Monster Altar

Chapter 169

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The flame cat quickly approached Lan Ning again, and the sharp claw wrapped in flames shot towards Lan Ning, but just when the flame cat’s sharp claw was about to shoot Lan Ning.

Around Lan Ning, suddenly, a long river a few ten meters wide appeared, and the Flame Cat was involved again.

Chi Chi –

A large amount of white smoke emerged from the place where the Flame Cat was in contact with the water, and a large amount of river water was evaporated, but the flame of the Flame Cat was also extinguished.

The flame cat struggled fiercely, but it was difficult to break free from the shackles of the long river. It was like a drowning cat, struggling weaker and weaker, and finally the flame collapsed and disappeared.

“You actually have the Water Element ability.”

Fang Ping’s face was slightly surprised.

Just as the fire element ability can restrain the Wood Element ability, the Water Element ability can restrain the Fire Element ability. The Water Element ability possessed by the opponent is the nemesis of his Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability.


The long river several ten meters wide extinguished the flame cat again, and then rushed out, slapped surgingly towards Fang Ping.

“Hie Hie no Mi ability.”

Looking at the turbulent river, Fang Ping looked calm.

Because of the opponent’s use of the Water Element ability, the Wood Element ability has been stopped, and the scent that can cause coma has disappeared.

The flame disappeared from Fang Ping’s body, and the cold air diffused from Fang Ping’s body. Starting from the first half of the river, the river quickly turned into ice, and finally the entire river turned into ice.


Another river appeared and hit this side. Fang Ping made ice and turned it into an ice wall.


The ice wall shattered under the violent impact, and the river also exploded in the impact, splashing around four weeks.

But soon, the river reappeared under the control of the Lan Ning Water Element ability, and the ice wall reappeared under the condensation of Fang Ping.

Boom, bang, bang!

The two sides collided several times in succession, and all ended in smashing.

“The gap in strength is still a bit bigger.”

Seeing this effect, Fang Ping made a judgment in his mind.

The ice ability can restrain the Water Element ability, but today’s Hie Hie no Mi ability is only the Peak high order ability, and the formidable power only entered Tier 4.

The formidable power of the Water Element ability has reached the peak of Tier 4, and the formidable power gap between the two is too large, and the restraint effect on the Water Element ability is not strong, only reaching evenly matched.

Lan Ning clearly saw this too, knowing that Fang Ping could not be done with the Water Element ability. The long river surrounded it, but it did not attack at all.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Suddenly, from the long river, one after another huge vines as thick as a house grew and spread quickly, covering the entire duel field in a very short time, encircling and attacking Fang Ping.

In a short period of time, a plant covering an area the size of a football field is no longer the battle strength that Tier 4 Awakener can have. This destructive power has clearly reached Tier 5.

“Water Element ability increases Wood Element ability.”

Fang Ping’s complexion was slightly condensed. The opponent’s battle strength suddenly soared to Tier 5 because the opponent increased the formidable power of the Wood Element ability with the Water Element ability, allowing the Wood Element ability to break the Tier 4 limit, and the formidable power reached Tier 5.

This situation is similar to Yan Xue’s use of a crystal sword to increase the ability of ice. It uses one ability to increase another ability, so that the formidable power of another ability skyrockets. Of course, to achieve the effect of increase, one must be one of them. This ability can promote another ability.

Hula –

Facing the vines coming from hiding the sky and covering the earth, Fang Ping spewed flames all over his body, spreading in a ring to four weeks, burning towards the vines.

However, the formidable power of Wood Element has reached Tier 5, which is a realm gap with the ability of Muted Mera Mera no Mi. The restraint becomes very small. Although many vines are burned, more vines are flocking to Fang Ping, eventually completely submerged Fang Ping.


Seeing Fang Ping being drowned in vines, Lan Ning sighed in relief.

Although I knew that the opponent was extremely difficult, I didn’t expect to defeat the opponent until the last hole card was used.

At this moment, a door in the sky in front of her opened and Fang Ping jumped out, looking at her.


Lan Ning’s expression became sluggish and was dragged into the Illusion Technique. Although he knew that he must have fallen into the Illusion Technique, it was still difficult to break free from the powerful Illusion Technique.

Fang Ping stepped forward, put Zanpakuto on the opponent’s neck, and then looked at the middle-aged woman who was the referee.

“Fang Ping wins, the ranking remains unchanged.”

The middle-aged woman serving as a referee was sentenced immediately, and Fang Ping took back Zanpakuto and dismissed the Illusion Technique.

As the Illusion Technique was lifted, Lan Ning recovered, but she didn’t at all attack Fang Ping again. Although she didn’t hear the sentence of the middle-aged woman, she guessed that she must have been defeated.

Not at all Anxious to leave, Fang Ping looked at Lan Ning and asked.

“Can you tell me, who told you that you can avoid Illusion Technique by avoiding staring at each other?”

“It was Li Pengling’s conjecture, and he told me this conjecture when he learned that I was going to challenge you.”

Lan Ning said.

“Good observation.”

Fang Ping was slightly surprised. When fighting with Li Pengling, he clearly had his cosmetic contact lenses on. When he used Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, his eyes would never change.

But the other party is still aware of the conditions for the activation of Illusion Technique, this person is truly a bit more powerful.

The audience stage, the people who came to watch the game, each and everyone’s faces were all incredible.

Lan Ning still had an absolute advantage a moment ago, but the next moment was already defeated. The reversal came so fast that they almost thought they were dazzled.

“Really strong, Lan Ning, who has reached Tier 5 with the strongest battle strength, is not an opponent!”

A youngster is full of dignity. He is No. 24 on the list. Luo Meng, Lan Ning and Fang Ping are both in the scope of his challenge, but now, he has no idea of ​​wanting to challenge.

Facing Lan Ning, who can reach Tier 5 with the strongest battle strength, he is not an opponent. Facing Fang Ping who defeated Lan Ning, he is even more impossible to be an opponent.

“Brother, what kind of ability was that just now. It escaped the attack of Lan Ning Tier 5 destructive power Wood Element ability and approached Lan Ning secretly topically.”

“It should be some kind of spatial ability.”

The youngster, who he calls his elder brother, looks better than him, but also has a little caution. He is the tenth elder brother of Luo Meng on the list.

The methods Fang Ping demonstrated just now can already threaten him.

“Even Lan Ning, who can reach Tier 5 with the strongest battle strength, is not an opponent.”

At the audience stage, a youngster wearing a white shirt was full of fear.

After returning to the monster countermeasure class, he inquired about Fang Ping’s news and learned that Fang Ping was indeed number 22 on the list, but he was still somewhat dissatisfied.

My own strength has been soaring during the recent period, and the fight against Fang Zhan may not be lost. The opponent snatched a Tier 4 monster from him, then he would grab the opponent’s ranking.

However, seeing today’s battle, he immediately decided this idea, what a joke, Lan Ning, who can reach Tier 5 with the strongest battle strength, is not an opponent, even more how is him.

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