Monster Altar

Chapter 121

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Peng –

When he fell to the ground, Jiang Lunli rolled over and climbed up, seeing the huge flame fist coming from an extended beating, his complexion condensed slightly and he slammed on the ground.

The ground shook, and then cracked a gap of more than ten meters long, and lava emerged and turned into a lava giant 7 meters high. The lava giant hand stretched out to grab the flame giant fist.


The giant hand of lava grabbed the giant flame fist in his hand, squeezed it suddenly, the giant flame fist collapsed, and the flames splashed in 4 spots.

Although the giant hand of lava was damaged, it quickly recovered with the supplement of the ground lava.

Lava giant, this is his third ability, can summon a powerful lava giant with offensive power.

With this ability, his attack power is even enough to reach the peak of Tier 3 Awakener. Once there was a Tier 3 Awakener, he was defeated under his ability.

“Xiao Lili is finally willing to take a serious shot!”

In the stadium stand, Shi Junling stayed with several youngsters in Shuangfeng Base City. Among these youngsters, the leader was a young woman.

The young woman has an oval face, her hair is slightly slanted, and she wears a red leather jacket and tights. Although her appearance is not as good as Fan Xuan and Yan Xue, she is worse than her hot and sexy body.

Hearing her calling Jiang Lunli Xiao Lili, the corners of the people around her mouth twitched, and only this one dared to call that powerful Jiang Lunli like that.

The young woman who can eat the strong Jiang Lunli to death is naturally not ordinary. The name is Yan Hong and is the only one among them Tier 4 Awakener.

Hey, hey, dong!

The ground was shaking, and the lava giant stepped forward and took several meters. Although it seemed to move slowly, it did not move slowly towards Fang Ping.

There were lava footprints on the ground one after another, huge lava giant hands, with the scorching heat, accompanied by the falling of the lava di di di, and photographed towards Fang Ping.


Fang Ping used the Body flicker technique to dodge back and avoid.


There was a huge earthquake on the ground. At the place where he was just now, under the giant hand of lava, there was a scorched giant palm mark, and a lot of crimson lava was left behind.

Hula –

A thick flame condenses in Fang Ping’s hands and hits the lava giant.


The flame exploded under the punch of the lava giant, the flame splashed, and the surrounding ground was as black as a cannonball.

“Tier 3 peak!”

Fang Ping’s complexion slightly condensed.

Jiang Lunli’s realm, even if it is less than the Tier 3 peak, must be very close to that.

Coupled with the “lava giant” which is likely to be a high order ability, the formidable power is enough to reach the peak of Tier 3 Awakener, and even slightly exceeded.

Hey, hey, dong!

The lava giant continued to chase Fang Ping, and the giant palm photographed with the rolling lava.

Ka ka ——

A lot of cold air spread from Fang Ping’s body, and a lot of cold ice spread from Fang Ping’s body forward, facing the giant palm photographed by the lava giant.

哧 ——

The ice and the giant hand of lava collide with two completely opposite forces.

The ice is melting, turning into water or even into steam, and the lava giant’s lava hand is losing its temperature, solidifying and crushing.

In the end, the iceberg melted and the lava giant lost his right hand.

This is an evenly matched collision!

Hie Hie no Mi ability, formidable power is stronger than Mera Mera no Mi ability, even in the face of the lava giant that faintly exceeds the peak of Tier 3, the formidable power does not fail.

Ka ka!

The ability of Hie Hie no Mi was urged to its limit by Fang Ping. A large amount of ice grew from his feet like rugged rocks and spread out again, attacking the lava giant and Jiang Lunli behind the lava giant.

Ka-cha !

Jiang Lunli also pushed the “Lava Giant” ability to its limit. The ground under the Lava Giant’s feet cracked a gap, and a large amount of hot lava poured out to supplement the Lava Giant.

The broken arm of the lava giant recovered, and not only that, but also two giant lava hands grew out, and the four giant lava hands turned into fists, slamming against the attacking iceberg one after another.

Bang, bang, hong long!

The terrifying loud noise continued, solidified lava and crushed ice splashed.

Each one carries a huge might enough to penetrate an ordinary person, and the grass with an area of ​​more than 2 square meters is full of potholes.

At the center, a large area is covered with ice on one side and lava on the other, cold and hot, forming two sides with distinct awe.

The Awakener who was talking quietly in the stands had already been absolutely silenced for some time.

Seeing two people fighting each other, they actually have a sense of seeing a Tier 2 Awakener.

“The formidable power is not far from the Tier 4 Awakener level. It can be called Tier 3 invincible. I didn’t expect He’an Base City to have such a good seed in addition to Xiang Qiu!”

I don’t know when, in the back of the stands, two men, both in their 2s, appeared.

One of the men had a middle order body and a thin body. It was Ye Zhen, the deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division that Fang Ping had seen.

The other man was tall and thin, with a long scar on his left eye. It was him who had just made the noise.

He is Bing Lu, deputy director of Shuangfeng Base City, a Tier 5 Awakener.

“Doesn’t there be one in Twin Peaks Base City?”

Ye Zhen said with a sigh.

“Have you enrolled in the monster countermeasures class?”

Bing Lu asked.

“not yet.”

Ye Zhen said.

“Such a good seedling, are you willing to let it go?”

Bing Lu was surprised.

“An invitation was sent, but this Little Brat doesn’t seem to be very interested in joining the Monster Countermeasures Division.”

Ye Zhen rubbed his brows, a little distressed about how to send out the invitation again.

When Fang Ping sent the invitation to Fang Ping, Fang Ping hadn’t shown such a strong potential. After refusing, he didn’t force it.

But now, Fang Ping has demonstrated this potential and its importance has suddenly increased, but it has to be taken seriously.

Gee, gee, gee—

The ice and the lava giant continued to collide with each other. Whether it was Fang Ping or Jiang Lunli, their physical strength was rapidly draining.


Suddenly, Fang Ping removed the ice ability, and at the next moment when he removed the ice ability, he used the Doa Doa no Mi ability to escape into the door space.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared behind Jiang Lunli, and a large amount of rugged ice spread to Jiang Lunli.


Jiang Lunli, who knew that Fang Ping had spatial ability, had been alert for a long time, and Fang Ping’s disappearance immediately guarded his surroundings.

Perceiving the attack from behind, he turned around and slashed behind him with the lightning knife in his hand.

Peng –

The Thunder and Lightning long knife slashed on the ice. Although it split and shattered a lot of ice, it could not completely block it. Thunder and Lightning on the long knife was exhausted and collapsed, but the ice was still spreading.

Compared with the lava giant, the formidable power of his Thunder and Lightning ability is obviously weaker.

The ice spread to Jiang Lunli. On Jiang Lunli’s hands and feet, ice appeared everywhere, and it was spreading rapidly to other parts of his body.

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