Monster Altar

Chapter 137

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“A large number of monsters gather in the base city?”

Fang Ping’s complexion became solemn when he heard the news that the monsters had gathered in the base city.

“Did Hellfire do it?”

“Yes, glass fragments with special medicinal liquid were found everywhere in the base city. After testing, it is a kind of potion that can emit a strong odor to monsters.”

Yan Xue said solemnly.

“Couldn’t the Monster Countermeasures Department think of a way to formulate a potion that can integrate this kind of smell?”

Fang Ping frowned.

“Already thinking of a way to develop this kind of potion, but this time is definitely not in a hurry.”

Yan Xue shook his head.

“Want to transfer us to clean up the monsters?”

“Well, half of the manpower will be taken from each area.”

“Count me in.”

Fang Ping immediately said.

Compared to boring patrols, hunting monsters has more appetite for him. Not only is he profitable, but he can also obtain monster corpses for sacrifice.

“it is good.”

Yan Xue responded.

Compared to fighting with monsters, most Awakeners prefer the boring patrol missions in the city. Although boring, they are relatively safe. Since Fang Ping actively asks to kill monsters, there is naturally no reason not to agree.

In the end, Fang Ping and their area, Fang Ping and Yan Xue joined the task of killing monsters.

However, this time Fang Ping not at all teamed up with Yan Xue. As a Tier 3 Awakener, Yan Xue will lead an Awakener team to search for monsters like last time.

Fang Ping, as a person with the battle strength of Tier 4 Awakener, will become a flexible person, free to move, where dangerous monsters are found, and looked towards where to support.

In the morning, the sun had just risen. Fang Ping, who had slept in the wilderness for a night, jumped flexibly onto a tree a few ten meters high, and fought against the top of the tree to look into the distance.

There is no melodious bird singing one after another, and there are occasional bird singing, but also with caution and caution.

With the emergence of monsters, it is not only human beings who are in crisis, but also all kinds of animals.


Jumping from the tip of a few ten meters high, Fang Ping jumped onto the thick branch of another tree. With a slight help, he jumped straight to the thick branch of the next tree, quickly moved away from here, and started today’s monster search.

A few hours later, several monsters had died at his hands, but they were all Tier 1 and Tier 2 monsters, which could only be used for money, not for sacrifice.

“Tier 3 monsters, there are Tier 3 monsters, I have Tier 3 monsters…”

Suddenly, a panicked woman’s voice came from the walkie-talkie he was carrying.

All the Awakeners searching for monsters have their walkie-talkies on the same channel. As long as Fang Ping appears in the vicinity, they can hear the words of the nearby Awakener on the walkie-talkie.

Fang Ping took out the walkie-talkie, and saw that there was an LCD screen on the walkie-talkie. There was a red dot on the LCD screen, and that was the direction of the speaker.

A throwing knives appeared in his hand, and he was thrust away in that direction.


With the power of his current Tier 3 Awakener, the throwing knife was naturally extremely fast, and it appeared outside several hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

But he teleported to catch the slowing flying knife, and threw it out again.

After a few breaths, Fang Ping appeared on the tip of a tree outside of several li, and saw the woman who had just spoken in the intercom.

Ka-cha, ka-cha!

The woman fled in embarrassment, chasing a huge monster that looked like a scorpion behind her.

The monster’s giant tail curled up, rolling up one thick tree after another and hitting the woman.

The woman suddenly left, suddenly right, avoiding the attack of Scorpion Demon with difficulty.

Standing on the tip of the tree, Fang Ping quickly removed an object from his back. This was a sniper rifle with many black patterns on the surface. It was the Enchanted weapon Death God originally belonging to the Ke family.


A black light burst out and hit the Scorpion Demon’s body, blood and blood splashed, a huge hole appeared in the Scorpion Demon’s body, and the huge body was knocked up and down.


After several laps in the air, Scorpion Demon hit the ground heavily, motionless, but his body was still convulsing continuously, and green liquid poured out from the huge wound on his body.

Put away Death God, a throwing knives threw away, and insert it on Scorpion Demon.

In the next instant, Fang Ping appeared beside the convulsing Scorpion Demon.

Scorpion Demon was struggling to use his giant tail to draw Fang Ping, but the huge wound on his body had already drained its life. After the giant tail was slightly lifted, it fell and completely died.

Fang Ping glanced at the shocked woman not far away. She was young but had a Tier 2 Awakener realm, probably a child of a certain Awakener family.

If it is an ordinary Fiend Hunter, they will definitely come forward and make good friends.

Don’t worry about it. It is not that you lower your body to think when you see a beauty, but you want to get involved with the family behind the other party. The worship position of the Awakener family is very attractive to the average Fiend Hunter.

However, with Fang Ping’s current strength, naturally he would not deliberately make friends. After being slightly nodded to the young woman, he put the monster’s corpse into the sacrifice space, climbed up the branch, and quickly moved away.

After a short while, a middle-aged man with Tier 3 arrived.

Seeing the young woman okay, middle-aged man sighed in relief, then he looked around and asked in surprise.

“Xiaoqian, where’s the Tier 3 monster?”

“I was killed. Just now, a man in his 20s killed him with a single blow. The opponent seems to have the space ability, so he stuffed the body into the space and took it away!”

The young woman called Xiaoqian said in shock.

“Kill the Tier 3 monster with one blow? And also has space ability? It must be him!”

The middle-aged man immediately guessed that the person who killed the monster was Fang Ping, which is really the iconic spatial ability.

“who is it?”

The young woman called Xiaoqian asked curiously.

“Fang Ping, a great youngster who can sit on par with Patriarch.”

The middle-aged man sighed and said.

After a day’s search, Fang Ping cleared a clearing in the forest and pitched his tent in the evening.

Set up a small pot, make water with the capacity of Hie Hie no Mi, heat with the capacity of Mera Mera no Mi, and Fang Ping is cooking instant noodles.

Soon after, the aroma spread. Although the cooking skills are not good, Fang Ping is definitely a Grandmaster Rank in terms of cooking instant noodles.

“Shy —“

Holding the pot, Fang Ping began to eat.

The sleek taste, the fragrant soup, the meaty ham sausage…the deliciousness makes Fang Ping unstoppable.

Suddenly, Fang Ping, with the noodles in his mouth, moved slightly, stood up, and stared in one direction.

His Kenbunshoku Haki sensed something extraordinary approaching.

It is a monster, but it is not an ordinary monster. If the judgment is correct, it should be a monster of Tier 4.

The other party seems to have the ability to perceive, perceive his existence, and is sneaking towards him.

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