Monster Altar

Chapter 120

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“Who is this person? I dare to challenge Fang Ping.”

This is the place where the Monster Countermeasures Division took Bounty Mission. Naturally, there is no shortage of Awakener. Hearing that some people are going to challenge Fang Ping, many people showed a surprised look.

Fang Ping is quite well-known among the Awakener circle. Not only is the innate talent good, but also has the peak order ability, able to compete with Tier 2 and Tier 3. At this time, I was surprised to see someone daring to challenge Fang Ping.

“I recognize this person. His name is Jiang Lunli. He is from Shuangfeng Base City. He challenged and defeated Yao Jun a few days ago.”

There is Awakener who said.

“Yes, it’s him, I happened to be there at the time.”

Those with Awakener were also recognized.

“Even Yao Jun of Tier 3 Awakener was defeated by him. It’s a little overwhelming. I’m afraid Fang Ping will not be his opponent.”

Those who have Awakener are not optimistic about Taoism.

“Fang Ping will fight Jiang Lunli at the Gymnasium next to the Monster Strategy Division”

Some Awakener users took out their mobile phones to initiate posts on local forums. As soon as the posts were posted, there were many replies, and some people said they were ready to watch them.

“They’re gone, keep up!”

Seeing Fang Ping’s departure, almost all Awakeners followed along. Tier 3 Awakener level battles are rare, and they naturally won’t miss it.

ding ding ding ~!

Not long after stepping out of the monster countermeasures department, Fang Ping and Jiang Lunli’s cell phones rang almost simultaneously.

Fang Ping connected the phone, and Yao Jun’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

“I heard that you are going to fight Jiang Lunli?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

Fang Ping asked doubtfully.

“It’s gone crazy on the Internet. I’m rushing over now. Can you discuss with him and postpone the fight for half an hour?”

Yao Jun said.

“I will discuss with him!”

Fang Ping responded and hung up.

On the other side, Jiang Lunli also hung up the phone almost at the same time. Before Fang Ping could speak, the other party had already spoken first.

“My friend is rushing over, can you postpone it for half an hour?”

“no problem.”

This is exactly what Fang Ping wants, and Fang Ping naturally has no reason not to agree.

Half an hour later, there were more than 100 people in the gym next to the monster countermeasures department, and more than 1 people were coming.

Among these people, there are Fiend Hunter and the children of the Awakener family.

“Beat him fiercely!”

Yao Jun had already arrived, his face was excited.

A few days ago, he suffered a lot from Jiang Lunli’s hands. Now that Fang Ping is about to fight Jiang Lunli, he can’t help being excited.

Although Jiang Lunli is very strong, he is confident in Fang Ping.

Fang Ping is a person who has surpassed Tier 4 monsters without any damage. No matter how strong Jiang Lunli is, can he be better than Tier 4 monsters?

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd, and many people looked towards the entrance, Fang Ping and Yao Jun also looked over.

Several young men and women walked into the gymnasium. Among them, the youngster was 1.8 metres tall, with a tall slender figure and a black hair covering his left eye. He was the well-deserved Number One Person Xiang Qiu of the younger generation in He’an Base City.

“Your face is big enough, he is here!”

Seeing Xiang Qiu, Yao Jun was surprised at first, then sighed.

Although Xiang Qiu is the same generation as them, they are far behind in terms of strength and status. Even the grandfather of Tier 4 Awakener has to be polite.

“I didn’t expect to attract him.”

Fang Ping’s face also sighed.

Although he is now a Tier 3 Awakener, after using the Mangekyo Sharingan pupil technique, the battle strength is even enough to reach Tier 4, but he still has no confidence in defeating the opponent.

The opponent has become a Tier 4 Awakener for 2 years, and within 2 years, the opponent will certainly not stand still.

Moreover, the ability of the opponent is also not weak. There are rumors that the ability obtained when the opponent becomes a Tier 4 Awakener, even if it is not a peak order ability, is necessarily a high order ability.

The last time I participated in the siege of Tier 5 monsters, the opponent used this ability to severely damage Tier 5 monsters. It is conceivable that this ability is powerful.

If you use Mangekyo Sharingan’s pupil technique to defeat the other gods, you should be able to defeat it, but he and the opponent lacking hatred and enmity, naturally it is impossible to use the other gods’ pupil technique on the opponent.

Looking away, Fang Ping walked towards the center of the stadium.

The entire stadium is surrounded by walls for 4 weeks, and inside is a huge grassland with an area of ​​2 square meters.

Jiang Lunli also came over.

“let’s start!”

Fang Ping made a sound, and then the two people moved.


Jiang Lunli silhouette turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Fang Ping.

In just an instant, he had crossed a few ten meters distance and approached Fang Ping.

Speed, this is one of his abilities. He possesses this ability. Few people in the same realm can match him in speed.


A long knife came out of its sheath, and the blue lightning flashed on the knife, as if it was wrapped around one blue thunder snake.

This is his second ability, capable of attaching the power of Thunder and Lightning to the weapon, even if it is an ordinary weapon, he can also have the formidable power like Enchanted weapon in his hand.

Fang Ping has a small reputation among the Awakener circle, and the information about him can be easily found. He has seen it before.

Among them was the introduction of physical immunity. Knowing this, he would naturally not use pure physical attacks.


The action of drawing the knife and attacking is in one go, the long knife wrapped in lightning quickly cuts towards Fang Ping.


Fang Ping seemed to have no reaction, and was cut by a long knife, but Jiang Lunli, who cut out this blade, was slightly surprised.

This blade is empty, and the image just now was only an afterimage. The real Fang Ping has appeared on his left side, and the right hand is shooting a blazing flame of high temperature towards him.


A flash, he passed the flame pillar.

The flame column spread forward, leaving a straight black mark on the grass. Plants along the way turned into ashes, and the soil showed signs of high temperature melting.

After avoiding the flame column, he was already close to Fang Ping, holding the knife and cutting towards Fang Ping again, but he cut a hole again.

Fang Ping had already left the place and appeared on the other side. The right hand turned into a giant flame fist and extended to hit him.


The flame fist hit the ground, the mud splashed, and a scorched pothole appeared on the ground.

And he quickly avoided before that.

Hey, hey, sou!

Lightning flickered and flames flickered. This was a speed battle. Fang Ping and Jiang Lunli quickly attacked and avoided.

“2 people are so fast, if I go up, I’m afraid I will lose if I meet up!”

“It is normal for Jiang Lunli to have this kind of speed. After all, he is a Tier 3 Awakener of the speed type, but Fang Ping’s speed is not slower than Jiang Lunli. Is he really just a Tier 2 Awakener?”

Many people onlookers were surprised.

In the eyes of Xiang Qiu and a few children of the Awakener family, they are looking thoughtful.

Some time ago, there were rumors that Fang Ping was already a Tier 3 Awakener, but now it seems to be true, and the ability of the opponent to become a Tier 3 Awakener’s Awakener is probably a speed type ability.

Hula –

A wall of flames spread forward, covering a large area and burning towards Jiang Lunli.


Unable to evade, Jiang Lunli lightning’s long knife slashed straight into the flame wall, and the flame wall was split apart.

At this moment, Fang Ping appeared behind the wall of flames and kicked him, kicking him upside down.


Fang Ping dodges, at a speed no slower than Tier 3 Awakener, and quickly chases up to Jiang Lunli, who is flying backwards. The right hand turns into a giant flame fist and stretches towards Jiang Lunli.

He is indeed a Tier 3 Awakener, but not at all Awakener’s speed type ability. The reason why he can have such speed is because of the D-level ninjutsu Body flicker technique.

The general skill battle method can be obtained by obtaining the corresponding innate talent or ability, but ninjutsu is different. To obtain it, not only the corresponding innate talent is required, but also the sacrifice value is activated.

Although the conditions obtained are very demanding, its power is obvious.

They are not pure skills, but a kind of “skills”, a kind of detachment skills that are almost equivalent to abilities.

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