Monster Altar

Chapter 170

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Leaving the battlefield, Fang Ping joins Yan Xue and Fan Xuan entire group.

On the audience stage, from start to finish didn’t think that Fang Ping would lose, and only Yan Xue and Fan Xuan entire group from He’an Base City.

Firstly, they are extremely convinced of Fang Ping’s strength, and secondly, they know that Fang Ping has spatial capabilities.

“I think you have hope to challenge No. 21 on the list. How do you decide when to challenge?”

Yao Jun asked.

“No, it’s a bit worse.”

Fang Ping shook his head. Although the current Sharingan Illusion Technique is powerful, there is almost no resistance once it is hit, but it is limited to Tier 4 and below.

If it is used for Tier 5 Awakener, Tier 5 Awakener should be able to break free easily, after all, there is a two realm gap between him and Tier 5 Awakener.

The 21st place on the list is Tier 5 Awakener. According to his estimation, if he wants to challenge the list 21, his realm must at least reach the top of Tier 3.

Instead of taking the task to go out, he stayed in the Monster Countermeasures Division to develop and exercise his abilities. After 3 weeks, Fang Ping had been taking the nutrient solution for nearly a month.

The longer the time, the improvement of the cultivation speed becomes more obvious. I was not sure before, but now I am sure that the improvement in development and training capacity in one month is definitely worth the previous 2 months.

“It’s time to take over the task.”

Leaving the residence, Fang Ping heads to the mission hall, ready to take the mission.

Half a month ago, Fan Xuan, Yan Xue, and Yao Jun successively took the mission and left the Monster Countermeasures Division.

He has 2100 points in his account every month. Even if he does not go out to pick up tasks, it is enough to ensure the monthly supply of nutrient solution. However, Yan Xue is different from 3 people. If he does not receive tasks to earn points, the nutrient solution will be quickly cut off.

When he arrived at the mission hall, Fang Ping felt a lot of gaze. In the last battle, he defeated Lan Ning, who had the strongest battle strength and reached Tier 5. He was completely famous in the monster countermeasures department.

He has been in the Monster Countermeasures Division for 4 weeks. It is reasonable to say that he will receive a lot of challenges, but unexpectedly, except for Lan Ning’s challenge, he did not receive any challenges in the rest of the time.

“Hello, Fang Ping, are you interested in temporarily teaming up with us to take over patrol missions in the wasteland?”

Three young women approached Fang Ping, and one of them, a petite and lovely woman, offered Fang Ping an invitation.

With the strength that Fang Ping showed when he accepted the challenge last time, even if he encounters a Tier 5 monster, it is enough to contend with 2-1. Teaming up with such a person is undoubtedly safer.

So seeing that Fang Ping had plans to take over the task, the three of them who were missing a Tier 4 leader took the initiative to invite Fang Ping.

“No, I am going to take on a hunting and hunting mission for monsters.”

Fang Ping refused. If this time is still ready to take over the patrol mission in the deserted area, he doesn’t mind teaming up with 3 people. Beautiful women are always pleasing to the eye. Instead of spending a month with 3 rough men, it is better to stay with 3 beauties. One month.

Unfortunately, this time he did not intend to take over the patrol mission, but was ready to take over the search and hunt for monsters.

After refusing a few more invitations, Fang Ping chose the task to accept.

This is a mission to hunt and hunt the Tier 4 monster Ice Demon Tiger.

The Ice Demon Tiger, also known as a powerful monster in Tier 4, took this task naturally because one of the abilities of this monster is the ice ability.

Today’s Hie Hie no Mi abilities have some hindrances, so he wants to hunt down monsters with ice abilities to sacrifice, take out anime characters with ice abilities, and improve Hie Hie no Mi’s ability Go to the peak order level.

When he arrived at the place where the Ice Demon Tiger was found in the news outside the city, Fang Ping started searching on the scene.

The person who first discovered the Ice Demon Tiger was a Tier 3 Awakener. Although he found the Ice Demon Tiger, he was not capable of hunting them at all, so he had to report the Ice Demon Tiger news to the Monster Countermeasures Division.

After searching, Fang Ping found the footprints left by the Ice Demon Tiger. Following the footprints, he followed the Ice Demon Tiger.

A few days later, a combination of a young man and three young women were patrolling the deserted area No. 5 and 3. Among them, the three young women were the three who had been invited to Fang Ping from the mission hall a few days ago.

“It’s not that I am boasting, and Fang Ping is just a strange ability. If you face me head-on, you may not be my opponent…”

The young man had his hair in hairspray, and was quite annoyed. He was able to live with three beautiful women for a month. He was so excited to see that his luck had finally come.

In front of the three women, he expressed himself with some exaggeration, trying to make a good impression on the three, trying to win or take all.

And the way he expresses himself is to use the recently famous Fang Ping as the background, to belittle Fang Ping to elevate himself.

Hearing the young men’s boasting, the three women were speechless. You who did not even make the list, but did not put the list 3 in your eyes, can you be more boastful?

The three people secretly decided that after this time, they will never team up with each other.

Xi Xi Suo Suo –

Suddenly, the jungle tree on the left shook for a while, and the leaves fell one after another, and then a huge monster rushed out and rushed towards them.

The huge monster is black and white. It is 4 meters long and more than 2 meters tall. It is covered with cold air. Wherever it passes, the ground and trees are frozen.

“Don’t panic, I am here!”

Seeing this huge monster, the young man was not surprised but rejoiced. Now is the opportunity to perform.

Taking a step forward, a lot of black mist gushes out of his body. The black mist quickly condenses and turns into more than a dozen three-meter-long mice, which besieged towards the huge monster.

Each mouse has Tier 3 battle strength, and more than a dozen of them work together. The average Tier 4 monster is by no means an opponent. Although the young man is a little pompous, he still has some strength.

Ka ka ——

The huge monster opened its huge mouth, and a cloud of cold air expelled. The 5 huge rats that attacked from the front suddenly turned into ice sculptures.

Then he slapped with his huge claws, and a huge mouse that had attacked from the side was shot flying, breaking a lot of trees and turning them into smoke.

In just 2 rounds, more than a dozen mice were reduced by half.

The young man’s face changed, his forehead slid in cold sweat, and he could have such destructive power. This is no ordinary Tier 4 monster at all.


The huge monster slammed its tail, and another mouse was pumped away, turning into black smoke and dissipating.

However, taking this opportunity, the remaining mice all climbed onto the huge monster and bite.

But the young man had not had time to be happy.

“ao ——”

The bitten huge monster roared, the terrifying cold air diffused from him, and the remaining rats all turned into ice sculptures in an instant.

Then the huge monster rushed to the 4 people quickly.


The young man’s complexion turned pale, and the brief fight had made him judge that he was not the opponent of this monster.

No longer caring to behave in front of three women, after shouting to escape, he decisively turned and fled.

As for stopping the monster to fight for the escape time for the three women, he never thought about it. Although he had thoughts about the three women, he still hadn’t given up his life.


The huge monster was extremely fast, and soon caught up with the last of the three women, and the giant claw shot at the woman.

The woman was blocked by her ability, but was easily blocked by the huge monster. The woman was panicked and her face was pale.

at this time.

call out!

A throwing knives appeared next to the woman, Fang Ping teleported to protect the woman behind her, Susanoo used her first form, and a green giant hand faced the giant claw captured by the huge monster.


The huge monster was shot flying, broke a lot of trees, and slid out a few ten meters before it stopped.

The reason why he appears here is because the huge monster is exactly the ice monster he wants to hunt and hunt.

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