Monster Altar

Chapter 117

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After being invited by Yao Jun and Yao Ting to attend the banquet, Fang Ping did not go out anymore and devoted himself to the cultivation of Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

I cultivated at the same time as Shadow Clone, and the progress of the cultivation was obviously faster than the independent cultivation.

Unfortunately, what Shadow Clone gains is only cultivation experience, and it is not able to temper the body in the process of developing and tempering abilities, so as to improve the realm.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu can be used in actual combat in up to a week, but what kind of weapon is used to carry the flying thunder divine technique is a good consideration.”

The divine technique of Fei Lei is a kind of imprint. In addition to the personal erasure, once the imprint is imprinted, it is difficult for outsiders to remove it.

In Hokage, Uchiha’s soil body was once branded with the flying thunder divine technique by Namikaze Minato, but it was not cleared until he became the help of the ten-tailed man.

However, there is a prerequisite, that is, as the carrier of the flying thunder divine technique, it is not destroyed. If the carrier is destroyed, the flying thunder divine technique is naturally impossible to preserve.

“General metal is definitely not good enough, it is not hard enough, it is easy to be destroyed, it is best to use the metal refined Enchanted weapon.”

“This kind of metal should be collected by the Awakener family? I don’t know if I can buy some from Yao Jun or Fan Xuan. Hey, after paying for the Tier 4 monster corpse, there are 400,000 left in the bank card. I don’t know enough. not enough?”

Thinking that there were only 400,000 left in the bank card, Fang Ping suddenly couldn’t help but feel a little uncertain.

With his current status in He’an Base City, if he goes to Yao Family or Fan Family to buy, he should be able to buy it. His only worry is whether the remaining 400,000 in the bank card will be enough to pay.

Needless to say, the metal that can build Enchanted weapon is precious, and his demand is still a bit large, 400,000 may not be enough to pay.

At noon, Fang Ping stopped for lunch and opened the local forum with his mobile phone.

“Chen Xing Lost the Alien Awakener”

“Peng Chong and Foreign Awakener who both sides suffer”

“Yan Xue defeats the foreign Awakener”

“Foreign Awakener Challenge Xiang Qiu”


The forum is very lively, full of posts about foreign Awakener.

“Shuangfeng Base City?”

Feel free to click on a post, and Fang Ping read it.

In recent days, some young Awakeners have been challenged by young Awakeners from Shuangfeng Base City. Losing more than winning. For a while, the sound of “wolf is coming” spread among the Awakener’s circles in He’an Base City. Open.

“I hope there will be no trouble coming!”

After browsing for a while, Fang Ping closed the local forum.

These young Awakeners from Shuangfeng Base City are all challenged by the well-known Awakener in He’an Base City. It is not that he feels good about himself. Now he is indeed quite famous among the He’an Base City. This means that he is also likely to be the target of these people.

In the afternoon, Fang Ping continued to cultivation Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

A taxi approached his residence, stopped in front of him, and walked down a youngster.

Youngster glanced at the house number, stepped forward, and knocked on Fang Ping’s courtyard door.

“Thank you!”

Fang Ping, who was cultivating Flying Thunder God Jutsu, stopped the cultivation. He was far away and he had already sensed the youngster. He hoped that the other party was not coming at him, but unfortunately things went against his wish. The other side obviously came at him.

Fang Ping did not leave the house himself, but instead sent Shadow Clone to open the door.

When the door opened, Fang Ping saw a youngster wearing tight sportswear. The youngster’s hands were larger than ordinary people, hanging on the 2 sides of his body, which was very eye-catching.

“Are you Fang Ping?”

Seeing Fang Ping, the youngster asked.

“No, you found the wrong person.”

Fang Ping denied that he is indeed not Fang Ping now, he is just Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone.

“Sorry, I made a mistake.”

Youngster apologized, and took out his phone to look in confusion, next moment said angrily.

“No, you are Fang Ping!”

“I just look like Fang Ping.”

Fang Ping said without blushing, because Shadow Clone certainly looks alike.

“Whether you are Fang Ping or not, fight with me.”

youngster angrily said.

“I’m not interested, you can find someone else.”

Fang Ping decisively refused.

“Can’t help you!”

The youngster coldly snorted, volleyed a claw, and grabbed Fang Ping.

As his hand grabbed towards Fang Ping, a giant translucent hand condensed in the air and grabbed towards Fang Ping.

Void Hand, this is one of his abilities. It can condense the Void Giant Hand with powerful attack power, which can be used for attack and restraint.

“Want to force me to do nothing?”

Seeing the attacking giant hand of the void, Fang Ping’s eyes showed coldness, and the flame rose up in front of him, burning towards the giant hand of the void.


The giant hand of the void was blocked and burned and disappeared under the raging flames.

“Sure enough, you can fight Tier 2 with Tier 3!”

Seeing the giant hand of the void burned with flames by Fang Ping, the young man was not surprised but delighted.

He is a Tier 3 Awakener. The reason why he came to Fang Ping is because there are rumors in He’an Base City that Fang Ping can fight Tier 2 against Tier 3, so he came.

Now that Fang Ping can really fight Tier 2 against Tier 3, he can’t help being excited. This is the opponent he wants.

Huh, huh—

He waved his left and right hands together, and two more huge and solid void giant hands appeared, like two huge grinding discs, slapped towards Fang Ping.

Boom, boom——

Fang Ping was filled with flames in front of him, and two flames spread out, hitting the two giant void hands, and there was a loud bang.

However, the expected crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood not at all appeared, and the spreading flames stalemate with the giant hand of the void.

Fang Ping’s Mera Mera no Mi ability is known for its powerful formidable power in the same realm, and can be classified as a high order ability. With the realm of Fang Ping Tier 3 Awakener, the formidable power can be imagined.

And the opponent’s Void Giant Hand can actually stalemate with the flame of Mera Mera no Mi’s ability, which shows that the opponent’s ability must also be a high order ability.

“Can block the hand of the void that I urge with all my strength? Haha, it’s right!”

Fang Ping was surprised. The young man was even more surprised. After being surprised, he was surprised. Only such an opponent has the meaning of challenge. If it is too weak, there is no sense of tempering.

“hmph -“

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows slightly, but he had no intention of being a sparring partner.

Suddenly, the flames all over him disappeared, and then Bai Sensen’s cold air suddenly spread around him, and a large amount of ice spread.

2 The giant hand that blocked the Mera Mera no Mi ability was instantly frozen by the ice.

Not only that, but the ice spread to the young man, freezing the young man before the young man could react, leaving only his head outside.

The Hie Hie no Mi ability is equivalent to the lava fruit ability, and the formidable power is also above the Mera Mera no Mi ability. Even if it does not have the peak order ability level, it must be very close to that.

As soon as it is used, it shows amazing formidable power, which not only blocks the attack of the young man, but also subdues the young man in an instant.

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