Monster Altar

Chapter 160

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“Less than 30 years old…Morning Star powerhouse?”

Fang Ping’s mood was ups and downs, unable to calm down, and exclaimed.

Although I am also quite confident about myself, I think I should be able to become a Morning Star powerhouse before 30 years old, or have Morning Star battle strength, but when I meet someone who has Morning Star battle strength less than 30 years old, Still can’t help but feel shocked.

“That person is less than 30 years old?”

Hearing Fang Ping’s exclamation, everyone looked at Fang Ping in amazement, almost thinking they had heard it wrong.

“Yes, at least it doesn’t look more than 30 years old in appearance.”

Fang Ping nodded in a deep voice.

“How is it possible for a Morning Star less than 30 years old? How could such a monster exist in the world?”

Yao Jun yelled strangely, and the others were full of shock. Even Xiang Qiu’s face was full of solemnity. He is not at all sure to become a Morning Star before 30 years old.

“This is already not far from Yinchuan Base City. This person should be a young generation genius from Yinchuan Base City. See, this is the genius of Yinchuan Base City.”

“Although all of you are known as geniuses in He’an Base City, compared with them, innate talents are not superior. Please work harder. If you are not as good as them, you will always be impossible to catch up with them.”

Converging the shock on his face, Ye Zhen said earnestly.

Everyone was silent, but there was a raging fighting spirit in their hearts. As a youngster, and a youngster known as a genius after becoming an Awakener, who would consider himself inferior to others, and who would be willing to fall behind.

Even Xiang Qiu is no exception. Until now, he is the Number One Person in He’an Base City. Although he has never slackened, he will inevitably be confused because he has no goal to surpass.

Now, seeing a person whose innate talent is comparable to or even better than himself, his fighting spirit is burning.

Soon after, other people who stayed behind the armored vehicle also rushed over, and everyone watched the “terrifying battle” from a distance.

“ao wu ——”

Accompanied by a roar of pain, the huge body of Ice Crystal Demonic Ape fell to the ground like a supporting heaven giant pillar, raising dust from the ground.

In the surrounding area, the landform has changed drastically. More than a dozen mountain peaks have been collapsed, a river has been diverted, and there are huge cracks more than 100 meters long.

This is the Morning Star battle strength, strong enough to change the landscape.

After killing Ice Crystal Demonic Ape, blond man was also injured, but it was not fatal. After taking an unknown potion, his injury was stabilized.

He glanced at the direction of Fang Ping and the others, and obviously spotted them. He carried the huge body of Ice Crystal Demonic Ape, which was more than 6 meters high, and walked away quickly.

Fang Ping and the others came back to his senses until the other party had been far away for a long time, and their faces were shocking.

A Morning Star monster was killed in front of them, and the person who killed him was probably less than 30 years old! ! !

A few days later, a huge base city appeared in front of Fang Ping and the others.

The city wall is as high as fifty-sixty meters, and it is made of metal. The end is not visible on the left and right sides. From a distance, it looks like a silver ocean.

After inspection, the armored vehicle drove into the base city, and finally came to a place with high walls and many buildings inside. This is the resident of the Yinchuan Base City Monster Countermeasures Division.

Compared with the Monster Countermeasures Department of He’an Base City, the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City is undoubtedly bigger.

Arriving here, a middle-aged woman received Fang Ping and the others, introduced Fang Ping and the others to the base city of Yinchuan Base City Monster Countermeasures Division, and led Fang Ping and the others to go through the formalities to join the Yinchuan Base City Monster Countermeasures Division.

From the woman’s self-introduction, Fang Ping and the others learned that the woman’s surname is Xu, who is a Vice-section Head of the Personnel Department.

To Fang Ping’s surprise, the woman’s voice has reached the Tier 5 Awakener level, and she is obviously a Tier 5 Awakener.

In He’an base city, Tier 5 Awakener is enough to serve as the deputy director, but here, they can only serve as the Vice-section Head. The level gap between the two base cities is obvious.

It took more than an hour to complete various procedures, and Fang Ping and the others formally became a member of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City.

Everyone is assigned a residence, a single residence, but not a villa, but just a suite in an apartment building.

Led by the middle-aged woman, Fang Ping and the others entered a huge hall.

“This is the mission hall. All missions are released here. Each mission will have money and points rewards. Points are the internal currency of the Monster Countermeasures Division. Points are required to exchange various resources.”

“This is the battle strength ranking list.”

The middle-aged woman pointed to a huge LCD screen again.

“As long as the members of the Monster Countermeasures Division 30 years old or younger can challenge the people on the list to get the corresponding rankings, the top 30 on the list will be rewarded with generous points every month. The higher the ranking, the more generous the reward!”

Fang Ping and the others I saw that there were 30 rankings on a huge LCD screen. The person ranked first was Chang Sheng, and the second and third were Hu Ao. ‘er, Zhai Long.

There are portraits on each ranking. Zhai Long is a man, and Hu Ao’er is an extremely beautiful woman. In terms of beauty, she is not inferior to Yan Xue and Fan Xuan, except that there is some Fox-like charm in each other’s beauty. Sense of.

“It’s him!”

When he saw the portrait of Ranked 1st Chang Sheng, Fang Ping’s pupils shrank slightly. This person was the blond youngster who killed the Morning Star monster a few days ago.

Because the list is a battle strength list below 30 years old, it is certain that this person is not more than 30 years old.

A person who is no more than 30 years old already has the power to kill the monsters of Morning Star. Fang Ping has a clearer understanding of the real value of this list.

“A newcomer is here!”

In the mission hall, in addition to Fang Ping and the others, there are also some people who are receiving missions. Seeing Fang Ping and the others’ arrival, they couldn’t help but look at Fang Ping and the others.

Yinchuan Base City, one of the ten base cities of the Base City Alliance, is the most powerful base city in Beichuan District.

For strategic considerations, the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City will give some quotas to surrounding base cities and allow geniuses from surrounding base cities to join the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City.

Therefore, almost every year, geniuses from other base cities join, and they are not surprised.

“Do you think any of them can make the list?”

A youngster with a little beard said with great interest.

“It’s unlikely. In recent years, someone from Fengdu Base City has been on the list as soon as they came.”

The other youngster next to him is not very optimistic.

“This thing may have such geniuses in 10000. By the way, does anyone know which base city they are from?”

Asked the youngster with a little beard.

“It’s from He’an Base City.”

Next to him, the youngster who has been silent said.

He comes from an Awakener family in Yinchuan Base City. There are elders in the family who hold important positions in the monster countermeasures department. The news is extremely well-informed.

“He’an base city, is the base city where no new Morning Star powerhouse was born for more than 70 years? It seems hopeless.”

The youngster shook the head, with a little beard, is no longer optimistic that Fang Ping and the others have the ability to challenge the list.

The strength of a base city can often see the level of genius like a base. Even a genius needs resources. If a base city is too weak, it will naturally not acquire too many resources, and its growth rate will naturally be slow.

There have been no new Morning Star powerhouses for more than 70 years. The overall strength of He’an Base City can be imagined. Therefore, he is not optimistic about the geniuses of He’an Base City who are on the list as soon as they arrive.

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