Monster Altar

Chapter 140

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“is her!”

Fang Ping looked at the attribute panel of the blonde woman.

Name: Rangiku Matsumoto

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent

Death God innate talent: excellent


Haineko: Zanpakuto that can be turned into a swarm of ashes after liberation, launching a range attack.

Rangiku Matsumoto, an anime character in the anime Death God, 10th squad Vice Captain.

Fang Ping is quite impressed with this anime character, cough cough, big sister looks so good-looking, can you have an impression?

The strength of the opponent belongs to the upper middle level among Vice Captain. It is not that she is weak, but the Vice Captains in front of her are too strong. If there is a *explanation, the strongest battle strength has even exceeded the Captain level.

“Currently anime has Growth innate talent, Death God innate talent, and ability Haineko. Do you choose one to acquire?”

The majestic voice sounded, letting Fang Ping make a choice.

The excellent Growth innate talent is naturally not seen by Fang Ping. His eyes fall on the Death God innate talent and the ability Haineko.

Death God innate talent, there is nothing to say, it is the innate talent of the other party in Death God. The excellent innate talent is not bad. Of course, from Fang Ping’s current vision, some people look down upon it.

The ability Haineko is Zanpakuto. Its shape and ability are built by Death God based on its own soul, but it is classified as an ability by Monster Altar.

The choice is obvious.

“I choose Ability Haineko!”

As Fang Ping made his choice, a black light flew out of Rangiku Matsumoto, fell into Fang Ping’s hands, and turned into a knife.

This is a knife with a rectangular handle. It is not heavy, and it has a light texture when held in the hand.

铿 clang!

Pulling the knife, a slender knife appeared, with a sharp edge on one side.

“I don’t know if Awakener can see it?”

Among Death Gods, whether it is Death God or Zanpakuto, ordinary persons cannot see it, only those who have received a virtual attack or possess extraordinary power can see it.

The Awakener of this World are naturally people with extraordinary powers. I don’t know if they can see Zanpakuto like those in Death God.

Remove the rapier and insert Zanpakuto in the place where the rapier was originally hung. Fang Ping put the third Tier 3 monster body into the sacrifice space and sacrificed again.


A burst of red rays of light fell and blasted and turned into a red haired man. The man was unrestrained and wild. Seeing the opposite is like seeing a male lion running on the grassland.

“It’s really a great character that took out!”

Fang Ping has a weird face. Although he says great character in his mouth, he is not at all happy.

The reason is all because of this person’s identity.

Name: Suoh Mikoto

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent


Chi force: The powerful force derived from the Dresden slate can develop a person’s physical strength and intelligence to a maximum value.

Suoh Mikoto, the character in the anime K, the tenth generation of the 3rd kingship, and the former leader of the Aka no clan, Vedura.

Is the Chi force owned by the opponent strong or not?

Naturally, it is extremely powerful. After obtaining it, it has extremely powerful ability in the initial stage. It is conservatively estimated that it is also the ability of the peak order level, but Fang Ping really dare not choose, because those who possess this ability are short-lived ghosts.

Starting from the emergence of the first generation of kings, but in several decades, there have been eleven successors. The average survival time of each successor is no more than ten years. Who dares to choose this ability?

He would not dare to choose unless it was the silver power of the first crown that could maintain eternal appearance and eternal life.

“Choose Growth innate talent.”

No matter how good the ability is, Fang Ping immediately chose the very excellent Growth innate talent owned by the other party.

A red rays of light drilled into Fang Ping within the body, Fang Ping hoped to look towards the attribute panel, and wanted to see if the integration of a very excellent Growth innate talent could improve the Growth innate talent.

It was a pity that he was disappointed that the Growth innate talent not at all changed, and it was still the original very excellent Growth innate talent, obviously not at all caused a qualitative change.

“The last one.”

Putting the One-eyed Troll into the sacrifice space, Fang Ping looked at the body of the One-eyed Troll, with some expectations in his heart.

Seeing the eyes approaching blindness step by step, it is impossible not to worry.

One-eyed Troll’s eyes have perspective and ray abilities, and belong to monsters with unique eye abilities. Using them as a sacrifice is more likely to take out anime characters with eye abilities.

This made him look forward to it, wondering if he could take out Mangekyo Sharingan and completely solve the hidden danger of these eyes.

It is not necessarily necessary for Mangekyo Sharingan to take out other eye abilities, and to integrate with Mangekyo Sharingan, it is also possible to solve the hidden dangers of these eyes, just like Mera Mera no Mi abilities.


The blood-colored altar blooms with blood-colored rays of light as high as several meters, and the sky and stars bloom with bright rays of light.


A white radiance came down, exploded and turned into a tall old man.

The old man has a broad chest, muscular, blue eyes and a scar on his left eye.

Gray hair, wearing a white cloak, not at all imposing manner, looks like an ordinary old man, but he can never call it ordinary.

Name: Monkey D. Garp

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent: Excellent

Busoshoku Haki: very excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: very excellent

Monkey D. Garp, an anime character in One Piece, a Legendary character in the Navy, is called Iron Fist Karp.

This is a character who stands on the top of the One Piece world like Aokiji who Fang Ping once took out.

“It seems that it corresponds to the strengthening of the body!”

It was this cartoon character who saw the take out, Fang Ping looking thoughtful.

In addition to having perspective and ray capabilities, One-eyed Troll also has a powerful fleshy body, which is similar to Monkey D. Garp, so the sacrifice this time should correspond to physical strengthening.

He was a little disappointed in not being able to take out the anime character who owns Mangekyo Sharingan, but he also understands that this is normal.

Even the sacrifice of eye-type monsters is only a high probability of obtaining eye-type abilities, not absolute, even more how One-eyed Troll’s abilities, in addition to eye-type abilities, also have physical abilities.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent, Busoshoku Haki, Taijutsu innate talent, do you choose one of them?”

The majestic voice sounded, let Fang Ping make a choice, Fang Ping looked at the 4 innate talents possessed by the opponent.

Although the growth innate talent reached the very excellent level, it did not necessarily trigger a qualitative change, so that his current Growth innate talent was promoted, so he was excluded.

Although the excellent Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent is good, it is undoubtedly inferior to the very excellent Busoshoku innate talent and Taijutsu innate talent, and he owns the Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent, so he is also excluded.

What is left are two kinds of innate talents, Busoshoku Haki and Taijutsu innate talents, both of which are very excellent. He needs to choose between the two.

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