Monster Altar

Chapter 158

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Fang Ping arrived at the Monster Countermeasures Division and joined the others. Soon after, he boarded an armored vehicle that looked like a passenger car.

In addition to more than a dozen of them who will join the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City, there are Ye Zhen, deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Department, and some people in charge of logistics.

Except Ye Zhen, not at all other Awakener who protect them.

Fang Ping, they are not weak. Fan Xuan, the weakest among them, also became Tier 3 Awakener not long ago, and Xiang Qiu, the strongest among them, is able to explode the terrifying battle strength of Tier 5 Awakener.

Such a team of more than ten people, even if it is attacked by a Tier 5 monster, it is enough to retreat. The reason why Ye Zhen is in the team is only to communicate with the Yinchuan Base City Monster Countermeasures Department and the vehicle return Security.

The armored vehicle headed towards the city gate of He’an base city, and everyone looked at the scenery outside, feeling a little unspeakable.

Because of the particularity of the region, many people have no chance to leave He’an Base City in their lifetime. Although they are better, some have been to the nearby base city, but most of them are still leaving He’an Base City for the first time. Other base cities.

“Have never left He’an Base City before?”

Fang Ping asked Fan Xuan next to him. Because of their familiarity, the two chose to sit close together.

“No, the farthest place I’ve been to is just a production base outside the city.”

Fan Xuan shook his head.

“Me too, I’m obviously a lonely and widowed person, and I’m leaving suddenly, so I can’t bear it.”

Fang Ping sighed slightly.

2 people chatted with each other, and the inexplicable feeling of leaving a familiar place in my heart improved a lot. Although they were about to leave a familiar place, they were not alone, because even in a new place, there are Accompanied by familiar people.

The armored vehicle quickly left the city. After 2 hours, it was 100 li or so far away from He’an Base City. It was out of the radiation range of He’an Base City. It belongs to an area not covered by humans, and the probability of encountering monsters will greatly increase.

“Fang Ping, pay attention to the movement around you.”

Knowing that Fang Ping has the perception ability, Ye Zhen turned Fang Ping instructed.


Fang Ping nodded. In fact, when he left He’an Base City, his Kenbunshoku Haki had already expanded, and the range of 1000 meters fell into his perception.

He has received rewards from outside the city many times, and he naturally knows what to do after entering the wilderness.

In the evening, Fang Ping entire group parked for a rest.

Leaving the radiation range of He’an Base City, the frequency of encountering monsters did indeed increase. Along the way, Fang Ping Kenbunshoku Haki sensed more than a dozen monsters. However, these more than a dozen monsters were not at all found armored vehicles, so fighting broke out.

The personnel in charge of logistics were preparing dinner. Fang Ping and the others set up tents. Suddenly, Fang Ping who set up the tent lifts the head and looked in one direction and said loudly.

“Be careful, a monster is approaching us, it should have found us.”

Hearing Fang Ping’s warning, everyone stopped their work and looked in the direction Fang Ping suggested. Soon after, a silhouette of a monster appeared in front of them.

This is a lean monster with a body length of more than 3 meters.

The most eye-catching place is the 4 legs of this monster. On each leg, there is a huge and exaggerated hoof. The color is black, just like wearing 4 huge shoes.

Demonic Hoof, Tier 4 monsters, are monsters with a powerful sense of smell. The reason why they can be found should be based on this powerful sense of smell.

“let me do it.”

Fang Ping made a sound, and without waiting for someone else to answer, he took the initiative to pounce on Demonic Hoof.

In the past, when I took Bounty Mission and searched for more than ten days, I could not find a Tier 4 monster. Now that a Tier 4 monster is delivered to the door, there is no reason to let it go.

The reason why I refuse to take action with other people is because if someone else takes action, when the time comes, the corpse of this monster is not easy to distinguish.


Seeing Fang Ping actively ushered in, Demonic Hoof’s huge hoof slammed on the ground.

The ability is transmitted to the ground through the hooves, the next moment, the ground vibrates, undulates, and the originally flat ground appears sunken and arched.

Terrain manipulation, this is the second ability of Demonic Hoof, as long as its 4 hooves are still on the ground, the surrounding terrain will be manipulated by it.

The ground under Fang Ping’s feet inevitably rises and falls. Facing this sudden change, Fang Ping has to stand unsteadily.

At this moment, Demonic Hoof ran, his huge body leaped, straddling the distance from Fang Ping, and stepped on the unstable Fang Ping with his right front hoof.

Ka ka!

A large amount of cold ice spread around Fang Ping as the center. The undulating ground was forcibly fixed under the cold ice, and a huge icicle rose from the ground and slammed into the popping Demonic Hoof.


Demonic Hoof was hit by a huge icicle immediately, flew out, and fell heavily to the ground.


Before Demonic Hoof got up from the ground, a throwing knives appeared next to Demonic Hoof, Fang Ping accompanied the flying knife, and Zanpakuto, who was attached to Busoshoku Haki, cut to the neck of Demonic Hoof.

Demonic Hoof turned around in embarrassment, avoiding the vital point of his throat, but Zanpakuto was cut on the left side of his body, and a long wound appeared, with blood flowing.


The injured Demonic Hoof roared, and the huge hoof stepped on Fang Ping in front of him.

At such a close distance, even the average Tier 4 Awakener can hardly avoid it and can only carry it hard.

Fang Ping is not a Tier 4 Awakener, but with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, his speed is not even slower than that of Tier 5 Awakener. Even more how after adding remote control, Flying Thunder God Jutsu becomes more flexible.

The flying knife circled behind the Demonic Hoof in an arc-shaped motion. Fang Ping disappeared before being stepped on by the giant hooves of the Demonic Hoof and appeared behind the Demonic Hoof. Zanpakuto slashed towards the back of the Demonic Hoof.


A hideous wound appeared on Demonic Hoof’s back, splashing with blood.

Demonic Hoof roared, and the ground was surging like waves, trying to submerge Fang Ping, but Fang Ping had already passed Flying Thunder God Jutsu and appeared on the other side of Demonic Hoof.

Hey, hey, pu!

With remote control and Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping appear and disappear unpredictably, appearing around the Demonic Hoof one after another, each time it appears, it will leave a hideous wound on the Demonic Hoof.

After dozens of times, with an unwilling roar, Demonic Hoof’s huge body fell powerlessly and was beheaded by Fang Ping.

“Kill a Tier 4 monster so easily?”

Alongside, I watched Fang Ping behead the Tier 4 monster Demonic Hoof, and many people were surprised.

Although I guessed that Fang Ping was able to kill Demonic Hoof, I didn’t expect that the square film would be so easy that it made them think that the other party was killing a Tier 3 monster, but it was not a Tier 3 monster, but a genuine Tier 4 monster. .

Obviously, Fang Ping’s strength has become stronger again, and he has been able to kill Tier 4 monsters without even showing all his strength.

“it is good.”

Ye Zhen stared at Fang Ping who easily killed the Tier 4 monster Demonic Hoof with bright eyes.

It has only been more than two years since becoming an Awakener, and he has the ability to easily kill Tier 2 monsters. Such a growth rate, even when compared with the “seeds” of Yinchuan base city that are expected to become Morning Stars, it is definitely not letting go.

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