Monster Altar

Chapter 139

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“Really strong defense!”

Fang Ping’s complexion became solemn.

He had read the information about One-eyed Troll and knew that One-eyed Troll has strong defense, so he used Susanoo at first.

However, the introduction of One-eyed Troll in the information is not detailed enough. It has said that its defense is strong, but not at all said how strong its defense is, let alone that One-eyed Troll can make the body muscle tissue in a crisis. Inflate, enhance defense.

“If it is dragged into a protracted battle, it will be able to kill it, but Susanoo’s continuity is too poor, it seems that only that can be used.”

Fang Ping made a decisive decision.

The output of the pupil power of the eyes has reached the current maximum, and the super load makes the eyes more painful, and even blood flows out.

With the increase of pupil power, the appearance of Susanoo with only a few ribs and a right hand changed drastically.

One green skeleton grew out one after another, and in a very short time, it turned into a green skeleton giant without a lower body and a red magatama on his chest.

Susanoo has many forms with the strength of pupil input. In the beginning, Fang Ping used Susanoo’s initial form, but now, it uses Susanoo’s first form.

The formidable power is stronger and the protection is more complete. Except for the feet, everything else is protected.

Of course, compared with this powerful formidable power, the load on the eyes is greater and the damage to the eyes is greater.

I didn’t want to use it, but in the face of such a strong One-eyed Troll, I had to use it.

Ka-cha ——

Susanoo’s chest, ribs open to two sides.

The next moment.

Hey, hey, hey!

Countless green arrows shot out, turning into a rain of arrows, covering the One-eyed Troll.

Hey, hey, pu!

Even though it was the strong defense of One-eyed Troll, under the green arrow that turned into a rain of arrows, it was still pierced, and blood spattered.

Jingle –

The green arrow rain ended, and the 4-meter-high body of the One-eyed Troll quickly shrank to 3 meters, and fell heavily, raising dust on the ground.

The sound disappeared, and he died under this wave of green arrows.


Susanoo couldn’t bear it anymore, and automatically relieved, and Fang Ping’s eyes were so painful that he was about to explode.

It took a long time before it was slightly relieved, and his vision appeared again in a trance, and everything in front of him was blurred.

This time lasted longer than the last time Susanoo was used. Obviously, his eyes were one step closer to being blind.

“Hu Hu—”

Not only did the eyes hurt severely, but even his physical strength was exhausted. Fang Ping took a few long breaths and walked towards the body of One-eyed Troll.

A ball of flame was in his hand, and the fire shone on the body of One-eyed Troll.

I saw One-eyed Troll’s whole body, full of holes one after another, densely packed, like a nest of bees, and the scalp was numb.

Susanoo in the first form, the formidable power is undoubtedly much stronger than the initial form. A Tier 4 monster that is skilled in defense can actually one hit instant kill, showing the horror of the formidable power.

After putting the body of the Tier 4 monster into the sacrifice space and leaving the flying thunder divine technique in the hidden place, Fang Ping returned to his residence in He’an Base City with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

The tent has broken down, and he doesn’t want to sleep in the street.

One day later, the siege of monsters ended. Fang Ping hunted a total of 4 Tier 3 monsters and 3 Tier 1 monsters plus numerous Tier 2 Tier 800,000 monsters, and won 1 rewards.

However, this 800,000 not at all heat was spent, and even 200,000 posted upside down, because he asked Yao Family to help purchase a lot of Tier 3 and Tier 4 monster corpses.

Although the task of encircling monsters was over, the task of searching and monitoring was not at all, but it was a few days’ holiday.

In the courtyard of Fang Ping’s residence, all the corpses of monsters were transported over.

He first sacrificed the acquired Tier 3 and Tier 4 monster corpses, and bought a total of 4 Tier 4 monster corpses and 20 Tier 3 monster corpses. After the sacrifice, he obtained 6005 sacrifice value.

Look at the introduction of ninjutsu innate talent on the attribute panel.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu: activated

Sage Mode: Not activated, activation requires 10000 sacrifice value

Shiki Fujin: Not activated, activation requires 10000 sacrifice value

Rasengan: activated

Four Crimson Ray Formation: Inactive, 3000 sacrifice value is required to activate

Reverse Four Symbols sealing: Inactive, 3000 sacrifice value is required to activate


The sacrifice value in the early 6000 years is still 4000 short of activating Sage Mode. Fang Ping looked towards other ninjutsu.

Four Crimson Ray Formation requires 4 Kage levels to be displayed at the same time. This condition is almost impossible in this World. It is not that you can’t find someone who can have the strength comparable to Kage level, but you can’t find another 3 Ninjutsu innate talents. people.

I don’t know if it can be replaced by Shadow Clone, but if 10000 can’t be replaced by Shadow Clone, it would waste 3000 sacrifices to activate a useless ninjutsu.

In the current situation where the sacrifice value is not sufficient, it is better not to make such a risky attempt.

Reverse Four Symbols sealing, derived from the powerful sealing technique of the whirlpool family, Namikaze Minato improved this technique, and the seal is extremely strong.

At present, he can’t see the effect of this sealed ninjutsu on him, and it can’t be the object of choice either.

In the end, Fang Ping not at all chose to activate ninjutsu. Compared with other ninjutsu, Sage Mode is more attractive. Although it has the disadvantage of slower speed, it can be compensated by Shadow Clone absorbing natural energy.

Moreover, if the ninjutsu innate talents of Uzumaki Naruto and Senju Hashirama can be obtained, the shortcomings that cannot be used instantly can be compensated, because at the peak of these two people, Sage Mode can be activated instantly.

After exiting the sacrifice space and collecting the corpse of a Tier 3 monster, Fang Ping started the sacrifice. He was a little hopeful that he could acquire innate talent and abilities.

Not only has 3 Tier 3 monsters, but also a Tier 4 monster. He doesn’t think he will be bad luck. He can’t even sacrifice a better ability and innate talent.


The red rays of light on the altar skyrocketed, and the sky was shining with stars. A green rays of light descended and exploded, turning into a youngster with green hair.

The youngster is extremely tall, at least 1 meter 9 or more, and wears a pair of glasses.

Name: Midorima Shintaro

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent

Basketball innate talent: very excellent

Midorima Shintaro, an anime character in Kuroko’s basketball, is one of the era of miracles. The innate talent he possesses is top-notch, but unfortunately it is not a combat type innate talent.

Fang Ping decisively chose the Growth innate talent. The first sacrifice was a failure.

Receive a Tier 3 monster corpse again for sacrifice.


A black rays of light descended and shattered into a woman with blond hair.

The woman had a mole on her lips, and she was wearing a black kimono-like dress. Her chest was extremely eye-catching and could not be covered.

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