Monster Altar

Chapter 143

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In the middle of the night, a Tier 4 team of 3 people was patrolling. Team 2 had men and 2 women. One of the women was Yan Xue who was disbanded from Fang Ping.

“Be careful!”

Suddenly, Yan Xue, who was walking forward, felt a trace of palpitations in his heart. He was suddenly alert, and loudly warned the other three people.

At the same time she made her voice, mutation suddenly appeared. From the second side of the street and the front and back of the concrete paved street, one after another thick vines rose from the ground, extending to attack 2 people.

The danger came too suddenly, but all four of them were Tier 4 Awakener, and the reaction was extremely quick.

Yan Xue’s cold ice ability was used, and the cold air spread in one direction, and the vines that hit in this direction suddenly became ice sculptures.

The other three Tier 3 Awakeners also used their own methods to block vine attacks from the other three directions.

“It’s Tier 4 Awakener, please help!”

Although they blocked the attack, the faces of the four of them became solemn. They could only block the attack of the vines with the strength of the four of them. Their Awakener strength in sneak attack must surpass them, at least they are also Tier 4 Awakener.

Among the 4 people, the one with the annunciator quickly pressed the annunciator.

The annunciator can not only send out distress signals, so that the surrounding Tier 4 Awakener can receive distress signals, but also display their current location in real time.

Hey, hey, pu!

The four guarded the four back to back. Suddenly, the ground under their feet shook slightly, and one after another sharp roots rose from the ground and pierced the four of them.

“Not good, dodge!”

The four people evaded one after another, and there were sharp roots one after another in the place where they were originally. If they dodge a little slower, they might have opened holes all over their bodies.

However, even though they evaded the attack, the four people were dispersed and had to fight separately.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

A scream came from the women except Yan Xue. Her strength was the weakest among the four. She was scattered and had no companions to support her. She was the first to be injured.

A piece of tree branches shot at her like a sharp blade, unable to dodge, her abdomen was suddenly stabbed by the branches, and blood flowed.

The second injured was a man, with dozens of roots stabbed from the ground and attacked him. Although he avoided a lot, he was still stabbed by a few.

The third injured was another man. Many vines entangled and turned into a thick vine to attack him.

He tried his best to resist, but was unable to stop it. He was hit by this thick vine, vomiting blood and flying upside down.

Among the 4 people, the only one who has not been injured is Yan Xue. With the crystal sword and ice ability, her battle strength faintly exceeds the peak of Tier 3 and is the strongest among the 4 people.

But even so, it is already in danger. Although it has faintly exceeded the peak of Tier 3, there is still a big gap from Tier 4.

If it weren’t for the energy of the other 3 Tier 3 Awakener to contain the Tier 4 Awakener, she must have been injured at this time.


A female Tier 4 Awakener who was on patrol took out an instrument with a display screen, took a look, and quickly rushed in one direction. The place for help is only several li away from her.

However, she hadn’t had time to run far. Suddenly, the air in her 4 weeks became solidified, and her body was bound by the solidified air, and one after another “air cannons” that caused the air to cause ripples were attacking her.

Boom, bang, bang!

The air cannon was blocked. Just as the air cannon was approaching the female Tier 4 Awakener, a huge petal after another suddenly grew around the female Tier 4 Awakener, blocking the air cannon.

Not only that, the huge petals revolved, and the air confined around the female Tier 4 Awakener was torn apart, and the air resumed circulation.

Although the danger was relieved, the female Tier 4 Awakener looked serious.

What she encountered was obviously a Tier 4 Awakener who was entangled by a Tier 4 Awakener. She had no energy to rescue the 4 people who were attacked.

“Be careful–“

Faced with an attack by a Tier 4 Awakener, the other 3 people besides Yan Xue are at risk, and they get injured from time to time. The weakest woman among the 4 people is on the verge of life and death.

A lot of bloodshed and injuries caused her to be seriously overdrawn, and her formidable power and response became weak, and she finally had no time to deal with it.

Being attacked by a vine, her body flew heavily and rolled around on the ground for a few laps. Life or death was unknown, only blood kept flowing from her body.

Although Yan Xue 3 felt that she was in a crisis, they were also in a crisis, and there was no time to rescue her.

After her, the two men also became difficult because of injuries and resistance, and they suffered heavy blows one after another.

Puff puff–

With only one person left in the 4-person team, Yan Xue faced a Tier 4 Awakener attack by herself. Her pressure suddenly doubled, and wounds began to appear on her body. Seeing that, before long, she would be seriously injured like the other three. even death.


Suddenly, a silhouette appeared near her. She was surprised at first, but when she saw the person who appeared, she was sighed in relief.

“With such bad luck, four Tier 4 Awakener people actually made you meet one, or is it specifically for you?”

The cold air spread, freezing the tentacles coming from one side, reducing part of the pressure for Yan Xue, Fang Ping jokingly said.

Each “Tier 4 Awakener” patrolling alone has a signal receiver that can receive distress signals and can also see the location of other Tier 4 Awakener and the team. His battle strength is comparable to the Tier 4 Awakener’s Tier. 3 Awakener, there are naturally.

When he received the distress signal, he was a dozen or more li away from Yan Xue. However, thanks to Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he moved faster than Tier 5 Awakener, so he arrived so quickly. .

“be careful.”

Before Yan Xue could answer, Fang Ping had thrown knives threw away to the left of the street.

He had already sensed through Kenbunshoku Haki that the Tier 4 Awakener manipulating the plants was hiding there.

The Tier 4 Awakener who manipulates the plants is a man with a ghost mask. Seeing the flying knives, a large number of vines stretch out around him and intercept the flying knives.

Hellfire has already judged the usefulness of the flying knife from the previous battles with Fang Ping.

But before the vines hit the flying knife, the flying knife was already in Fang Ping’s hand, and a green giant palm roughly patted the attacking vine.

puff puff puff!

The vines were blown up like fried beans under the green giant palm, and a large area without vines appeared, and Fang Ping threw away the flying knife again and teleported to catch it again.


At this time, the distance between Fang Ping and the man in the goblin mask was close enough to be photographed by the giant green hand.

The man in the goblin mask hurriedly planted a large number of vines harder than steel in front of him, and backed away.

It is a pity that these vines were destroyed by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood under the giant green hand, and finally the giant green hand slapped the man with the goblin mask.

The man in the goblin mask flew upside down, crashed through the wall of the house next to the street, and fell into the house.

There are not at all people in the house. This is a shop. The man with the goblin mask climbed up with blood on his mouth, punched through the other wall of the shop, and sealed the gap with a large number of vines. He fled.

After only 2 encounters, he has determined that he, who has just become a Tier 4 Awakener, is not Fang Ping’s opponent, so he flees decisively.

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