Monster Altar

Chapter 135

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Space inside the door.

“Hie Hie no Mi ability!”

The chill surging from Fang Ping within the body.

In the area in front of Fang Ping, the ground was frozen, and a large amount of sharp ice rose up like a spire, spreading forward, attacking a young woman wearing a monster countermeasure and uniform with shoulder-length black hair.

The young woman with shoulder-length black hair is Yan Xue. She is holding a crystal sword. The crystal sword is filled with coldness, and then it is cut vertically from top to bottom.

A large amount of ice also rose from the ground, spread forward, and finally collided with the ice spread from Fang Ping.

Hong long!

It was as if two icebergs collided, both of them shattered, and there were 2 big chunks of ice splashing.


As if walking on the ground on the ice, Fang Ping approached, punching in the air, and a huge piece of ice flew towards Yan Xue.


Yan Xue’s crystal sword slashed horizontally, and a huge cold ice blade was cut out sideways, instantly splitting this huge piece of ice in half, blocking the huge piece of ice.

The broken ice splashed, and the two dodged to avoid the splashed ice, and fought together again.

Fang Ping not at all keep your hands, the formidable power of Hie Hie no Mi has been brought to the limit by him.

The reason it looks evenly matched is that Yan Xue became a Tier 3 Awakener earlier than Fang Ping, and his realm in Tier 3 is deeper than Fang Ping. On the other hand, it is because Yan Xue’s crystal sword condensed by ability is able to Increase other capabilities formidable power.

In the case of not using Susanoo, Fang Ping can’t suppress Yan Xue on the formidable power of the ability.

After all, the opponent is a genius that the Monster Countermeasures Department focuses on training. Naturally, the innate talent is not bad, even above the outstanding children of the Awakener family like Yao Jun.

After a long time, the two people all stepped back and opened a distance, and the space inside the door has been transformed into World of Ice and Snow.

Let the ice melt, and the two people left the space inside the door and appeared in a place similar to an office. This was their temporary residence. There were also lounges around them. They would rest here when they were not patrolling.

“It’s time for us to patrol!”

Looking at the clock on the office wall, Yan Xue said.


Fang Ping complied, Jieyin, a Shadow Clone appeared, and he himself was sitting on the sofa, without any intention to move.

The search and surveillance do not know how long it will last. The most important thing is that it will delay the development and training of the ability. In order to be lazy and not to delay the development and training of the ability, Fang Ping decisively uses Shadow Clone to do it.

Of course, although it is Shadow Clone, the battle strength is not weak. Although it is not as good as it is, it cannot use Mangekyo Sharingan, but it is enough to crush ordinary Tier 3 Awakener.

And Shadow Clone has a flying thunder divine technique dagger on its body. Once something happens, it can be rushed away immediately with the flying thunder divine technique.

As for the ability to expose the Shadow Clone ability, in fact, the Shadow Clone ability has been exposed in the previous battle with You Xiang, and there is nothing to hide.

At this moment, two men walked into the office, all with the strength of Tier 2 Awakener. One of them was Chen Xing, who had dealt with Fang Ping and Yan Xue.

“Your ability is really convenient!”

Looking at Fang Ping Shadow Clone who is going to patrol with Yan Xue, Chen Xing sighs with envy.

“Why don’t I have this kind of good luck, get this ability.”

“Come on, if you have a chance, maybe Awakener will be able to show this ability when Tier 4.”

Fang Ping chuckled.

It was one o’clock at midnight, the sky was dark and there was no moonlight, Yan Xue and Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone were walking on the dim street.

It was 4 in 10000 weeks, and only 2 people’s footsteps still echoed in the street. Fang Ping turned on Kenbunshoku Haki, and he was shrouded in his perception of the range of 1000 meters.

This is a boring search process. At the beginning, there was a little freshness of walking with the beautiful women on the streets late at night, but later it was gone, only endless boredom.

When the time reached 4 midnight, Fang Ping, who was moving forward, suddenly stopped and looked in one direction.

“Is there a discovery?”

See Fang Ping so, Yan Xue expression asked slightly.

“There is a discovery, but it has nothing to do with Hellfire. A monster was found!”

Fang Ping said.

2 People rushed to the direction of the monster, and quickly found the monster.

This is a monster that can be disguised as a branch, disguised as a thick branch, attached to a tree.

Eye after eye, scanning all directions, looking for prey.

Seeing the arrival of Fang Ping Shadow Clone and Yan Xue, several branches stretched to stab 2 people.

However, before piercing the two people, a chill spread, and the pierced branches and its body were all frozen into ice sculptures under the chill.

It’s just a Tier 1 monster, facing Fang Ping 2 who are both top-notch existences in Tier 3. The result is already doomed.

Fang Ping stepped forward and brought the body of the monster into the sacrifice space.

With space capabilities, it is perfectly reasonable to say that you have storage space.

Only the corpses of monsters can only be income in the past, so they have not been exposed to the public. Now even ordinary items can be income, which can be said to be storage space attached to the space ability.

Tier 1 Monsters cannot be sacrificed, but they can receive rewards from the Monster Countermeasures Division, which is considered an extra income.

The 2 people continued to search, and eventually found nothing else. They completed today’s search task.

A few months later.

As Fang Ping expected, the recruitment this time was not as long as usual, and the boring search continued.

Fang Ping and Yan Xue did not find traces of Hellfire in their area, but in other areas, traces of Hellfire were found.

A search team encountered the missing Tier 3 Awakener, and it was discovered that the missing Tier 3 Awakener was indeed controlled by the parasite.

In the fight, some fled, some were successfully caught, and then their heads exploded and died.

The parasitized Awakener’s brain has a “Self-destruction” mechanism. Once caught, the parasitic sarcoma will explode and will be destroyed by the parasitized Awakener’s head. This prevents the mental Awakener from extracting Hellfire-related from the opponent’s brain information.

“It’s really a terrifying ability!”

The more he knew about the parasited Awakener, the more Fang Ping lamented the power of this ability.

At least can control more than ten Awakeners at the same time. Even if Tier 4 Awakener can also be parasitic, it does not rule out that Awakener above Tier 4 can also be controlled by parasite…

This is definitely a peak order ability. Although there is no direct attack ability, it is definitely an auxiliary class peak order ability.

It was another night of searching, the time had reached the early morning, and the sky was already bright.

“There is a discovery!”

Suddenly, after Fang Ping Shadow Clone, who was searching with Kenbunshoku Haki, said to Yan Xue next to him, he grabbed Yan Xue’s shoulder with his left hand, right hand threw away the flying knife, and quickly teleported to the north.

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