Monster Altar

Chapter 131

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Replace himself with a Shadow Clone, Fang Ping escapes the inner space of the door, hiding in the inner space of the door and paying attention to the outside world.

Soon after, a man wearing a Fox mask walked silently, entered the house without making a sound, and came towards his bedroom.

Seeing his Shadow Clone lying on the bed, the man in the Fox mask took out a white vial and opened it.

A large amount of white gas floated out, turned into invisible gas, and diffused.

Lying on the bed, his Shadow Clone suddenly felt physically impossible to move even a little bit. It took a blink of an eye to lift a finger and the gas had an obvious anesthetic effect.

The right hand of the man in the Fox mask touched the palm of his left hand, pulling it out as if grabbing something.

Then I saw that a purple long spear cut from a purple plant was pulled out and held in his right hand.


Leaping quickly at his Shadow Clone, the Fox masked man stabs his Shadow Clone in the chest.

His Shadow Clone’s chest was easily pierced, and the bed under him collapsed under the terrifying force. The purple long spear plunged into the tiled ground and pierced deeply.

With a burst of white fog, his Shadow Clone disappeared.

At the moment when Shadow Clone disappeared, Fang Ping jumped out of the door space, his right hand turned into a huge ice long spear and stab at the Fox masked man.

Peng –

The Fox masked man flew upside down with ice on his body, hit the wall of the house, and fell into the courtyard outside.

It is not Fang Ping’s character to be stared at and not fight back. Even if the opponent is a Tier 4 Awakener, he is not without the power of a fight even if it is a Tier 4 Awakener.


Using the Body flicker technique, Fang Ping quickly chased the Fox mask man outside through the hole in the house.

I saw the Fox masked man all over his body, wrapped and protected by purple vines.

There was frozen ice on the purple vine, and there was an obvious depression. His attack just now was blocked by the opponent’s purple vine.

The purple vines grow, the ice that is frozen on the body falls off, and a large number of purple vines are entangled together, turning into weird purple flowers with huge mouths and fangs, biting towards Fang Ping.


A throwing knives flew to the Fox masked man, Fang Ping teleported to catch the throwing knife, and while avoiding the bite of the purple flower, the ice long spear stabbed the Fox masked man again.

Peng –

The Fox masked man flew upside down again, crashed through the fence, and appeared on the street outside.

However, the purple vines on his body once again protected him, carrying Fang Ping’s ice attack without injury.

“Why assassinate me?”

After appearing on the street, Fang Ping kept a distance from the man in the Fox mask, and asked with a cold voice.

Faced with Fang Ping’s question, the Fox masked man said nothing. The purple giant flower with a huge mouth extended to bite Fang Ping.

Fang Ping’s right hand turned into flames, and a flame column with a temperature of several thousand degrees hits the purple giant flower.


The purple giant flower burned, and under the flames of several thousand degrees, it burned into coke, and flames spread along the vines to the Fox mask man.

The fire system is able to restrain the Wood Element ability, coupled with Fang Ping’s Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability, the formidable power has surpassed the Tier 3 peak and approached Tier 4, so it can block the Fox mask man’s attack.


Before the flame spread to his body, the Fox masked man cut off the vine to prevent the flame from spreading to his body.

Then, the air around the Fox masked man rippled, and a huge bone creature appeared.

The Bone Creature is 2 meters high and 3 meters long, has a pointed head and braves the eyes of the Nether Fire.

The sharp claw on the 4 legs is composed of purple rays of light and has a slender skeleton. This is a bone creature that looks exactly like Fox.


The bone creature pounced on Fang Ping, Fang Ping right hand turned into flame, and the flame fist extended and hit the bone creature.

The bone creature purple sharp claw waved, the flame fist was smashed with a “pu”, and the bone creature continued to pounce towards Fang Ping.


Use Doa Doa no Mi, Fang Ping hides in the space inside the door, and approaches the Fox mask man, preparing to sneak attack the Fox mask man.

At this moment, a scene that surprised Fang Ping appeared.

I saw the hand of the man in the Fox mask pressed into the air, and in the air, a door similar to Doa Doa no Mi appeared.


The Fox masked man and the bone creature rushed in from the door and entered the space inside the door. The other party actually possessed the Doa Doa no Mi ability.

In fact, Lu Yu selected people to assassinate based on the characteristics of Xiang Qiu and Fang Ping’s abilities.

Although Xiang Qiu has the strongest battle strength that can reach Tier 5, Yin Ling’s stealth ability is able to top secretly close to the target, assassinating the target before the target has not used the ability, and used this ability to leapfrog assassination.

One of the abilities of the Fox mask man can replicate the abilities of others, and it is also the nemesis of Fang Ping’s ability, because it will make Fang Ping lose the “Doa Doa no Mi ability” that Fang Ping relies on.

“Replication ability?”

See the Fox masked man and bone creature appearing in the space inside the door, Fang Ping complexion big change.

The ability that the opponent used just now is the Doa Doa no Mi ability. There is no doubt that, besides him, there is a second person who has the Doa Doa no Mi ability in One Piece.

He doesn’t think that the other party has Doa Doa no Mi ability just like him. This ability of the other party must be copied from him. The real ability of the other party is likely to be copied, which can copy the ability of others into his own use.


The man in the Fox mask did not say a word, directing the bone creatures to swiftly attack Fang Ping.

The sharp claw purple rays of light of the bone creatures skyrocketed, and it grew to one meter long to Fang Ping. Before it was approaching, a strong wind pressure had already cut to Fang Ping, and Fang Ping even felt a dull skin pain.


Using Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping appeared on the street. During the previous battle, he secretly left the flying thunder divine technique on the street.

Although knowing that the other party has the ability to copy, using Flying Thunder God Jutsu is very likely to be copied by the other party, but in such a crisis situation, they can’t care about that many.

Hey, bang!

Fox masked men and bone creatures fell out and also appeared on the street.

The space inside the door is opened up by Fang Ping’s ability. Fang Ping has left the space inside the door, and the space inside the door naturally no longer exists.


Finding Fang Ping, the man in the Fox mask did not hesitate, and the bone creature quickly rushed towards Fang Ping again.

Fang Ping threw away Throwing Knife, appeared in the distance with Flying Thunder God Jutsu teleport, and looked at the Fox mask man solemnly.

“I couldn’t copy my Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Someone can’t copy this kind of ninjutsu that requires ninjutsu innate talent?”

Finding that the other party is still unable to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping is looking thoughtful.

“Although the other party may not be able to copy ninjutsu, the situation is still not good for me, so I will withdraw first!”

Taking a deep look at the man in the Fox mask, Fang Ping disappeared with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in a secret residence that had been hidden for a long time.

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