Monster Altar

Chapter 159

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Putting the body of Demonic Hoof into the sacrifice space, Fang Ping not at all immediately sacrificed. He didn’t start the sacrifice until nightfall when everyone returned to their tents to rest.


A white light fell and exploded, turning into a teenager wearing a baseball uniform and glasses.

Name: Miyuki Kazuya

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

Tennis innate talent: very excellent

“Currently, anime characters have Growth innate talent and tennis innate talent. Do you choose one to acquire?”

Miyuki Kazuya, a member of the baseball club of Qingdao High School, an anime diamond ace, is a genius catcher. Unfortunately, it is completely useless for Fang Ping.

Not to mention that tennis is not popular in this World. Even if he wants to play tennis, he does not need such innate talent.

With strong physical quality, even without tennis innate talent, it is enough to easily sling past professional tennis players.

“Neither choose.”

Neither the tennis innate talent nor the Growth innate talent was chosen, Fang Ping chose the sacrifice value.

The transformation of innate talent through innate talent integration is a long-term process, and results cannot be seen in the short term.

Considering that this time is a Tier 4 monster with a sacrifice value of around 1000, he decisively chose the sacrifice value.

“Give up the innate talent and get 1001 sacrifice value.”

The majestic voice sounded, Fang Ping’s sacrifice value increased to 7107.

“With a difference of less than 3000, you can reach 10000. When the time comes, you can exchange for Sage Mode.”

Looking at the sacrifice value, Fang Ping exited the sacrifice space.

Namikaze Minato’s Sage Mode, although it has the drawback of accumulating natural energy for too long, it is an extremely powerful means of combat, as can be seen from Uzumaki Naruto.

Moreover, Fang Ping guessed that if he obtains Sage Mode, it may not only be enhanced by Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Illusion Technique, but it may also include other abilities in his body.

If this is the case, his upper limit of battle strength will also be increased.

Ten days later, the journey to Yinchuan base city was half of the journey. Fang Ping and the others passed the boring time playing cards.

After the initial freshness, they gradually feel tired.

In the sky, a flying monster with a wingspan of more than 2 meters found the armored vehicle. After observing it for a while, it was found that although it was large but not at all threatening, it flew down from the sky and attacked the armored vehicle.

On the top of the armored vehicle, a purple light flew up, penetrated through the abdomen of the flying monster, its back showed through, and then turned a turn in the air and returned to the top of the armored vehicle.

And a flying monster with a huge hole in the front and back of the body smashed to the ground with a bang. After a few struggles, there was no sound.

Everyone in the armored vehicle heard the movement, but they didn’t care at all, and they didn’t even look back. They had seen this scene many times.

The purple light shot from the armored vehicle is exactly Fang Ping’s flying knife, the blade is purple, because it is too fast, it looks like purple light.

Uchiha Shin’s Mangekyo Sharingan is not unreasonably rated as the weakest Mangekyo Sharingan. The remote control of its pupil technique is really average.

But even if it is average, it is also the Mangekyo Sharingan pupil technique. The ability level is sufficient to reach the high order level. Monsters below Tier 3 can completely kill them in one shot.

“A pair of 2.”

“Five 4s.”

“Wang bombing.”


The sound of Fang Ping and the others playing cards sounded in the car again, a few hours later, suddenly.

Hong long!

A loud noise suddenly sounded, the ground vibrated violently, and the armored vehicle shook and crashed into the jungle on the roadside, and several trees were broken.

“what happened?”

Everyone in the car is not at all injured, and the weakest is at the level of Tier 2 Awakener. It is not a problem to cope with such an impact.

Everyone looked at Fang Ping, who has the perception ability, wondering what happened.

“I don’t know, the movement came from a distance.”

Fang Ping shook his head. He didn’t know what was going on. Not at all found any abnormalities within one kilometer of perception.

Everyone got out of the car and checked and found that the car was not at all. If it was a normal car, it would probably be left behind at this time, but they rode in a specially reinforced armored car, which was much stronger.


There was another loud noise. Standing on the ground, they clearly felt that the ground was shaking violently, as if it were an earthquake, but the loud noise showed that it was definitely not an earthquake.

“Leave some people here, and others will come with me to see!”

The road ahead is their only way. There is only such a dirt road in this wilderness. There is no such thing as a detour. Ye Zhen decided to take a few people and check the situation.

Fang Ping joined them, followed Ye Zhen to the direction where the movement came, and walked for more than a kilometer. They understood what caused the movement.

It was a battle between a person and a monster.

The monster is standing tall, more than 6 meters tall, without hair on the body, and has a burly body like a red crystal.

The huge body contains powerful physical power. Under a punch, a 100-meter-high mountain was shattered by a punch. The huge shock just now was the movement of the opponent crashing the mountain.

“Morning Star Ice Crystal Demonic Ape.”

Ye Zhen said solemnly.

Such a prominent external feature made him recognize the type of monster at a glance. This is not the first time he has seen such a monster, and his impression of such a monster is not generally deep.

“It’s the Morning Star monster that attacked He’an Base City 30 years ago and caused heavy losses to He’an Base City?”

Fang Ping and the others are sucked in a cold breath.

Thirty years ago, a Morning Star monster attacked the He’an base city and devastated it. The director of the monster countermeasures section at the peak was able to kill it after a fierce battle.

However, due to the fact that the fighting took place in the city of He’an base, considerable losses were caused. A full 1000 people were affected and died.

“It’s who is fighting him, the Morning Star powerhouse in a certain base city? It’s a pity that the distance is too far to see clearly.”

Yao Jun said curiously.

The distance is too far, even if he is an Awakener, he is not at all with such strong eyesight to see the appearance of the fighting person.

“Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.”

Fang Ping turned on Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, enhanced his insight, looked at this person, next moment, pupil suddenly shrink in his eyes.

This is a man with blond hair with two sword-like eyebrows. He is not very old. Judging from his appearance, he is probably not at all over 2.

A person under 30 can actually fight the Morning Star monster and possess the Morning Star battle strength. At this moment, he has received an unprecedented impact.

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