Monster Altar

Chapter 134

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“Have you escaped?”

Seeing You Xiang, whose speed was extremely fast, had appeared outside several hundred meters in a few flashes, Fang Ping was not surprised but rather pleased.

The other party cannot use “One Day Magic” today, so he can use Mangekyo Sharingan.


The flying knife flew out of Fang Ping’s hands at a great speed and caught up with You Xiang outside several hundred meters.

You Xiang attacked a purple vine and wanted to hit the flying knife. He had already noticed that Fang Ping’s teleport was based on the flying knife.

But before that, Fang Ping caught the flying knife, and part of his body turned into flames.

The purple vine hit Fang Ping’s body, blazing, and spreading towards You Xiang.

You Xiang cuts off the vines, and wants to call out the bone creature that canceled summon when escaping.

At this moment, Fang Ping’s eyes turned into 4 arc-shaped blades connected together, and they turned quickly.

“Sharingan Illusion Technique!”

With the powerful Illusion Technique performed by Mangekyo Sharingan, it works on You Xiang through the line of sight.

You Xiang’s body suddenly stiffened, even if it was Tier 4 Awakener, facing Fang Ping’s Illusion Technique type Mangekyo Sharingan’s Illusion Technique, he couldn’t help but get caught.

Of course, giving him time must be able to break free from the Illusion Technique, after all, this is not another god, or even a powerful Sharingan Illusion Technique like Yuedu, but just an ordinary Sharingan Illusion Technique.

Who, who, who–

One after another green Fireball flew out of Fang Ping’s hands, and then hit You Xiang from all around.

The vines attached to You Xiang’s body surface burned violently, and You Xiang, who had just broken free from the Illusion Technique, couldn’t help screaming. Even though the vines were separated, he was still burned.

call out!

The plant power was used, the burning vines were stripped, and You Xiang, with obvious burns on his body, appeared.

A purple vine long spear was threw away by him and stabbed at Fang Ping, but Fang Ping was a threw away throwing knife, teleported to avoid it.

At this time, Hong Xiangyan had already caught up, and the fierce battle occurred again.

After more than 20 minutes, there was a mess around the place of the battle, and You Xiang and Li Mang were both seriously injured and captured.

You Xiang is entangled by a paper python unable to move even a little bit, while Li Mang is tied in many circles by a spider web and turned into a cocoon.

After removing the masks of the two people, Feng Lan and Hong Xiangyan both exclaimed, with disbelief in their eyes.

Behind one of the masks, there is a middle-aged man in his 40s, and this middle-aged man is their missing colleague Li Mang.

“Li Mang, why? Why do you want to betray the Monster Countermeasures Division and join an organization like Hellfire?”

Hong Xiangyan continued to be excited and questioned loudly.

It’s a pity that I didn’t get the slightest response. Both You Xiang and Li Mang looked at divine wood, and they were struggling constantly.

“Their sane is wrong, it seems to be controlled!”

Feng Lan saw the abnormality of the two people said solemnly.

At this moment, the expressions of You Xiang and Li Mang suddenly changed hideously.

Roar like a wild beast, and then the roar stopped abruptly.

There was blood flowing out of the nose and eyes of the two people, and the two people’s body became soft and stiffly fell to the ground, and there was no movement.


Fang Ping stepped forward to check the sniffs of the two people, his complexion suddenly became stunned, and the two of them were dead.

“What, dead?”

Feng Lan and Hong Xiangyan also stepped forward to investigate the two people, their expressions first became shocked, then turned into anger.


Fists tightly clenched, Hong Xiangyan gnashing teeth.

Since 2 people are controlled, joining Hellfire is probably not what the 2 people intended.

“This matter is very serious and must be reported as soon as possible!”

Feng Lan solemnly said.

Soon afterwards, a large number of monsters countermeasures staff came to take care of the aftermath.

Feng Lan and Hong Xiangyan returned to the monster countermeasures department with the corpses of two people. The corpses needed further Dissection investigation, and Fang Ping left. After all, the “cooperation” had ended.

“Hellfire can control others!”

Fang Ping was shocked by the news.

Although the person under control is mentally impaired and can easily see the abnormality, it is not difficult to see the power and horror of this ability.

To some extent, this is an ability similar to and not weaker than other gods.

Although other gods can change the will of the controlled person without impairing their minds, the interval between use is too long, with an interval of more than ten years.

And this ability, although it will damage the mind, but the conditions for use are not harsh, and it can be used by multiple people at the same time.

A few days later, Fang Ping returned to the residence with a yard, looking at the wall and the hole in the wall of the house, shook the head.

“With the improvement of strength, the destructive power is getting bigger and bigger!”

If he hadn’t deliberately led the battle to the streets outside, I am afraid that this residence would be demolished.

Looking for construction workers to repair the damaged walls and fences, Fang Ping returned to the secret residence with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Two days later, he appeared in the monster countermeasures department, along with many Awakener family powerhouses, Xiang Qiu, Yao Jun, and Peng Chong and Chen Xing who had dealt with Fang Ping were among them.

After Dissection of the corpses of You Xiang and Li Mang by the Monster Countermeasures Department, it was discovered that the brains of the two people were controlled by a special sarcoma parasite.

Contacting the ten Tier 3 Awakener who disappeared a few days ago, it is not difficult to imagine that the ten Tier 3 Awakener may also be controlled by parasites and turned into Hellfire minions.

Not only that, after that, Hellfire will probably target other Tier 3 Awakener, even high-level Awakener.

This is an unprecedented crisis. All Awakener in He’an Base City will become puppets of the opponent. Therefore, the Monster Countermeasures Division once again issued an emergency call to gather many Tier 3 and even Tier 4 Awakener.

“Can the controlled person be rescued?”

Fang Ping asks Yan Xue.

“No, even if they can be saved, they will become cerebral palsy. From the moment they were parasitized, their minds have been irreversibly destroyed.”

Yan Xue shook his head.

“The Monster Countermeasures Division has been dealing with Hellfire for so long. Didn’t you know that Hellfire has this ability before?”

“No, according to the information we have, Hellfire has absolutely no such ability before this. We guess that a certain senior in Hellfire has improved realm, and Awakener has this ability.”

“A certain high-level realm in Hellfire promoted Awakener out of this ability?”

Fang Ping heart shivered with cold.

A certain high-level realm of Hellfire has improved, which is not good news.

The strength of the original Hellfire is already extremely powerful, with one Tier 5 Awakener plus multiple Tier 4 Awakener, and now it is upgraded again, maybe there will be 2 Tier 5 Awakener.

Even worse, the realm of the original Tier 5 Awakener was upgraded and became the terrifying Morning Star.

A few hours later, Fang Ping and the others, who were called up, were assigned to work with members of the Monster Countermeasures Division.

Several people are responsible for searching and monitoring an area.

Considering that Fang Ping had cooperated with Yan Xue, Fang Ping was assigned to team up with Yan Xue to be responsible for the search and surveillance of an area in the east.

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