Monster Altar

Chapter 130

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At night, in a high-end clubhouse, a middle-aged man and a graceful young woman tangled together.

His name is Chen Fengteng, and he is the senior member of the Chen Family of Awakener family, a Tier 3 Awakener with great power.


Suddenly, he, who was lingering with the woman, seemed to feel something, and looked alertly to the bedside.

I don’t know when, there is already a man standing next to the bed. The man is more than 40 years old, expressionless, looking at him dullly.

“Minister Li, are you…?”

Chen Fengteng looked at the man who appeared in the room in astonishment.

Li Mang is the Vice-section Head of the Logistics Department of the Monster Countermeasures Division. Although he has not dealt with each other at all, he has also seen each other several times at some banquets.

Although he was surprised why the other party appeared here, he still said with respect in his voice.

He has heard that Li Mang has become a Tier 4 Awakener, and soon the adverb of the opponent’s position will be removed. When the time comes, the opponent will become a great character with a higher status than him.

Hey, hey, hey!

Facing Chen Fengteng’s respect, Li Mang’s response was an attack.

The right hand suddenly turned into metal, a metal python, swiftly wrapped around Chen Fengteng, binding Chen Fengteng.

“Minister Li, what are you going to do? If I offend you, please give me a chance to make amends…”

Although the metal is not thick, it is extremely tenacious, and cannot break free from the bondage of the metal. Chen Fengteng panicked and begged for mercy.

Li Mang flashed his body and patted the back of his head. His voice stopped abruptly and he passed out.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

Seeing such a change, the graceful young woman wanted to scream in horror, but before she screamed, her head was pierced by a piece of metal, blood was gurgling, and she was silent.

Lifting the unconscious Chen Fengteng with his metal power, Li Mang turned downstairs from the window, quickly left the clubhouse, and disappeared into the night.

At the same time, in two other places, Yin Ling and Fox also grabbed a comatose Tier 2 Awakener and quickly disappeared into the night.

A few days later, Fang Ping went out to play with Xu Wei and Xu Qing siblings.

Although the strength gap between the two parties is getting bigger and bigger, the relationship between the two parties has not at all changed too much. Fang Ping even feels that getting along with two people is more comfortable than getting along with Yao Jun, because both parties are pure friendship, not at all any benefits Entanglement.

“You are getting stronger now, and you already have the power to hunt Tier 4 monsters.”

Looking at Fang Ping, Yao Jun sighed.

In less than 2 years, Fang Ping, who was originally weaker than him, has grown to be comparable to Tier 4 Awakener.

This height was never reached even by their parents.

He smiled and jokingly said.

“Great expert, you can cover us in the future!”

“no problem.”

Fang Ping responded with a smile, and he could naturally hear that it was a joke.

Although Xu Wei and Xu Qing are not as strong as him, they are also quite strong among Fiend Hunter. Together, except for Tier 2 Awakener, the other Awakeners are not afraid at all, and there are very few troubles. .

Moreover, although the innate talent of two people is not as good as him, it can not be called bad.

As far as he knows, it took Xu Wei one year to go from Tier 1 to Tier 2, while Xu Qing took eleven months. This kind of speed increase is not impossible to become a Tier 4 Awakener in the future.

“Have you heard? Several Tier 3 Awakeners have disappeared in recent days.”

Xu Qing asked.

She was wearing a white dress, showing long legs, her long hair flying, and her skin white.


Fang Ping nodded, Tier 3 Awakener is not a nobody. Every death will cause a lot of movement in He’an Base City, just like when he killed Liao Family Tier 3 Awakener before.

Moreover, the number of this time is not two, but several, so the movement caused is naturally not small.

Even the Monster Countermeasures Division has intervened in the investigation. It is true that there are too many missing and not at all too much contact with each other. This is no longer a normal Awakener “fight”.

“Do you think it was done by who or forces?”

Xu Wei came to ask with interest.

“It’s hard to say what kind of power, but it should be done by a high-level Awakener. Every missing person is taken away there’s no resistance.”

Fang Ping guesses.

“Moreover, judging from the amount of blood loss at the scene, it is very likely that the person who was captured would not at all die.”

Xu Wei added.

“Do you think it is possible that Hellfire did it?”

Xu Qing asked.

“It’s possible, but if it was really done by Hellfire, what would it do to catch these Tier 3 Awakener? This is completely different from Hellfire’s usual style.”

Xu Wei wondered.

“It’s really different from Hellfire’s usual score.”

Fang Ping nodded. Among the three people, he has dealt with Hellfire the most.

Hellfire’s usual style is sneak attack and assassination. It doesn’t matter whether the target is dead or alive. This time it actually caught alive, which is completely different from the usual style of Hellfire.


At night, in the underground space of Hellfire, Lu Yu stood on the stairs with hands. Opposite him, there were thirteen men and women.

If anyone sees these people, they will be horrified, because all the Tier 3 Awakener who have disappeared these days are here.

“Yin Ling, Fox, and the snake stay, and the others go out hunting for blood, the more the better.”

Lu Yu ordered that ten people complied, turned around and left quickly, the expression was stupid, obviously controlled by his parasitic ability.

Ten people left, Lu Yu looked at the remaining 3 people instructed.

“Yin Ling, snake, you join forces to hunt Xiang Qiu.”

“Fox, you go hunt Fang Ping.”

“Whether it is Xiang Qiu or Fang Ping, don’t live, just die, just bring the body back.”

Yin Ling, Snake and Fox all turned and left in response.

Looking at the three people who left, Lu Yu’s eyes were cold and deep.

As a hostile race of humans, he is naturally impossible to see the genius among humans grow up, so after the news that Fang Ping possesses the second only to Xiang Qiu innate talent, he issued an assassination order to Fang Ping.

Not only Fang Ping, Xiang Qiu was also assassinated by someone sent by him, but he failed.

Now that he is a Morning Star, he also possesses the ability to parasitize. He has no fear of the monster countermeasures department, so while hunting the blood food, he started the assassination of Xiang Qiu and Fang Ping again.

In the middle of the night, Fang Ping, who was falling asleep, suddenly became alert and woke up.

Even when he fell asleep, his Kenbunshoku Haki spread, and once an Awakener approached, he would wake up immediately.

“Tier 4 Awakener, the sound is very strange, not the Tier 4 Awakener I have encountered.”

“The other party clearly approached me with a clear goal, obviously coming towards me.”

“That Tier 4 Awakener from Ke family, or the Awakener who caused the Tier 3 Awakener to disappear one after another in recent days?”

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