woman, asked some curiosity.

His name is Gong Chengzhi and he is an outstanding child of the Gong Family of Awakener family. The relationship with Yao Family and Fan Family is the same as that of Gong Family and Ke family.

The woman next to her is Gong Yaohe, a cousin of him who is already engaged to Ke Peng.


Seeing Fang Ping, Ke Peng’s originally smiling face sank.

The Enchanted weapon Death God matter is a shame for the Ke family.

Because of Fang Ping’s ability and Yao Family’s warning, Ke family failed to recover the missing Enchanted weapon. Although it tried to block the news, the news was still leaked. For this reason, Ke family was often ridiculed by other Awakener families. .

“Fang Ping has done a bit too much.”

Because of the marriage relationship with the Ke family, Gong Chengzhi is naturally on the side of the Ke family, he frowned and said.

“Do you need my help to put pressure? With my Gong Family and your Ke family putting pressure together, it should be able to make him jealous, maybe he will take the initiative to hand over the Enchanted weapon.”

Gong Chengzhi confidently proposed.


Ke Peng obviously has some intentions. There is pressure from Gong Chengzhi’s Gong Family and his Ke family, even Yao Family has to consider carefully.

After all, Yao Family does not have the ability to fight with two Awakener families at the same time. Maybe it can really force Fang Ping to surrender the Enchanted weapon Death God.

Suddenly, when he saw his fiancee next to him, his face was pale, and sweat faintly appeared on his forehead, he couldn’t help but asked worriedly.

“Yaohe, what’s the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable?”

Although he is a marriage partner, he is quite satisfied with this fiancee. Not only is he beautiful, but he is also quite temperamental, which is in line with his aesthetic concept.

Gong Yaohe shook his head, took a few deep breaths, his eyes trembled and his voice was shocked.

“Tier 3 Awakener, he is Tier 3 Awakener…”

“Tier 3 Awakener, which one is Tier 3 Awakener?”

Ke Peng asked doubtfully.

“Fang Ping, Fang Ping is a Tier 3 Awakener!”

Gong Yaohe’s voice was full of shock.

“What? He is already a Tier 3 Awakener, how could he, he has only been a Tier 2 Awakener for a year, how can he become a Tier 3 Awakener so quickly?”

Looking at Gong Yaohe, the expression on Ke Peng’s face was shocked.

As far as he knows, his fiancee has perceptual abilities and can perceive the realm of other Awakener people. The words spoken by her are extremely reliable, which means that Fang Ping is probably already Tier 3 Awakener.

It is actually only a year from Tier 2 Awakener to Tier 3 Awakener, this growth rate has surpassed him, and it is slightly slower than Xiang Qiu.

After the consternation, his heart was filled with fear.

The Tier 3 Awakener is not terrifying, the terrifying is the Tier 3 Awakener who has more battle strength.

When you were a Tier 2 Awakener, you already had the battle strength of a Tier 3 Awakener by virtue of the peak order ability. Now that the realm reaches the Tier 3 Awakener, the opponent may already have a Tier 4 Awakener battle strength.

Tier 4 battle strength is owned by Patriarch in the entire Ke family. If the opponent uses the space ability to sneak attack, even Patriarch cannot guarantee that it will be fine.

“Fortunately, no tough methods were used!”

At this moment, he was extremely grateful that Ke family did not use strong means to retake Death God, otherwise, Ke family would be in danger.

“Uh… this wine is good.”

Next to him, Gong Chengzhi held a red wine glass and coughed, never mentioning what happened just now.

On behalf of the family, pressure a person with Tier 4 Awakener battle strength?

He will do this only when his head is pretty funny.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but wonder if the marriage between the family and Ke family was right or wrong?

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