Monster Altar

Chapter 148

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Ye Zhen and Xiao Long, who rushed to the depths of the underground space at full speed, soon encountered Lu Yu entire group, who had not hidden but took the initiative to meet them.

“Lu Yu.”

Both Ye Zhen and Xiao Long’s expressions condensed, and the thunder shot immediately.

The dagger in Ye Zhen’s hand swung in the air, and a cyan ray light over ten meters long was cut out at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

A Hellfire Awakener who just stood in the way, before even screaming, had been cut in half.

Two-half of the body exploded and turned into blood mist, while the cyan ray mang was cutting towards Lu Yu unabated.

Xiao Long’s body suddenly swelled, two sharp horns grew on his head, sharp claws grew from his hands and feet, his height reached 2 meters, and the whole person turned into a humanoid Dragon Beast.

Once the blazing dragon breath came out from his mouth and spread forward, the ground was melted into lava, and the terrifying heat filled the underground space.

“Fighting so many times, you still haven’t made any progress.”

Facing two powerful attacks that could kill Tier 4 Awakener in seconds, Lu Yu was completely motionless, and in front of him, thought power formed an invisible wall.

Hum, bang!

The cyan ray light and dragon’s breath crashed against the invisible mind wall, and after a loud noise, they collapsed.

Then Nianli formed an invisible giant palm, which brought up terrifying air ripples and shot towards Ye Zhen and Xiao Long.

Ye Zhen teamed up with Xiao Long, azure’s rays of light and fiery dragon’s breath attacked the powerful hand of thought.

Although the giant hand of thought power is not visible, the ripples in the air caused can be observed. With Ye Zhen’s rich experience in fighting against Xiao Long, it is natural to be able to judge the attack position based on the abnormality of the air.


The two teamed up to strike a violent attack and landed on the giant’s hands. After a moment of stalemate, the giant’s hands, cyan ray and dragon’s breath burst into pieces.

A terrifying shock wave filled the entire underground space, The earth shook and the mountain quivered. On the walls and the top of the space, huge cracks appeared one after another, and the gravel fell down.

Boom, bang, bang!

The two sides fought one after another, and after more than ten fights, the underground space could no longer withstand the destructive power of both sides, and the whole ground collapsed.


Ye Zhen used a cyan ray glow to split the top of his head. Not only did he split the massive boulders into two halves, but also split the entire underground space, allowing the starlight outside to penetrate.

Then he carried Xiao Long, driving the wind, soaring into the sky, rushing out of the collapsed underground space.

On the other side, Lu Yu wrapped himself and the 6 Tier 4 Awakener behind him with thought power, ignoring the huge boulders that were dropped, and also flew out of the underground space.

Fang Ping, the Awakener from the Monster Countermeasures Division, and the Awakener who came after receiving the news are surrounding the crematorium, beware of Hellfire escape through the secret passage that may exist.

Seeing the sudden collapse of the ground and the two sides rising to the sky, they were all startled, and then they hurriedly surrounded.

Two of them are running like the wind, leaving the others far behind. They are two Tier 2 Awakener.

One of them is Wen Lanzhu, the third deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division, and the only female Tier 3 Awakener in He’an Base City.

The other is Xiang Family Patriarch. Among the Awakener family in He’an Base City, there is only one Tier 5 Awakener.

“Besiege together, 10000000 don’t let Lu Yu escape.”

Seeing two people coming, Xiao Long and Ye Zhen both loudly said, and then attacked Lu Yu again.

Boom, bang, bang!

Fierce fighting broke out again, huge boulders splashed, and large tracts of buildings collapsed like building blocks under the violent attack.

Most of them, just affected by the aftermath, have shattered and collapsed overwhelmed, just like the scene of a dangerous building blasting.

Even Tier 4 Awakener can cause great damage when fighting with all their strength, even more how is the battle strength enough to crush Tier 4 Tier 5 Awakener.

“There is no second Tier 2 Awakener?”

Looking at Lu Yu who was “defeating” under the siege of 4 Tier 5 Awakener, Fang Ping was puzzled.

Originally according to his guess, Hellfire might have the second Tier 2 Awakener, but now not at all, he has used Kenbunshoku Haki to perceive it, within 5 meters, only 1000 people including Lu Yu are Tier 5 Awakener By.

Of course, it does not rule out that the second Tier 2 Awakener has the ability to hide his own voice. After all, this Hellfire lair can isolate the Kenbunshoku Haki induction, and there must be a high-level Awakener in this area.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Fang Ping and other Awakener besieged 6 Tier 4 Awakener in Hellfire.

He is looking for Yin Ling, a person with invisibility. He who possesses Kenbunshoku Haki has the ability to restrain the opponent’s invisibility. It is most suitable to choose the opponent as the opponent.

“How about we work together?”

A young man rushed over and looked at Yin Ling’s gaze. Murderous intention was faintly revealed. It was Xiang Qiu.

Being assassinated by Yin Ling has suffered such a big loss. If you say you don’t bear the hate, it is false. Now that you have the opportunity to take revenge, the opponent will naturally not miss it.


Fang Ping did not refuse. Now he is encircling Hellfire. Naturally, there is no need to be fair. Moreover, he only fought with a Tier 4 Awakener of Hellfire not long ago, and his physical exertion was not small.

Although I have tried my best to retain physical strength and not at all use Susanoo’s first form, which is extremely expensive, but facing a Tier 4 Awakener, how can I want to retain what I can retain.

After World War I, although this Tier 4 Awakener was killed, his physical stamina has also been consumed by most.


Visually obstructing the use, Yin Ling disappeared into Fang Ping and Xiang Qiu’s field of vision, and rushed towards Fang Ping, obviously wanting to solve Fang Ping, who can see the invisibility first.

“The ability to use Haineko is just right!”

The thought flashed in his mind, Fang Ping pulled out Zanpakuto, and said silently.

“Growl: Heineko!”

The blade attached to Busoshoku Haki shattered into smoke and dust, and under Fang Ping’s control, it entangled towards the coming Yin Ling and surrounded Yin Ling.

Although the ordinary person can’t see it, as an Awakener, Yin Ling can see Zanpakuto.

He was extremely alert. Before Fang Ping could take any further action, blue rays of light flashed past his hands, and the smoke and dust surrounding him was repelled.

However, this is enough.

Fang Ping has never thought of hurting the opponent with Haineko since at first. Even with the enhancement of Busoshoku Haki, Haineko’s formidable power is still far from Tier 4, and it is too early to compete with Tier 4 Awakener with Flying Cat.

His real purpose is to make Xiang Qiu, who can’t see the invisibility, notice where Yin Ling is.

Hey, hey, hey!

There is no need for Fang Ping’s reminder, one after another golden light arrows have already been attacked by Xiang Qiu, covering the area just now.

Although Yin Ling sensed the danger and dodged quickly, he still couldn’t help being injured by one of the golden arrows.

Covering the injured wound, the repulsive force was used to form an invisible film on the wound to prevent blood from flowing out, Yin Ling quickly moved away from the area covered by the golden arrow.

But soon, the smoke and dust melted by Haieko entangled him again, and his position was once again noticed by Xiang Qiu.

“pu ——”

A large number of black tentacles attacked him from all around, and he was unable to dodge, but was slapped by the black tentacles, vomiting blood and flying backwards.

Although it is the first time to cooperate, Fang Ping and Xiang Qiu’s cooperation is unusually tacit.

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