Monster Altar

Chapter 122

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哧 ——

The 4 giant palms of the lava giant blocked the spread of the ice and prevented Jiang Lunli from being frozen by the ice, and melted the ice attached to Jiang Lunli with the heat from his body.


Not at all stalemate with the lava giant, Fang Ping once again escaped into the inner space.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared beside Jiang Lunli. More than a dozen ice spikes rose from the ground and stab Jiang Lunli.

Jiang Lunli, whose body was slightly frozen due to the ice attack just now, slowed his reaction significantly.


Although he retreated to avoid him, he was still stabbed by a spike, his clothes broke, and a blood hole appeared on his body, dripping with red blood.

“hmph -“

Holding his wound, Jiang Lunli looked ugly, and was injured for the first time after visiting He’an Base City.

Manipulate the lava giant, and 4 lava fists are like 4 meteorites dropping from the sky, smashing to the place where Fang Ping appears.

At this moment, an ice wall rose from the ground and stood in front of Fang Ping, blocking 4 lava fists.

Ka-cha !

The ice wall all split up and in pieces under the lava fist, big chunks of ice splashed in 4 places, and Fang Ping took this opportunity to disappear.


Fang Ping disappeared and appeared. The right hand completely turned into ice, spreading into a huge ice fist with the size of a grinding plate, and hammered at Jiang Lunli.


Jiang Lunli resisted with the long knife wrapped around Thunder and Lightning. The Thunder and Lightning on the long knife broke and the long knife hit him back.

There was a sharp pain in his chest, where he was hit by torn skin and gaping flesh, Jiang Lunli slipped out.

Fang Ping is the space inside the door, avoiding the lava fist that hits, and quickly approaching Jiang Lunli from the space inside the door.

Clang, clang, clang——

Facing Fang Ping who didn’t know where the attack would come from, Jiang Lunli fell into a hard fight, and wounds appeared on his body one after another.

Finally, he couldn’t dodge, and Fang Ping’s fist wrapped in Frost was punched in the front.


He vomited blood and fell heavily and failed to get up immediately.

Just when he wanted to climb up again, a sharp blade made of ice rested on his neck, preventing him from moving anymore.

“Xiao Lili actually lost. It’s interesting. I didn’t expect there is such a guy in He’an Base City!”

Yan Hong said with great interest that the youngster of Shuangfeng Base City is located.

“It’s not that Jiang Lunli is too weak, but that Fang Ping is too strong. In addition to having a strong ice ability, it actually has space ability!”

A bald young man said solemnly.

“This is his full strength, or is he still not showing all his strength?”

Shi Junling’s heart is lingering.

Obviously, when Fang Ping fought with him, he didn’t use all his strength at all, and only then did he use his full strength.

He even suspects that even now, the opponent still hasn’t come up with full strength.

Other youngsters in Shuangfeng Base City also each and everyone facial expression grave. During this time, the sense of superiority is not there.

Even Jiang Lunli lost, they are naturally more impossible opponents.

Among the younger generation in He’an Base City, it is not that there are no powerful Awakeners, but they have not encountered them.

Xiang Qiu is one, and this Fang Ping is also one, and there may even be other hidden ones.

“Cash or transfer?”

Letting the ice blade disappear, Fang Ping looked at Jiang Lunli with a smile on his face.

You can get hundreds of thousands of dollars in a fight, which is much more cost-effective than hunting monsters.


Jiang Lunli looked ugly and took out his mobile phone to transfer money. During the battle, he was hit not at all, but it was not damaged.

For him who was born in the Awakener family, 1010000 yuan is of course not a big deal. What made him feel bad was defeated by Fang Ping.

Originally thought that he was invincible at the level of Tier 3, but he didn’t want to. There was Fang Ping, who was stronger than him, and his invincibility was broken.

With the “ding” text message prompt, Fang Ping accounted for 1010000 yuan into the account. After confirming that it was correct, Fang Ping turned and walked out of the already unrecognizable stadium venue.

“You’re quite something, even Jiang Lunli was defeated by you!”

Yao Jun greeted him with admiration.

Although I guessed that Fang Ping might win, I was still surprised when I saw Fang Ping defeat Jiang Lunli.

As far as he knows, Fang Ping’s most powerful ability is the ability to attach green patterns to the body. Fang Ping used to use this ability to carry Tier 4 monster attacks.

In other words, Fang Ping didn’t even try his best, he had already defeated Jiang Lunli, who had suffered so much not long ago. Fang Ping’s real battle strength might have reached Tier 4.

“When did you become a Tier 3 Awakener?”

Yan Xue also walked over and looked at Fang Ping with a scrutiny. Fang Ping’s realm has obviously reached Tier 3, defeating a Tier 2 invincible existence with Tier 3 realm, even with peak order ability is impossible.

“Half a month ago.”

Fang Ping replied.

He not at all deliberately concealed his realm, but he didn’t like to announce that he was a Tier 3 Awakener all over the world.

Appropriate performance of strength can sometimes save a lot of trouble, just like the Ke family. If he guessed well, the reason why Ke family will give up is probably because he knows that he is already a Tier 3 Awakener.

It’s not surprising that the Awakener’s abilities all kinds of strange things, like his Kenbunshoku Haki, can perceive the strength of other people.

“Look, people from Shuangfeng Base City are walking towards Xiang Qiu!”

The battle between Fang Ping and Jiang Lunli was over. The people who had come to watch the battle were ready to leave. Suddenly, the people who were going to leave were in a commotion and looked towards Xiang Qiu.

In the entire group of Shuangfeng Base City, a woman wearing a red leather jacket was walking towards Xiang Qiu. This was obviously not about to say hello, but something was about to happen.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the words of the woman in the red leather jacket confirmed their guess.

“Fight me!”

Yan Hong stared at Xiang Qiu, Fang Ping’s battle with Jiang Lunli made her itchy.

Xiang Qiu expression was indifferent and did not respond for a long time. His voice sounded when people around and even Yan Hong were disappointed, thinking that he was going to refuse as he did during the previous invitations to war.

“Yes, just this one, don’t bother me afterwards!”

After speaking, he walked straight to the stadium grounds.

Today’s stadiums are destined to be plagued by disasters, but fortunately, not at all buildings, it is easy to recover from Earth Element Awakener and Awakener manipulating plants.

“Great, I can actually see Xiang Qiu taking action!”

Those who were about to leave stopped and returned to the stands. Each and everyone expressed excitement. Some people even took out the phone, called friends and greeted friends who had not arrived.

Although the battle between Fang Ping and Jiang Lunli made them very enjoyable, if they said that they were most awaited, it was definitely the battle between Xiang Qiu, the number one genius of He’an base city.

And as far as they know, the identity of this woman in red leather, Yan Hong, in Shuangfeng Base City is the same as Xiang Qiu, and also known as the number one genius. The battle between these two people will inevitably be more than the battle between Fang Ping and Jiang Lunli. fierce.

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