Monster Altar

Chapter 118

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Oh, pā, pā!

Fang Ping kept his face cold, and walked towards the young man step by step.

The young man’s face was terrifying pale, some were chilled, some were frightened.

He originally thought he would be an evenly matched opponent, but he didn’t want to be a monster. He was also quite strong among Tier 3 Awakener, but he was subdued in an instant.

“You are…Tier 3 Awakener!”

Frozen with a long nose, the youngster looked at Fang Ping in horror.

Even if it is the peak order ability, at most it has leapfrog battle strength. It is impossible to easily crush a Tier 3 Awakener like him as it is now.

So the opponent must be Tier 3 Awakener.

“I want to find someone to fight and find someone else. I have no time to play with you!”

When he walked to the side of the young man and stared at the young man like a falcon, Fang Ping warned coldly.

Turning around, Fang Ping returned to the yard. Behind him, the ice melted and the bondage of the young man was lifted, but the young man had no fighting intent at all.

“In addition to Xiang Qiu, there is such a terrifying guy among the younger generation in He’an Base City!”

Looking at Fang Ping’s back with lingering fear, the young man hurriedly left here.

He really wanted to sharpen himself by fighting with fellow Awakener, but this kind of battle is not sharpening at all, but just being crushed unilaterally.

After sending home to challenge the youngster, Fang Ping continued to practice Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

The Tier 3 Awakener who solved the door-to-door challenge by just sending a Shadow Clone, this is his current strength.

A week later.

The hands of Fang Ping and Shadow Clone quickly clicked on a piece of ice in the courtyard, and on the ice, a complete flying thunder divine technique appeared one after another.

“Finally reached 100% success rate!”

After a long time, Fang Ping stopped, and the ice was full of flying thunder divine technique.

Flying Thunder divine technique style drawing has been able to achieve 100% success rate, which means Flying Thunder God Jutsu can finally be used in actual combat.

“The next step is to find the right metal, build a flying knife, and use it as a carrier for the divine technique.”

Fang Ping makes the ice full of flying thunder divine technique melt and disappear. Namikaze Minato uses karma as the carrier, and he intends to use flying knives as the carrier because it is lighter and saves materials.

“400,000 may not be enough, but it’s not enough. I have to pay on credit. Now that there are restaurant chains, I don’t worry about it.”

After taking out the phone, Fang Ping called Yao Jun.

“Hey, Fang Ping, how do you remember… call me?”

It took a while before the call was connected. On the other end of the call, Yao Jun was panting heavily, as if he had just performed some kind of extremely vigorous exercise, and a woman’s voice was faintly nearby.

Needless to think, Fang Ping could also guess what Yao Jun was doing just now, and he was not surprised about it, because he had encountered similar things many times, so he asked directly.

“Ask you, if Yao Family can refine Enchanted weapon metal, I want to buy one.”

“The metal for refining Enchanted weapon? Yao Family is no longer available. It did exist some time ago, but it is used to refining Enchanted weapon.”

Yao Jun said.

“Need me to help you contact other Awakener families to buy?”

“No, I have their contact information, you should do your business first.”

Fang Ping rejected Yao Jun’s kindness, but didn’t want to be resented by a young woman.

At the last banquet, because the children of the Awakener family deliberately made friends, he received many business cards from the children of the Awakener family, which just happened to be useful at this time.

Hanging up Yao Jun’s call, Fang Ping took out his mobile phone to search for it, stopped in front of a name, and dialed it.


Soon after, a woman’s voice sounded, soft and pleasant, just like the song of 100 spirit birds.

The owner of the phone number is Fan Xuan.

“Beauty Fan, didn’t you bother you?”

Fang Ping cracking a joke.

“You have such a sweet mouth, do you beg me for something?”

On the other end of the phone, Fan Xuan slightly smiled, as if he had seen the truth.


Fang Ping’s voice stopped, slightly helplessly said.

“Do you know that a woman who is too smart can easily fail to marry?”


“Because it’s too smart to cheat.”

“Obviously being praised, why am I not happy?”

On the other end of the phone, Fan Xuan’s voice didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Say, what’s the matter?”

“Does Fan Family have any metal to refine Enchanted weapon? I want to buy one.”

“Metal for refining Enchanted weapon? Wait a moment, I’ll ask.”

After a while, Fan Xuan’s voice sounded again.

“Yes, come here, do you know the place?”


Fang Ping nodded, adding in his heart, not only knew he had been here several times.

Driving a small truck, Fang Ping came to the Fan Family Villa in a familiar way. This time, he is no longer Doa Doa no Mi, but just and honorable.


Fan Xuan took Fang Ping into the villa, and the other party was wearing a yellow suspender skirt with large expanses of white skin exposed.

It is completely different from the usual attire. It is a home-style dress, which is beautiful and at the same time a bit lazy.

Under the leadership of the other party, Fang Ping saw an Old Lady who looked more than 60 years old. This person was Fan Family Patriarch Fan Qinlian, a Tier 4 Awakener who was not weaker than Yao Tie.

“Old Fan.”

Fang Ping greeted him, he had met each other at Yao Jun’s engagement banquet.

Fan Qinlian the face shows a smile and greeted Fang Ping, and then she opened a safe in the room.

In the safe, there are 5 pieces of metal with different colors and shapes.

“It’s all here, you pick it yourself!”

Fang Ping looked at these 5 metals. He had already learned a lot of relevant knowledge and immediately recognized that these 5 metals are precious metals that can be used to refine Enchanted weapon.

One piece of scarlet metal is even a precious metal enough to refine Tier 3 enchanted artifacts.

“Old Fan, can you sell me this piece of metal?”

Not at all Choose scarlet metal. Fang Ping chose a piece of purple metal weighing more than a dozen kilograms. This metal is called purple iron and is a metal that can refine Tier 1 enchanted artifact.

He does not at all intend to refine Enchanted weapon, this level of metal is enough.

“This piece of metal totals 13 kilograms. When you bought it, it cost 3810000 yuan. You can pay it at this price.”

“many thanks.”

Fang Ping thanked him. Originally, he was worried that he was not prepared enough to owe the credit, but now it seems that he doesn’t need it.

Only after purchasing this time, he is almost bankrupt, and the cash that can be withdrawn is only 2 yuan.

After thanking him again, Fang Ping said goodbye and left. He had already impatiently wanted to melt this piece of metal into a flying knife, and turn it into a flying thunder divine technique-style carrier.

Fang Ping left, Fan Qinlian looked at Fan Xuan, and said with deep meaning.

“What do you think of him?”

Fan Xuan can naturally hear the meaning of the other party’s words, and think about it for a moment.

“it’s OK.”

“That’s good.”

Fan Qinlian smiled satisfied.

With the innate talent shown by Fan Xuan, Fan Family is naturally impossible to marry him, and the final choice must be to hire a son-in-law.

And Fang Ping, who is not a child of the Awakener family and has an innate talent no weaker than the outstanding children of the Awakener family, is undoubtedly a good choice.

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