Monster Altar

Chapter 144

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After chasing into the shop, Doa Doa no Mi’s ability was used. Fang Ping passed through the vines that sealed the gap and saw the man with the goblin mask who had escaped more than 100 meters away.

call out!

Leaping out of the door space, a throwing knives chased the man with the devil mask, while he teleported to grab the throwing knife.

The distance of more than 100 meters was pulled closer by him instantly.


The green giant palm brought a violent wind and patted the Tier 4 Awakener man who was manipulating the plant. Seeing the man in the goblin mask couldn’t avoid it, he was hit by the giant palm.

Suddenly, on the surface of the man with the evil ghost mask, one bulge after another appeared, and the bulge burst open, turning into clarinet after another.

From the clarinet, a cloud of black liquid sprayed out and hit Green’s giant hand.

chi chi chi ——

The black liquid is surprisingly corrosive, and the surface of the green giant hand constructed with Susanoo actually appears corroded.

However, although there were signs of corrosion, it was not serious. Green’s giant hand continued to pat towards the man in the goblin mask, and the man in the goblin mask raised his left arm to resist.


The man with the goblin mask flew upside down, and raised his left arm against Green’s giant hand to bend unnaturally, with blood oozing out.

However, for the convenience, as if he didn’t feel any pain, he pressed it to the ground with his right hand.

A large number of plants rose up from the ground, and instantly blocked a whole street, separating himself from Fang Ping, and he turned and ran away quickly.


The green giant palm gently clapped, the vine walls were blown up, and the silhouette of the man with the goblin mask appeared in Fang Ping’s field of vision again.

Threw the knife threw away, he caught up with the man with the devil mask.

Hey, hey, pu!

A large number of trees rose up from the ground, some threw away the plant lance, some attacked with roots and branches, and one after another attacked Fang Ping.

The man with the goblin mask no longer runs away. He has clearly noticed that under Fang Ping’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu, it is impossible to escape.


Susanoo’s giant green hand patted it, and a large number of plants shattered. Even if some plants avoided Susanoo’s giant green hand, they were blocked by the defense formed by Susanoo’s ribs in front of Fang Ping.

But at this moment, plants suddenly attacked Fang Ping’s back and feet, and attacked Fang Ping. These two directions were exactly the places Fang Ping Susanoo could not protect.

Ka ka!

Fang Ping spreads behind him with cold air. The plants that came from under the feet or behind him were all frozen into ice sculpture under the cold air, and finally shattered with the sound of ka-cha.

Although the formidable power of Hie Hie no Mi has not reached Tier 4 yet, it can still cope with a scattered attack by a Tier 4 Awakener.


Susanoo’s giant green hand shot forward again, again, a large number of plants were crushed, and the man with the goblin mask behind the plants was also affected.

After being hit, he retreated again and again, and his clothes were tattered.

A throwing knives threw away, Fang Ping caught up with the backgoing ghost mask man, and Green’s giant hand shot from top to bottom towards the ghost mask man.

Around the man in the evil mask, wooden stakes rose from the ground, blocking Susanoo’s giant green hand.

But everything was crushed under Susanoo’s giant green hand, and the giant green hand continued to take pictures.

Ka-cha !

The man in the goblin mask raised his head to resist with the remaining right hand, and accompanied by a crisp sound, the man in the goblin mask made a crisp sound with his right hand skeleton.

Pieces of cloth on the right hand exploded, red blood oozing from all parts of the right hand, and the other’s right hand was like cracked glass.


At the cost of the right hand, the ghost mask man escaped from Susanoo’s green giant hand range.

Susanoo’s green giant hand slapped on the ground, a huge palm print appeared on the ground, and the palm print was surrounded by huge cracks.

Although his hands were exhausted, the ability of the man in the evil spirit mask was not at all lost. He quickly retreated, and during the retreat, a lot of white mist appeared around him.

At night when the visibility was low, under the white fog, suddenly nothing was seen.

However, Fang Ping ignored it. Under Kenbunshoku Haki, this ability to block the field of vision was useless.

The flying knife threw away from the side of the evil spirit mask man. At the moment he passed, he teleported to catch the flying knife. Green’s giant hand slapped the evil spirit mask man from the side.


The man in the goblin mask flew out obliquely, and the place where his body was slapped by the giant green hand appeared obvious depression, the red blood was splashing everywhere, and the clothes on his body were completely red with blood dyed.

Obviously, the injury was not as serious as usual. I struggled to get up, but couldn’t get up.


Using the Body flicker technique, Fang Ping quickly appeared next to the man in the goblin mask, and Green’s giant hand snapped it violently.

Under normal circumstances, he will consider capturing the opponent alive and handing it over to the Monster Countermeasures Division.

However, from the records of each patrol team’s fight against Hellfire in the past few months, he has understood that even if he is captured alive, he will only get a corpse with a head burst, unable to extract any useful information.


The man in the devil mask tried his best to manipulate the plant to stop the Fang Ping green giant hand from being photographed. Unfortunately, because of his serious injury, the barrier formed this time was weaker than the previous one.

Susanoo’s giant green hand, almost unimpeded, has already been shot on the man with the devil mask.

A pothole appeared on the ground, and the body of the man in the evil spirit mask was lying in the pothole slightly deformed, and blood leaked from all parts of the body continuously.

Through Kenbunshoku Haki, it can be determined that the opponent is dead.

After disarming Susanoo, Fang Ping stepped forward, preparing to take off the man’s mask of the evil spirit mask to see who is under the mask.

He deliberately avoided his head just now, so the opponent’s face should not be damaged.


Suddenly, Fang Ping face changed, the flying knife threw away sideways, he teleported to catch it, and appeared in a few beyond ten meters.

Hong long!

There was a loud noise where he was just now, and the body of the man with the goblin mask flew up and fell to the ground after turning in the air for a few times.

The mask on the face all split up and in pieces, and the face was also under the impact just now, bloody and invisible at all.

Fang Ping took a deep look at the direction of the attack, not at all chasing him, but holding the corpse of the man in the goblin mask, retreating and meeting Yan Xue.

The attack came from 1000 meters beyond Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception. It was an attack that almost blended with the night.

If Kenbunshoku Haki hadn’t been able to perceive the “sound” of the attack moving in the air, he would have discovered it when the attack was approaching, and it was too late to evade.

Judging from the formidable power of the attack, the opponent is likely to be a Tier 4 Awakener. Susanoo has just used it, and now he is not suitable for another Tier 4 Awakener.

More than 1000 meters away, on a tall building, there was a man with eagle-like eyes and extremely sharp.

The eagle can clearly see the prey on the ground at an altitude of 1000 meters, and his eyes can also spot the enemy from 1000 meters away.

The attack on Fang Ping just now came from him, and the method of attack was a black substance that he made with the ability.

This is a special black substance that can continue to accelerate after being attacked. When it hits the target, it is the fastest and the strongest formidable power.

With his pair of eyes that can see enemies beyond 1000 meters, he is extremely good at long-range attacks.

It was discovered that the man with the goblin mask was killed, he decisively destroyed the face of the man with the goblin mask, to avoid revealing that the man with the goblin mask was only a Tier 3 Awakener not long ago.

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