Monster Altar

Chapter 116

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“Abandon, I’ll go to the toilet!”

With cold sweat on his forehead, Ke Peng walked to the bathroom slightly in a panic.

After entering the bathroom, he quickly took out the phone and dialed Patriarch’s phone.

The fact that Fang Ping became a Tier 3 Awakener was undoubtedly an emergency situation for the Ke family who was afflicted with Fang Ping, so he couldn’t wait for the end of the banquet, so he called immediately to report to Patriarch.

“what’s up?”

On the other end of the phone, Ke family Patriarch’s voice rang, his voice calm and steady.

As the Patriarch of the Awakener family, a Tier 4 Awakener, he has seen too many ups and downs, and it is very difficult for him to have emotional fluctuations.

“Fang Ping becomes a Tier 3 Awakener!”

Ke Peng said quickly.

“Sure… Did you make a mistake?”

At the other end of the phone, the calm voice was absent, and Ke family Patriarch’s voice was solemn.

Just as Ke Peng thought, a Tier 4 Awakener whose battle strength is comparable to a Tier 3 Awakener is already an emergency for the Ke family. If it is careless, the Ke family will be in a very unfavorable situation. Ke family Patriarch can no longer remain calm.

“Yaohe said that she has the ability to perceive and can perceive the realm of the Awakener. It shouldn’t be mistaken.”

Ke Peng explained.


Hearing his explanation, there was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and it took a long time before there was a voice again.


The voice was sighing and helpless.

“Patriarch, do you mean…?”

Ke Peng asked.

“For an Enchanted weapon, it is not worthwhile to have an affair with an Awakener who has a battle strength comparable to Tier 4 and has great potential. To apologize to show the Ke family’s apology.”

“Yes, I understand!”

Ke Peng sighed in relief.

After learning that Fang Ping is already a Tier 3 Awakener, and probably already possesses Tier 4 battle strength, he felt a great deal of pressure. Now that he learned that Patriarch had decided to apologize to Fang Ping, he felt relieved.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, he had to admit that the other party was someone he never wanted to be an enemy with. Now that the family has chosen to compromise and no longer stand on the opposite side of the other party, his mood suddenly became relaxed.

Leaving the bathroom and returning to the banquet hall, Ke Peng looked in the banquet hall, and soon found Fang Ping, took a deep breath, and he walked over.

“Hey, there is a good show to watch!”

“A Tier 3 Awakener, one is Tier 2, but the battle strength is not weaker than Tier 3. I don’t know who is stronger among these two people?”

The fact that Ke family and Fang Ping had a bad relationship is not a secret among the Awakener family. Many children of the Awakener family are aware of it.

So when he saw Ke Peng walking towards Fang Ping, many children of the Awakener family showed an expression of interest.

“Ke Peng, what do you mean?”

Seeing Ke Peng walking by, Fang Ping’s face didn’t change much, but Yao Jun’s face became cold.

Not long ago, he assured Fang Ping that Ke Peng would never dare to pick things in such a place, but he didn’t want to pick things up in the past ten minutes. This is not to hit him, Yao Family Eldest Young Master in the face. ?

“Young master Jun misunderstood. I never meant to pick something up. The last time I had some discomfort with Fang Ping, I came to accompany him or not.”

Ke Peng gave a wry smile and said sincerely.


Yao Jun was about to stare out and looked at Ke Peng, not only him, but also the people around him who were watching here enthusiastically.

I originally thought that there would be a wonderful conflict, which might even trigger a collision between “Tier 3”, but I didn’t want to. It seemed that the imposing manner wanted to provoke the people.

“Are you sure you are here to compensate?”

Yao Jun corner of the mouth twitched, and looked at Ke Peng carefully. There is nothing wrong with this guy’s mind.

“I confirm.”

Ke Peng’s face was a little red, and so many people stared at him with strange gazes. No matter how thick his face was, he would definitely be sorry, even more how his face was never thick.

Ke Peng looked at Fang Ping and said after receiving the wine glass in the tray of a waiter.

“The last time I was offended, I am here to apologize to you. On behalf of Ke family, I assure you that Ke family never meant to be your enemy.”

Taking a closer look at the other party, Fang Ping picked up the wine glass and lightly touched the other party’s wine glass.

“It’s okay, just let it go.”

Although I don’t know why, it is obvious that Ke family chose to compromise and retreat in the conflict with him.

Although he is already a Tier 3 Awakener, his battle strength can even reach Tier 4 when he uses Susanoo, but he is unwilling to engage with an Awakener family unless it is necessary.

Since Ke family is willing to compromise and retreat, he naturally accepts it if he sees it well.

“many thanks.”

After Fang Ping’s understanding, a boulder in Ke Peng’s heart finally fell. After nodding to Fang Ping, he didn’t stay in the banquet hall for a long time, so he left the banquet hall straight away.

“What is going on, why did Ke family compromise suddenly?”

Both Yao Jun and Yao Ting looked at Fang Ping in amazement. Not only them, but other people around them also listened carefully, trying to understand why the Ke family took the initiative to give in.

“I don’t know, maybe I want to open it!”

Fang Ping shrugged, expressing that love is helpless.

He really didn’t know how Ke family gave up suddenly, so it was useless to ask him for an explanation. Although there were some speculations, he was not sure if it was the reason.

In a corner of the banquet hall, Gong Chengzhi and Gong Yaohe knew why the Ke family did this, but they naturally couldn’t tell the reason when Fang Ping was there.

After all, if Fang Ping intentionally concealed that he was already a Tier 3 Awakener, wouldn’t it offend Fang Ping?


Early in the morning, a long convoy arrived at He’an Base City and drove into He’an Base City.

The team came from Shuangfeng Base City, which is adjacent to He’an Base City.

Due to the destruction of Hellfire, large areas of crops in the No. 3 plantation base were damaged, and grain production was greatly reduced, which is no longer enough to supply the more than 100 10000 people in He’an base city.

For this reason, He’an Base City purchased a large amount of grain from the neighboring Shuangfeng Base City. This convoy is a convoy that transports grain.

In a motorhome in the fleet, more than ten youngsters sit or lie down.

“Finally here, I already have some impatients!”

A long-haired young man sitting by the car window, looking at the streets of He’an Base City outside, slightly expectant.

“Don’t expect too much. The Morning Star powerhouse has not been born in He’an Base City for many years, and it has fallen.”

A woman with slanting hair shook her head.

“I hope it’s not too weak, otherwise it won’t be challenging at all!”

A tall young man touched his bald head and said.

The reason why they appeared in this team was because they took the task of escorting food, but for them, escorting food was only incidental. The real goal was to challenge the peer Awakener in He’an Base City.

Fighting is the best way to develop and temper your abilities, and fighting with your peers can more stimulate the sense of competition and play a better role in developing and tempering your abilities.

So they came, to use their peers among the Awakener in He’an Base City to sharpen themselves.

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