Monster Altar

Chapter 167

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In the open space near the camp, Fang Ping controlled the flame to transform into a cat, and a cat larger than before appeared again.

Excluding the length of the Fairy Tail, the length has already reached five meters, which is one meter longer than before.

The huge body burning with flames is extremely deterrent and has no attack. Just standing in place, the ground under your feet has turned into lava.

Peng –

The cat appeared again 100 meters away, and a huge flaming claw slapped on the ground, and a huge pothole with a diameter of more than 30 meters appeared.

In the center, the crimson lava was rolling and bubbling, and 4 terrifying high temperatures permeated.

Some trees that were closer to me started to burn, and the unusual temperature could be felt within 1000 meters.

“The formidable power has skyrocketed, and it must have reached the peak order level.”

Feeling this kind of skyrocketing formidable power, Fang Ping had a judgment in his mind. After fusing the Hell Karma Fire, the current Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability has definitely reached the peak order level.

After Beauty of Fitzgerald and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, he has the ability of third peak order.

After more than 20 days, the patrol mission in the deserted area was over, and the four Fang Ping returned to the Monster Countermeasures Division and received their respective mission rewards.

“Have you heard that Sun Gong, number 27 on the list, is dead.”

“Dead, how come, how did you die?”

“I heard that I encountered a Tier 5 monster while taking over the patrol mission in the deserted area. The 4-person patrol team he led was wiped out.”

In the mission hall, the death of a man named Sun Gong was all discussed.

Fang Ping 4 people stopped paying attention after listening to it for a while, but they were more alert in their hearts.

The Awakener hunts the monsters, and the monsters will also hunt the Awakener. In this world where monsters are rampant, such things happen almost all day in the base city of Yinchuan.

The reason why Sun Gong’s death has caused heated discussion is only because the opponent is ranked 27th on the list.

Fang Ping 4 people use their ID cards to check their points and look towards their points.

Yao Jun 3 people have 1500 points each, while Fang Ping has reached 5100 points.

Among them, 3000 points are the points obtained by patrolling the wasteland, and 2100 points are the monthly rewards obtained by his ranking Ranked 22.

Yan Xue, Fan Xuan, and Yao Jun patrolled the deserted area for a month and only got 3 points, and he was only ranked 1500 on the list, and he could get 22 points every month. This is the importance of the ranking .

“I heard that there are a lot of good things in the material exchange office, go and see?”

Yao Jun suggested that Fang Ping 3 people are all heartened. The advantage of joining the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City is that they can exchange their points for scarce resources that are not available to the outside world.

Four people came to the points exchange office and saw a dozen pages of points exchange list.

Nutrient solution: to remove toxins, the nutrients extracted from the flesh and blood of the monsters, each bottle exchange points: 300 points.

Tier 3 Ice Sword: Standard Enchanted weapon with ice ability, the strongest formidable power can reach Tier 3, exchange points for each handle: 10000 points.

Tier 3 Demon Armor: Armor made of leather or scale armor of High Rank monsters, which can resist the attacks of ordinary Tier 3 monsters. Each piece is exchanged for points: 10000 points.

Tier 4 Awakener Potion: A potion that can help the Tier 3 pinnacle Awakener who fell into the bottleneck to make a breakthrough. Each bottle exchanges points: 20000 points.


There are many good things, including armor, Enchanted weapon, and potion. The Awakener potion that is almost unavailable in He’an Base City can be exchanged here.

However, the required points are also extremely large. A bottle of Tier 4 Awakener medicine costs 2 points. With the efficiency of Yao Jun 10000 people earning points, it will take more than a year to redeem.

After thinking about it for a while, Fan Xuan, Yan Xue, and Yao Jun exchanged all their points for nutrient solution, and Fang Ping ordered ten throwing knives in addition to the nutrient solution.

Originally 5 throwing knives, after giving Yan Xue one handle, there are only 4 handles left. If there is no pupil technique remote control, it would be enough, but with the pupil technique remote control, it is obviously not enough.

With 7 bottles of nutrient solution, 300 points and ten throwing knives, there are only 5200 points left at 100 points.

The 4 people returned to their residences. Fang Ping took out a bottle of nutrient solution. The transparent bottle contained it. The liquid inside was also transparent. After unscrewing the lid, there was some fishy smell.

Enduring the smell, Fang Ping 3 swallowed all the nutrient solution in a few mouthfuls.

Not at all Special changes have occurred, which is very different from the usual not at all.

Nutrient solution, in the final analysis, is a concentrated nutrient, not at all. Any function that enhances strength is to provide a large amount of nutrients required by the body. When the ability is developed and tempered, it can half the results for twice the effort.

This effect is similar to the daily nutrition package taken by athletes in previous lives to gain muscle. Of course, the effect is many times better.

Such a bottle of nutrient solution is enough to supplement Fang Ping’s nutritional needs for one week of development and tempering ability, so that Fang Ping does not need to eat for one week.

Open the door space, Fang Ping enters the door space to develop and temper abilities.

A week later.

“The effect is really good.”

Fang Ping, who had completed ability development and tempering, walked out of the door space.

With the aid of the nutrient solution, the speed of developing and tempering abilities is obviously faster. This kind of improvement can be felt.

In his estimation, the speed of development and training after taking the nutrient solution should be able to double the original.

The double gap is not a small number. If the nutrient solution continues, it can be said to be extremely alarming over the years.

Imagine two people with the same innate talent, one taking no nutrient solution and the other taking nutrient solution.

For those who take nutrient solution, the development and training ability in one year is equal to those who do not take the nutrient solution for 2 years, and the development and training ability for ten years is comparable to those who do not take the nutrient solution 20 years…

The longer the time, the gap will become larger and larger, which is enough for two people with the same aptitude to have a huge difference in strength, which shows that this nutrient solution is out of the ordinary.

“There are as many as several Morning Star powerhouses in Yinchuan base city, and even Blood Moon powerhouses are available. It’s not without reason.”

After taking the next bottle of nutrient solution again, Fang Ping sighed.

The technology of extracting nutrient liquid from the flesh and blood of monsters is only in the hands of large base cities like Yinchuan Base City, but small base cities like He’an Base City do not.

If you want to get it, you can only endure the huge price difference and exchange it for the corpse of the monster, and this will further benefit Yinchuan Base City and allow Yinchuan Base City to obtain more nutrient solution.

Sitting on this kind of technology is the root of Yinchuan base city’s strength.

The base city of Yinchuan supports the surrounding base cities and provides “training” places to the surrounding base cities so that the surrounding base cities will not perish. The most critical starting point is probably because they want the surrounding base cities Provide long-term resources such as monster corpses.

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