Monster Altar

Chapter 132

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When Fang Ping was attacked, two figures just and honorable walked into the Xiang Family.

Through the vigilance of the Xiang Family, without causing any movement, without being noticed by anyone, he came to a house in the center of the Xiang Family residence, where Xiang Qiu lived.

These two people are Yin Ling and Li Mang.

The door lock was easily opened under Li Mang’s metal power. Two people entered the villa. After searching, they finally found Xiang Qiu in the living room on the second floor.

Maybe because of the crisis, Xiang Qiu was very upset. He didn’t fall asleep, but was wearing pajamas, reading a book with the title of “How to Pursue Girls”.

Suddenly, he was suddenly alert, his body tensed, his gaze guarded for 4 weeks.

Yin Ling’s ability is called audiovisual obstruction. It can be invisible and inaudible. However, it is inevitable that the air will flow abnormally when walking.

This slight abnormal flow may not be noticed by ordinary people, or even ordinary Awakener, but Xiang Qiu is not an ordinary Awakener, he is a Tier 4 Awakener, and his senses have reached inhuman sensitivity.

He noticed this abnormality.


A silhouette threw out from the empty place, and the right hand turned into a huge metal python, biting at Xiang Qiu.

When nothing happened, Xiang Qiu reacted and stretched out his hand, a large number of arrows of light attacked.

The metal python was blown to pieces under the arrow of light, and the arrow of light shot at this silhouette.

The attacker hurriedly metalized his body to resist, but the formidable power of the arrow of light was too strong, even though the metalized body was still stab wound, blood oozes out, the body smashed through several walls and fell 2 floor.

at this time.


An invisible sharp blade, very ruthless, slashed towards Xiang Qiu’s neck.

The blade is in Yin Ling’s hands, Li Mang is just a bait, and he is the one who actually executed the assassination.


Blood spattered, and more than half of his neck and feet were scratched. The expression on Xiang Qiu’s face became solidified, and there was actually a second enemy.

When he was dying, he kicked the ground abruptly, rammed back through the wall, and also fell downstairs.

Yin Ling jumped from above and was about to take away Xiang Qiu’s body, just at this moment.


Several powerful silhouettes rushed into the villa from all directions of Xiang Family. Among them was the first one, and even a Tier 5 Awakener.

Regardless of Xiang Qiu’s body, Yin Ling grabbed Li Mang and disappeared in stealth, quickly escaping outside the villa.

Behind him, burning meteorites struck one after another, and he and Li Mang couldn’t stop vomiting blood just hit by one of them. After staggering, they quickly moved away.

“cough cough -“

The Tier 5 Awakener of Xiang Family was not chased at all, but was guarding Xiang Qiu’s body. At this moment, a strange scene appeared.

The blood that was sprayed everywhere returned, and the wound on Xiang Qiu’s neck recovered at a speed visible to naked eye. Xiang Qiu, who had already died, stood up again.

9 lives, special ability with 9 lives, called Undying Body, unless killed 9 times in a row, otherwise it is impossible to kill.


Stayed vigilantly all night in the secret residence. Until dawn, the man in the Fox mask did not attack. Fang Ping took out his mobile phone and dialed a call.

After a short while, the other end of the phone heard a cold voice from a woman.


“Do me a favor and help me investigate, which Tier 4 Awakener in the base city has the ability to copy type.”

Fang Ping said solemnly.

Although he has powerful hacking skills, he can only find information on the Internet. If there is no relevant information on the Internet, he can’t investigate it, so he can only ask for help. The most likely one is obviously Yan Xue.

“Investigate a Tier 4 Awakener who has the ability to replicate? You…are you attacked too?”

On the other end of the phone, Yan Xue’s voice was frozen.

“Well, a person wearing a Fox mask attacked me last night. The other party has the ability to copy and copied my spatial ability. What does’you also attacked’ mean? There are other people also attacked. ?”

Fang Ping asked hurriedly.

“A total of more than a dozen Awakener were attacked last night, including you and Xiang Qiu.”

“Xiang Qiu was also attacked, how is he?”

“The specific situation is unclear. I was seriously injured by a sneak attack, but not at all died. It was Yin Ling and another Tier 4 Awakener who shot.”

“What happened this time was caused by Hellfire?”

Fang Ping asked solemnly.

“Probability is great, wait a minute, I will check the Awakener profile.”

After speaking, Yan Xue hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Fang Ping felt solemn. The assassination he encountered must be related to the dozen or so attacks that took place last night. It was done by the same force, and this force was probably Hellfire.

“Under the suppression of the Monster Countermeasures Division, has it slowed down?”

There were more than a dozen attacks in one night, even including him and Xiang Qiu. If Hellfire really did it, then Hellfire must have slowed down, and its strength has increased.

“It’s not surprising that I shot, but why did you shot Xiang Qiu?”

What made him puzzled was why the other party would shoot Xiang Qiu.

It was not until noon that Fang Ping received a call from Yan Xue.

“I found out that there is only one eligible Tier 4 Awakener named You Xiang, and the opponent has an ability that is ordered to be’One Day Magic’.”

“This ability can replicate the ability of others, but it can only be replicated once a day. After replication, the former ability to replicate will be replaced.”

“One day magic? You Xiang?”

Fang Ping’s voice was startled, surprised that there is such a peculiar ability, this ability is well used, even comparable to the peak order ability, and even more surprised by the name of this Tier 4 Awakener.

He is no stranger to this name. It is the name of a well-known potionist in He’an Base City. He has even bought the other party’s potions, but he has never seen the other party himself.

“Yes, it is him.”

There was still a little shock in Yan Xue’s voice. Who would have thought that the well-known Potions Master in He’an Base City would actually be a member of Hellfire.

“We now suspect that he was responsible for the abnormal gathering of monsters in He’an Base City more than half a year ago.”

“The gathering of monsters more than half a year ago was artificial, did he do it?”

Fang Ping was shocked. This Hellfire was too utterly conscientious. He actually caused a gathering of monsters to attack the base city, which can be described as crazy.

No wonder the Monster Countermeasures Division has been targeting Hellfire with its policy of encirclement and suppression. For a force that has no bottom line, this is indeed the most correct method.

Although the various Awakener families fight in secret, they still have a bottom line, do not affect ordinary persons, do not endanger humanity, and they are also recruited by the government in times of crisis.

“Trouble, the Doa Doa no Mi ability was copied by the opponent. Equivalent to losing a big hole card, we must find a way to kill this person.”

Fang Ping’s murderous intention moved in his heart, and the opponent’s existence has seriously threatened him.

At this moment, Yan Xue’s voice sounded.

“The Monster Countermeasures Division has a plan here, and it needs your cooperation.”

“what’s the plan?”

Fang Ping asked doubtfully.

“The other party should be looking at you. After knowing where you are hiding, the other party should come to assassinate you. When the time comes, cooperate with the expert of my Monster Countermeasures Division and your abilities to capture him alive.”


After thinking a little bit, Fang Ping agreed. Although he wanted to act as a bait, he wanted to remove the threat from this person.

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