Monster Altar

Chapter 138

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“Shadow Clone Jutsu !”

Put down the pot, Fang Ping Shadow Clone used it, letting Shadow Clone replace him to attract the target, while he escaped into the door space and lurked towards the Tier 4 monster.

The moon is high in the sky, and even at night, it has extremely high visibility.

I saw a humanoid monster slowly approaching.

The humanoid monster is 3 meters tall, has no hair, only exposed muscle tissue.

The head, where the eyes were originally, has a huge one eye in the center.

Under the one eye, there was a huge mouth with a hideous fangs, long teeth were exposed, and disgusting liquid was flowing out.

“One-eyed Troll!”

Fang Ping recognized this monster.

One-eyed Troll, a high-level monster whose strength can reach Tier 4 as an adult, is able to spot him because the opponent’s one-eyed has the ability to see through and can pass obstacles and see far away.

Approaching to a distance of five-six hundred meters away from Fang Ping Shadow Clone, it seems to know that if you continue to approach, you will be “discovered” by Fang Ping Shadow Clone, and that One-eyed Troll not at all approaches again.

Standing at five-six hundred meters away, in the one-eyed Troll’s one-eyed eye, red light is brewing, next moment, a red rays of light shoots out and hits the Fang Ping Shadow Clone which is five-six hundred meters away.

The perspective ability and the powerful vision possessed by the one-eyed eye allows it to accurately target the Fang Ping Shadow Clone even if it is five-six hundred meters away.


With a loud noise, the place where Fang Ping built the tent, soil and rock splashed, a huge pothole appeared on the ground, the tent was torn to pieces under the violent wind, and the debris was flying everywhere.

If it is an ordinary Tier 3 Awakener, it is absolutely difficult to avoid this sneak attack from five-six hundred meters away. The most likely is that they are seriously injured or even killed under the sneak attack.

However, Fang Ping is not a normal Tier 3 Awakener, and even Shadow Clone is not easy to kill.


As soon as throwing knives threw away, Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone disappeared in place, dodged the red beam, and hurried towards the One-eyed Troll.

At a distance of five-six hundred meters, with the cooperation of the flying knife and Flying Thunder God Jutsu, 2 breaths have arrived.

A thick flame column appeared, with high temperature, whizzing and hitting One-eyed Troll.

Hey, hey, hey!

Facing the Fang Ping Shadow Clone rushing forward, the red light in One-eyed Troll’s eyes flickered. Next moment, dozens of red rays of light shot out from the one-eyed eye.

The flame column crashed under the red rays of light, and the red rays of light pierced the Shadow Clone of Fang Ping and made a hole in the body of the Shadow Clone of Fang Ping.

Before that, Fang Ping Shadow Clone didn’t even have time to teleport and escape. The distance was too close, and the speed of this red rays of light was too fast.

Even if it is five-six hundred meters away, it can make it difficult for Tier 3 Awakener to escape. It is conceivable that this is terrifying speed.


Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone collapsed and disappeared with the white mist, and the space inside the door, Fang Ping, who was already ready to go, jumped out of the space inside the door.

Several green ribs appeared on the right side of his body, and a large green giant hand hung on the right front of his body. Susanoo was used unexpectedly.


The green giant slapped the back of the One-eyed Troll with a terrifying force. The huge body of the One-eyed Troll was 3 meters high, and it flew out under the terrifying force.

Trees, mountains and rocks, but everything that blocked the road ahead was shattered, and he fell out of fifty-sixty meters before finally stopping.

call out!

A throwing knives threw away, Fang Ping quickly chased the One-eyed Troll, and the giant green hand patted the One-eyed Troll again.


Among One-eyed Troll’s one-eyed eyes, red rays of light lit up, and dozens of red rays of light shot out, attacking Fang Ping who was approaching.

Hey, hey, hey!

A series of dull loud noises appeared in front of Fang Ping, and the red rays of light hit the invisible defense.

Now Fang Ping’s Susanoo is only in its initial form. Not at all completely protects Fang Ping’s body. Fortunately, the attack comes from the front and is in the initial form of Susanoo’s protection range.

However, it was not without effect. With the block of red rays of light, the motion of the giant green hand slowed down.

One-eyed Troll took this opportunity to get up, with no skin but a fist with exposed muscles, facing the giant green hand photographed by Susanoo.


The green giant hand collided with the big flesh and blood fist, and the terrifying shock wave permeated for 4 weeks. Centering on the collision place, one after another terror cracks appeared on the ground.

Whether it’s Fang Ping or One-eyed Troll, they can’t help but retreat under this terrifying impact.

Evenly matched !

With Susanoo, Fang Ping’s battle strength can reach Tier 4, and One-eyed Troll, as a Tier 4 monster, naturally has Tier 4 battle strength, so the collision of the two is evenly matched.

However, Fang Ping has more than just Susanoo.

In addition to Susanoo, he has another method that can also shine in this level battle. This method is S-Rank Ninjutsu Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

call out!

A throwing knives flew over from the side of the One-eyed Troll, Fang Ping appeared to catch it, and the giant green hand patted the One-eyed Troll from the side.


Facing a sudden attack from the side, One-eyed Troll reacted extremely swiftly, evading sideways at an extremely fast speed.

However, he still couldn’t escape. Although he avoided the vital point of his head, he was still slapped with a palm on his chest. A huge palm print appeared on his chest, and scarlet blood flowed out.

call out!

Fang Ping repeated the old trick, threw away the flying knife, and wanted to use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu teleport to approach the assault One-eyed Troll again.


In the one-eyed Troll’s one-eyed eye, a red beam shot out and hit the flying knife. The flying knife was knocked into the air before it approached the One-eyed Troll.

Not all monsters have low IQs. Although there are indeed many monsters with low IQs, there are not a few monsters with higher IQs. There are even more monsters, and their IQs are not even weaker than that of humans.

And the One-eyed Troll in front of me is obviously a monster with a higher IQ. I noticed that Fang Ping’s teleportation relies on a flying knife, and decisively knocked the flying knife into the air with red light, which prevented Fang Ping from flying Thunder God Jutsu. near.

“Understood, how about teleporting with a flying knife as a coordinate?”

Teleported and caught the flying knife that was knocked off, Fang Ping immediately threw it away again.

call out!

A red beam shot from One-eyed Troll’s one-eyed eye towards the throwing knives.

But just before the flying knife was hit by the red beam, Fang Ping caught the flying knife, and the red beam hit Susanoo and was blocked.


Using the Body flicker technique, Fang Ping crossed the short distance from the One-eyed Troll, the green giant palm brought a violent wind, fiercely patted the One-eyed Troll.

at this time.

On the surface of One-eyed Troll’s body, the exposed muscle tissue is growing and expanding rapidly.

In the original 3-meter One-eyed Troll, the muscle tissue grew rapidly and expanded to 4 meters, and the body became extremely bloated.


The green giant palm slapped on the bloated One-eyed Troll, and the One-eyed Troll slipped more than ten meters back to block the charge. Only shallow scars were shot.

With the size of One-eyed Troll, such an injury can only be regarded as a minor injury.

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