Monster Altar

Chapter 146

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“Failed? You must have been alert, then change one and replace it with Mu Gao.”

In the gloomy underground space, Lu Yu didn’t care about instructed when he learned that Yan Xue had failed to capture it alive.

As the experimental subjects, no matter who they are, as long as the innate talent is high enough, the reason why Yan Xue and Mu Gao who are focusing on the monster countermeasures department are focused is because of the worst relationship with the monster countermeasures department.

ding ding ding ~!

A few days later, Fang Ping was patrolling alone. Suddenly, an instrument on his body rang.

He took out the instrument. It was an instrument with an LCD screen. At this time, there were many moving green dots on the LCD screen. They were Tier 4 Awakener patrols or patrol teams.

But there is a red dot that keeps flashing, and 4 names are marked beside it, one of them is Mu Gao.

“Has the goal this time been changed to Mu Gao?”

Seeing the name next to the red dot, Fang Ping was not surprised, on the contrary, there was such a color on his face.

A few days ago, he received a commission from the Monster Countermeasures Division. The content of the commission was related to the attack at this time. The Monster Countermeasures Division had long been aware of the purpose of Hellfire and made targeted arrangements for it.

“There must be what it should be.”

Take out the flying knife engraved with the flying lei divine technique, Fang Ping threw away, and rush to Mu Gao’s 4-man team.

Hey, hey, hey!

The flying knife was constantly threw away and caught by him, and every time he caught the flying knife, he would appear more than 100 meters away.

With this method, he achieved even faster speeds than Tier 5 Awakener.

“Not good !”

The teleport appeared to catch the flying knife. Suddenly, he face changed and the flying knife threw away quickly, and he followed the flying knife to teleport and disappeared in place.


The place where he was originally was like a bomb exploding, with large pieces of rubble splashing everywhere, and huge potholes appeared on the cement floor.

“It was the last time the Tier 4 Awakener attacked!”

A few beyond ten meters, Fang Ping who appeared teleported slightly condensed and looked at the potholes not far away.

This type of attack, he had encountered before, was exactly the same attack he encountered after killing the ghost mask man last time.

The opponent either possesses the ability that is not perceived by his Kenbunshoku Haki, or attacks him outside the range of his Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception.


The throwing knife was threw away by Fang Ping again, and Fang Ping teleported away again. The place where he was now was also accompanied by a loud noise, and huge potholes appeared.

The terrifying loud noise caused a strong vibration, and the glass of the surrounding buildings broke and crash-banged and fell under the loud noise.


Doa Doa no Mi’s ability was used, Fang Ping disappeared from the outside world, no longer rushing towards Mu Gao’s team, but rushing towards the direction of the attack.

After running for more than 1000 meters in the direction of the attack, Fang Ping left the space inside the door from the concealment, and Kenbunshoku Haki sensed it.

Soon, he discovered the target of the attack, which was an Awakener on the top of a tall building.

The reason why the opponent is determined to be the attacker is because the opponent’s voice has reached Tier 4 level and is a Tier 4 Awakener.

It’s Tier 4 Awakener, and it also appears in the vicinity. The probability can be said to be extremely high.

Doa Doa no Mi’s ability was used, Fang Ping dived towards that tall building, came to the top of the tall building, and saw the Tier 4 Awakener.

This is a man wearing a black leather jacket with a mask on his face. The upper half of his face is covered. He is dressed as a typical Hellfire member.

Opening the door behind the man, Fang Ping jumped out, Susanoo used it, and Green’s giant hand slapped the man’s back violently.

As a Tier 4 Awakener, the man’s reaction was extremely quick, even in the face of a sneak attack, he also reflected it in time.

From behind him, two huge black wings grew out, wrapping his body.


His body was slapped by Green’s giant hand, he fell out of the tall building, fell from a height of more than a hundred meters, fiercely hit the street under the tall building.

There was a huge earthquake on the ground and a pothole appeared.

call out!

Fang Ping threw away and flew quickly to the man downstairs. When he was about to approach the ground, he teleported, and Green slapped the man lying in the pothole.

Just when the giant green hand was about to hit the man, the man lying in the pothole suddenly jumped up as if he was not injured, and a black wing faced the giant green hand.


The terrifying shock wave spread from the place where the two collided. The surrounding green trees were under the shock wave and all the leaves fell. As the center of the shock wave, cracks appeared one after another on the ground.

Whether it was Fang Ping or a man, everyone could not help being knocked back by the shock wave by 2 steps. Taking this opportunity, the man suddenly flapped his wings, soaring into the sky, and flying.

Flying into the air, on the man’s wings, a large number of black feathers escaped and shot towards Fang Ping, each with a metal-like texture.

Clang, clang, clang!

Susanoo’s surface heard the sound of metal crashing, and all the feathers that hit were blocked by Susanoo’s defense.

Fang Ping threw away the flying knife in his hand, the man flying into the air, teleported and appeared, and the giant green hand slapped the man.


The giant green hand hit the black wings again, causing a strong sound, and the glass on the 2 side of the street burst and crash-bang and fell to the ground.

After the man slid back for a certain distance, he flapped his wings to stabilize his figure, while Fang Ping had flames spurted out of his feet, and the strong impact stabilized him in the air.

Mutated Mera Mera no Mi’s formidable power surpasses the Tier 3 peak, and now he can fly through the air with the recoil of flame jet.


The flying knife threw away, Fang Ping wanted to teleport close to the man. At this moment, the man’s black wings flicked, and feathers shot out, hitting the flying knife one after another, and the flying knife shot back.

For Fang Ping’s method of using flying knives as coordinate teleportation, Hellfire can be said to have been extremely researched, and thought of using various methods to prevent it.

“It’s a pity that the flying knife can’t change its direction after threw away. Otherwise, the formidable power of Flying Thunder God Jutsu will go to a higher level. If you can get the ability to control the metal, it would be great.”

The teleportation appeared, catching the flying knife hit by the feather, Fang Ping entered the door space.

When it appeared again, it appeared on the side of the man.

The man’s reaction was extremely quick, and he was always on guard for the place where Fang Ping might appear, so when Fang Ping appeared, the black wings had already been flapped in that direction.


The black wings collided with the green giant hand again, causing a loud scream again.

After all, the destructive power was not fully displayed after the hurried shot. After the collision, the man fell from the air and hit the street.

call out!

Without giving the man time to react, Fang Ping threw away the knife, teleported closer to the man, and the giant green hand shot the man fiercely.

“pu ——”

The man vomited blood, and a huge pothole appeared on the ground under his body, and his body was pressed against the ground by the giant green hand, unable to move even a little bit.

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