Monster Altar

Chapter 165

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The cat opened its huge mouth again, and a ball of orange-yellow flame spewed out, blasting into the distance like a cannonball, and exploding in the distance.

A deep pit with a diameter of more than 20 meters appeared on the ground. The surrounding area was more than 1000 square meters, and it was all burnt black. At the center, the color was dark red, and the ground melted into lava.


The cat ran again and then suddenly jumped, the huge body leaped up, and the big claws slapped to the ground.


Another big pit with a diameter of more than 20 meters appeared. The cat was standing in the big pit again. The ground under its feet had completely turned into a lava, and it was just like a flame fairy.

Seeing such formidable power, Fang Ping shook the head.

“It’s still a little worse.”

The formidable power displayed by the Flame Cat, not at all, has met his expectations. Although the destructive power displayed now has been improved, the increase is not large, not at all.

Incorporating the Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability of the fire system ability cat, the ability level should still be at the Peak high order ability level, not at all reaching the peak order level as he expected.

“The reason should be that the level of the fire cat is too low.”

Kotatsu Tamaki is not a strong fire system ability person. The fire system ability cat she possesses, and the ability level is not too high. Because of this, it has not been able to promote the transformation of Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability.

“It’s not without gain.”

Although it did not promote the ability of Muted Mera Mera no Mi to transform into peak order, it does not mean that Fang Ping did not benefit from the fusion of the fire system ability cat, and the flame form cat was one of the benefits he gained.

Even if it is the same fire type ability, there will be various abilities and characteristics. Some fire type abilities are good at range, some fire type abilities are extremely hot, and some fire type abilities can transform into various animals.

Now that the flame cat has a new form, the battle method of the Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability has become more diverse. Although the ability level is not at all improved, the application range has become wider.

“It looks very similar to the two-tail cat in Hokage.”

Waving his hand to make the flame cat disappear again, Fang Ping can’t help but think of the flame cat again to the two-tailed cat among the anime Hokage ninjas.

Although the colors of the flames are different, one is orange-yellow and the other is dim-blue, the appearance is very similar.

Of course, the difference is battle strength, the two-tailed cat and the tail beast jade is even enough to blow up a mountain, and this is what the current flame cat cannot do.

However, the formidable power of the Flame Cat can grow. With the improvement of his realm, the formidable power of the Flame Cat will also increase.

In the future, reaching a comparable two-tailed cat is not impossible, and even surpassing it is possible. He doesn’t think that he holding a gold hand will have the strongest battle strength in the peak period in the future will be inferior to a cat.

Time passed slowly during the daily boring patrols, ability development and training of the 4 Fang Pings. At noon, the 4 Fang Pings stopped their ability development and training to have lunch.

Three dishes and one soup for lunch are quite hearty. As for the taste, you can only say that you can barely swallow it. If you can go to this ghost place to be a cook, you can guess how good the cooking is.

“There is a situation!”

The Fang Ping 4 people who were eating put down their dishes and looked into the distance.

The camp was built on a small hill with a wide view, and the farthest can be seen several kilometers away. The purpose of building a camp was originally considered here.

At this moment they saw that a few kilometers away, the trees were collapsing in patches, spreading forward in a straight line.

“It’s a monster, and I’m afraid it’s not small!”

Fang Ping 4 people made judgments in their hearts and rushed in that direction.


With Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping’s speed is naturally the fastest among the four. He rushed to the monster’s place first and saw it.

This is indeed a very large monster, more than 4 meters long and nearly 3 meters tall. It is almost a floor tall.

The four hooves are thick and powerful. There are two meniscus-shaped sharp horns that are half a meter long on the skull. The Fairy Tail is as long as a whip and has shallow blue hair on its body.

Fang Ping recognized this monster, it was Tier 4 monster Blue Fire Demon Bull.

“Well, I’m injured!”

Fang Ping quickly noticed that there was a huge wound on the abdomen of the Blue Fire Demon Bull, which was dripping blood continuously. It seemed that the Blue Fire Demon Bull had already fought before encountering him.

Ka ka!

The cold air spread, and a lot of ice spread out from Fang Ping’s body.

A large swath of trees appeared ice sculpture, and the world of ice and snow was descending, spreading towards the blue fire demon cow.

Hula –

The blue fire demon bull burned with blue flames, its huge body was bathed in blue flames, the surrounding trees were burning, the ground under its feet turned into lava, and its surroundings turned into Flame World.

The world of ice and snow disappeared when it spread to him, and the world of Ice and Fire collided, forming a see-saw.

The blue fire demon cow was wrapped in flames, melted the ice, and rammed Fang Ping head on.

Just when the blue fire demon cow was about to hit Fang Ping, a lot of flames gushed out of Fang Ping’s body, transforming into a flame cat with the same length of more than 4 meters.


The blue fire demon cow was slapped by a claw and slid out against the ground. A long black trace appeared on the ground. The trees that were touched around were not even touched, but the trees that were closer to each other. It burned.

The blue fire demon cow climbed up, opened its mouth, and a blue fire snake spewed out, attacking the flame cat, and the flame cat under the control of Fang Ping was a ball of orange-yellow flames.


The orange-yellow flame collided with the blue tongue and exploded. The formidable power of the orange-yellow flame was significantly stronger. The shock wave spread to the blue fire demon cow, which was lifted again under the strong shock wave. turn.

Today’s Mera Mera no Mi ability, because of the fusion of the fire system ability, the formidable power is still above the Hie Hie no Mi ability. Although it is only stronger, only a few gaps are often enough to determine the outcome.


Both collisions were downwind, and the Blue Fire Demon Bull looked at the Flame Cat with fear and turned around and fled.

There is injury in itself, and now that the battle strength is at a disadvantage, it will naturally not fight the flame cat again.


The Flame Cat ran extremely fast again, and after a few breaths, it stopped the Blue Fire Demon Bull outside several hundred meters.

2 giant tails struck the blue fire demon cow, and the blue fire demon cow was struck and flew back.

Fire cats can also enhance physical flexibility and athletic ability, and after merging into the Mutated Mera Mera no Mi abilities, the characteristics of the ability are clearly reflected in the flame cats.

Boom, boom, boom–

Under the fire cat’s successive attacks, the wounds on the blue fire demon cow’s body continued to increase, and the 1000 square meters around where they were fighting were all turned into scorched ground. The color of some places was red, which was in the center of the collision and was exposed to high temperatures. The melted lava.

In the end, without any accident, the Blue Fire Demon Cow was killed, and the Flame Cat won again.

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