Monster Altar

Chapter 166

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When the Flame Cat was fighting the Blue Fire Demon Bull again, Yao Jun, Fan Xuan and Yan Xue had arrived. Seeing Fang Ping killed the Tier 4 monster, the Blue Fire Demon Bull, with his fire ability, there was no accident on the faces of the three.

Killing a Tier 4 monster is just a routine operation for the current Fang Ping. After all, even the original list 4 Li Pengling at the peak of Tier 22 is not a Fang Ping opponent, even more how is a Tier 4 monster .

The only surprise to them was that Fang Ping was able to transform flames into animal forms. This was a means that had not been shown before, and the other party was still deeply hidden as always.

“After watching for so long, is it time to come out!”

Waving his hand to make the flame cat disappear again, Fang Ping not at all stepped forward to collect the body of the blue fire demon cow into the sacrifice space, but looked at the jungle in the distance.

Following his voice, a youngster in a white shirt walked out of that jungle.

“The perception is very keen, and I can even detect me hiding in the battle.”

Fang Ping didn’t answer the conversation. He who owns Kenbunshoku Haki can spot people hiding in the dark, which is not even a normal operation.

He knew that the other party had something to say, and sure enough, he didn’t let him wait too long, and the other party’s voice sounded again.

“This monster is my mission goal. How about letting it go to me? Of course, the price is good. I can buy it from you at the market price.”

“Sorry, the corpse of this monster is useful to me, and I don’t intend to sell it.”

Fang Ping didn’t doubt the opponent’s words, the Blue Fire Demon Cow was injured. Obviously there was a battle. The opponent was probably hunting the Blue Fire Demon Cow, but failed to kill the Blue Fire Demon Cow during the battle. The blue fire yak escaped to ten deserted areas.

However, asking him to sell the corpse of the blue fire demon cow to the opponent is obviously impossible. After all, the corpse of the monster is of great use to him, and he needs the corpse of the monster to sacrifice.

“Really can’t make a discussion?”

The young man wearing a white shirt frowned slightly. What he received was a task of hunting and hunting the Blue Fire Demon Bull. The body of the Blue Fire Demon Bull must be brought back to complete the task.

If there is no corpse, the mission will naturally be regarded as a failure, and the more than ten days he spent searching for this blue fire demon cow is wasted.

“Sorry, the body of this monster is really useful to me.”

Fang Ping shook his head. He understood the opponent’s difficulties, but the monster’s body really couldn’t be sold to the opponent.

The young man in the white shirt frowned deeper. He looked at Fang Ping, his voice was threatening.

“You may not know who I am. I am Bei Huang Wu at number 29 on the list. Please give me a face.”

Ranking on the list is a symbol of strength, representing that he has a rare strength among the younger generation. He is a well-known figure among the younger generation. Those who are not on the list will be his opponent.

Therefore, he reported his name and rankings, and the threats in it are self-evident.

“List 29? By coincidence, I also rank on the list, ranking 22.”

Feeling the threat from the other party, Fang Ping said in a cold voice.

“No. 22 on the list?”

Hearing Fang Ping’s ranking, Mi Huang Wu face changed, with fear in his eyes.

The ranking of 22 on the list is quite high than his 29 on the list. The opponent’s strength is definitely better than him. Facing the opponent, he may not be an opponent.

But soon he reacted again, with doubts on his face.

“Isn’t Li Pengling number 22 on the list?”

“Li Pengling has been defeated by Fang Ping. His ranking is naturally occupied by Fang Ping. You probably haven’t returned to the monster countermeasures department for a while. If you return to the monster countermeasures department during this period, it should be impossible to know. “

Yao Jun answered.

Bei Huang Wu took a deep look at Fang Ping with fear in his eyes. In order to hunt down the Blue Fire Demon Cow, he has indeed not returned to the Monster Countermeasures Department for a while, so it seems that what the other party said is likely to be true.

“Since you don’t want to sell, then forget it.”

After saying this, he turned and left.

The corpse of the Blue Fire Demon Bull will not be sold by the opponent, and it is very likely that he will not be able to beat the opponent.

Of course, after searching for more than ten days, but finally failed, he was naturally very depressed.

After returning, he will definitely verify the identity of the other party. If the other party is really Ranked 22, that’s all, if not, he will naturally have to teach the other party some lessons.

Put the body of the blue fire demon cow into the sacrifice space, Fang Ping 4 people return to the camp, return to the house, Fang Ping consciousness enters the sacrifice space.

“The Blue Fire Demon Cow is a monster with fire abilities. I don’t know if I can take out anime characters with fire abilities, so that Muted Mera Mera no Mi can transform into peak order?”

Thinking in his mind, Fang Ping made a sacrifice.


A blast of blue rays of light dropped and turned into a black hair boy.

The black hair teenager wears a black school uniform and has a pair of black and blue eyes, giving people an extremely cold impression.

The right hand wears a black glove and there is a silver ring on the left hand.

“Not only did he take out an anime character with fire abilities, but it was him!”

Seeing this anime character, Fang Ping has a lot of grasp on the ability of the fire system to be upgraded to the peak order. He looks at the other party’s attribute panel.

Name: Oogami Rei

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent


Hell Karma Fire: A blue flame capable of burning everything.

Oogami Rei, the male protagonist in the animation extrajudicial sanctions, has 7 flames, but the 7 flames of the opponent were taken away. During the anime, he only had one of the flames-Hell Karma Fire.

Even so, Fang Ping still has great confidence in raising the level of Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability to peak order after integrating the fire system abilities.

The description of Hell Karma Fire is “a blue flame that can burn everything.” From the description of this flame, it is enough to see the power of this flame, which is definitely an extremely powerful flame.

Of course, if this kind of flame can burn everything, it is a bit exaggerated. According to Fang Ping’s understanding, there should be a prerequisite for “being able to burn all matter”, that is, the owner’s realm is strong enough.

However, the power of this kind of flame does not need to be doubted. After the fusion of the Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability, it promotes the ability of Mutated Mera Mera no Mi to be upgraded to peak order, and the probability is absolutely great.

“I choose Hell Karma Fire.”

“The sacrificial person has the fire system ability and carries out ability integration.”


A blue rays of light penetrated into Fang Ping within the body. He felt extremely hot all over his body. It took a long time before the heat disappeared. He quickly looked at the introduction of the ability of Muted Mera Mera no Mi on the attribute panel.

[Mutated Mera Mera no Mi Ability]

The mutant fruit ability formed by the fusion of multiple fire abilities, possessing terrifying high temperature and destructive power, is an extremely powerful fire ability.

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