Monster Altar

Chapter 147

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Green’s giant hand closed, and the man was caught by the green giant’s hand.

The man struggled hard, trying to get rid of Green’s giant hand, but unfortunately under the green’s huge hand, he couldn’t get rid of it at all.

Ka-cha !

Under the squeezing of Green’s giant hand, the man’s body heard the sound of skull cracking.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

The man roared in pain, blood was constantly overflowing from his mouth, and his body showed obvious distortion.

In the end, the body was like broken glass, and blood spurted out from all over the body.

green The giant hand loosened, and the man fell like a puddle of mud, slamming on the ground, and the red blood quickly stained the surrounding ground red.

The sound of the man’s body quickly weakened, and finally disappeared completely.

Fang Ping relieved Susanoo, and he recovered from a trance in front of him, his eyes were one step closer to the blindness.

If possible, he wants to use Susanoo as little as possible before he gets Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, but at present, only Susanoo can compete with Tier 4 Awakener.

Other methods, Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability, Hie Hie no Mi ability, Busoshoku Haki’s ability to combine with flying cats, are all a little worse and are not enough to compete with Tier 4 Awakener.

ding ding ding ~!

The voice of the phone rang, Fang Ping took out the phone to connect, and on the other end of the phone, the voice of Ye Zhen, deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division, rang.

“Mu Gao has been captured by Hellfire!”

“I understand.”

Fang Ping hung up the phone, his body disappeared, and when he reappeared, he appeared in an office.

There are two people in the office, one is Ye Zhen with a middle order figure, and the other is a man with slightly curly black hair and dark brown pupils like wild beasts. It is Xiao Long, another deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Department.

“It’s up to you next!”

Ye Zhen said to Fang Ping slightly nodded, Fang Ping closed his eyes and sensed the movement of a spatial coordinate.

Perceiving that Hellfire is eyeing the Awakener genius, the Monster Strategy Division has a plan to use the Awakener genius as a bait, with the help of his Flying Thunder God Jutsu, to determine the den of Hellfire.

In the small reputation of the Awakener genius, Fang Ping has left the flying thunder divine technique in advance, and only needs to track the final position of the flying thunder divine technique to determine the position of Hellfire.

It can be said that Mu Gao’s arrest was part of the plan.

After half an hour, Fang Ping opened his eyes and said.

“Stop it!”

Ye Zhen and Xiao Long stood up immediately, and Fang Ping quickly used Flying Thunder God Jutsu after touching two people with both hands.

The timing of the rush is very important. If it is too late, Mu Gao will be controlled by the parasite. This is something that Fang Ping and the Monster Countermeasures Division don’t want.


Three people appeared in a dark room. Mu Gao, who was unconscious, was tied to a thick metal pillar, and beside him, there was a woman wearing a mask.

Judging from the intensity of the sound, this is a Tier 4 Awakener, and the opponent should be the one who captured Mu Gao alive.

Seeing three people suddenly appeared, the woman was just about to attack and give a warning, but before that, a big hand had already caught her throat.

Ka-cha !

The big hand suddenly forced, the woman’s throat was crushed, her body fell weak and it was Xiao Long who shot her.

Find the key from the woman and unlock the chain on Mu Gao’s body. Xiao Long handed Mu Gao to Fang Ping.

“Just have us here, you take Mu Gao out of here, and confirm what this place is.”

“I know.”

Fang Ping didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​success, and decisively agreed, lifted Mu Gao, escaped the inner space of the door, and dived to the ground.

Soon, he appeared on the ground and looked at the surrounding buildings to determine his current location.

“This is the crematorium!”

Fang Ping was surprised. He didn’t expect Hellfire’s lair to be under the crematorium.

Under normal circumstances, all normal people are evasive about this kind of place, but they did not expect that Hellfire will place their old nest in this place.

After leaving a flying thunder divine technique, Fang Ping returned to the monster countermeasures department with Mu Gao in a coma, and reported the location of Hellfire’s lair to the monster countermeasures department.

All of a sudden, the patrolling Tier 4 Awakener or the patrol team all received orders to rush to the crematorium to encircle Hellfire.

In addition, many Awakener members of the monster countermeasures department who knew the plan in advance were sent directly to the crematorium under Fang Ping Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

One of the Awakener, Fang Ping, couldn’t feel the slightest sound on the opponent, not weak, but not at all.

From the awe of the surrounding Awakener, Fang Ping had some guesses in his mind.


Xiao Long was attached to pieces of metal-like scales, like a human tyrannosaurus, after resisting an Awakener’s attack, he punched the Awakener’s chest violently.

The Awakener’s chest collapsed and hit the stone wall on one side of the passage heavily, knocking out a human-shaped pothole, and slid down feebly, there was no movement, life or death was unknown.


Ye Zhen’s thin body showed amazing speed. He appeared next to an Awakener like a wind, with an Enchanted weapon dagger in his hand, swiftly across the Awakener’s throat, and the Awakener covered his throat and fell in pain. .

Without concealing their whereabouts, the two people went straight to the depths of this underground space, because they knew that when they killed the Tier 2 Awakener, their whereabouts must have been exposed.

If Tier 4 Awakener is controlled by parasite, it must be sensitive to the Awakener with parasitic control ability. Once killed, the Awakener with parasitic control ability will know immediately.

“Someone invaded?”

In the depths of the underground space, Lu Yu complexion slightly changed, and the underground space was actually invaded.

“This underground space has the shielding formation that I can develop, even the perception ability can’t find it here. It seems that the problem is with the captured Awakener.”

There was no panic, but his expression was thinking.

“It’s a bit troublesome. According to the plan, it’s not time to attack the Monster Countermeasures Division. It seems that the plan has to be changed.”

“Never mind, there must be a lot of high-level Awakener who have struck this time. After all of them are killed and devoured, it is enough to improve my strength.”

He stood up, took the 6 Tier 4 Awakener, including Yin Ling, to greet the attacker.

The head of the Monster Countermeasures Division is a Morning Star powerhouse. Although he is also a Morning Star now, he is not at all able to defeat the opponent.

However, according to his investigation, the director left He’an Base City some time ago and has not returned yet. In other words, no one can match him in He’an Base City today.

He could take this opportunity to kill the incoming Awakener, and then leave He’an Base City before the head of the Monster Countermeasures Division learned the news and rushed back.

This method, not at all, he initially planned to erode the harvest step by step, but it is not small, and there is another advantage, that is, the harvesting efficiency is high.

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