Monster Altar

Chapter 171

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The Ice Demon Tiger roared, rolled over and climbed up, his huge mouth spread out, and the cold air gushing out.

The ground and the surrounding plants were all frozen in a layer of ice under the cold air, and the icy world was descending from the illusory world.

Ka ka ——

The cold air spread to Susanoo, and Susanoo’s body was frozen with a layer of ice, becoming a part of Snow and Ice World, but Fang Ping and the woman inside Susanoo did not at all feel any cold.

If it is Susanoo in its initial form, the defense is not comprehensive, and it can’t protect the whole body, but the cold can penetrate.

However, in the first form of Susanoo, except for the soles of the feet, other places are completely protected, and the cold is naturally unable to penetrate.


The Ice Demon Tiger rushed towards Susanoo, trying to take advantage of Susanoo’s freezing and culling Susanoo. It obviously treated Susanoo as some kind of huge creature.

Ka-cha !

Fang Ping manipulated Susanoo to break free from the ice on Susanoo’s body. The ice on Susanoo’s body quickly fell. Susanoo’s breastplate opened, and his chest was facing the rushing ice monster.

Hey, hey, hey!

Countless green arrows shot from Susanoo’s chest and attacked the Ice Demon Tiger.

The Ice Demon Tiger felt a strong crisis, and the running body had a meal. A hemispherical ice wall appeared around the body, protecting it inside.

However, under the green arrows, the hemispherical ice wall quickly exploded, and the dense green arrows hit the ice demon tiger.

One after another hideous blood holes appeared on the Ice Demon Tiger, and the surrounding area where it was located had already been cut out a huge crater under the green arrow.


The Ice Demon Tiger fell to the ground with a plop, and he couldn’t die again.

Kill a monster that is also quite powerful in Tier 4 with a single blow. This is Fang Ping’s strongest battle strength today. It definitely reached the peak of Tier 4, even not far from Tier 5.

When Fang Ping was in a duel with Li Pengling and Lan Ning, the strongest battle strength displayed was indeed inferior to Li Pengling and Lan Ning, but this does not mean that his battle strength is weak. It is just that there is no need to expose more hole cards. .

Mangekyo Sharingan is originally the peak order ability. After fusing another pair of Mangekyo Sharingan and evolving into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, the level has surpassed ordinary peak order.

So even though Fang Ping is not the peak of Tier 3, the strongest battle strength has been able to reach the peak of Tier 4, and the increase has exceeded a level.

“It’s Fang Ping, he still has this ability!”

Not far away, the young man noticed the situation here and stopped.

Seeing Fang Ping who relieved Susanoo, his face was shocked, shocked, and panicked. In the past few days, in order to set off himself, he often said that Fang Ping was not.

“Thank you.”

The three women had lingering fears, and they all thanked Fang Ping, with gratitude in their eyes.

If Fang Ping hadn’t appeared in time, the three of them might have died here.

As for the young man not far away, they didn’t even look at it. They were obviously very angry that the young man left the three of them and fled alone.

Fang Ping glanced at the young man not far away, and after greeted the three women, he took the Ice Demon Tiger into the sacrifice space and left quickly.

Just now, the young man left three women and fled. He saw it, but he did not at all look down on the young man.

The young man and the three women obviously formed a temporary team, not at all how deep the friendship between each other, and in the situation of self-care, the choice to escape alone was quite correct.

To kill the Ice Demon Tiger, Fang Ping not at all rushed back to Yinchuan Base City to turn in the task.

Luckily this time, it only took 4 days from the search to the hunting. Compared with the past ten days when hunting and killing monsters, the time spent was extremely short.

He is going to stay outside the city for a while before returning to Yinchuan Base City to turn in the task.


He is now at the edge of the radiation range of Yinchuan Base City. With Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he quickly moved away from the base city and soon out of the radiation range of Yinchuan Base City.

Outside the radiation range of Yinchuan Base City, Fang Ping became cautious, and carefully shuttled through the jungle.

He is now in an uncultivated place in Yinchuan Base City, and it is possible to encounter monsters of any level.

Tier 5 monsters are possible, and Morning Star monsters are also possible.

Although Kenbunshoku Haki can detect monsters in advance and avoid danger in time, it does not mean that they can avoid all dangers.

Kenbunshoku Haki is not capable of 10000. He has encountered monsters that Kenbunshoku Haki can’t perceive, and he also has some concerns.

Morning Star powerhouse can hide its own voice, so that Kenbunshoku Haki can’t perceive it, so how about Morning Star monster, can it also hide its own voice?

If you can, you have to be careful.

Facing the morning star monster’s sneak attack, even if there is Flying Thunder God Jutsu, it is very dangerous.

After all, the speed of the Morning Star monster is too fast. Under normal circumstances, the speed exceeds the speed of sound. If a sneak attack suddenly leaves him with too short reaction time, he may not have time to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“What sound is this, it doesn’t feel like a monster?”

After groping all the way in the jungle, after a few days, Fang Ping no longer knew where he came. Suddenly, his Kenbunshoku Haki sensed a strange sound.

The reason why this sound is not like a monster is because from the sound point of view, the owner of the sound looks like a tree. However, since owning Kenbunshoku Haki, he has never felt the sound in any tree.

He lurked in the past, and after lurking forward for nearly 700-800 meters, he saw the owner with this sound.

This is a one meter high tree. The trunk and leaves are all purple. There are dots of bright stars in the purple, giving it a night sky-like feeling.

On the tree, there is a fruit, and the fruit is silver. Fang Ping Sharingan’s insight ability can even see patches of snowflakes on the surface, but in some places, some azure can be vaguely seen.

“What kind of fruit is this? Is it some kind of heavenly material earthly treasure?”

Fang Ping secretly guessed.

This World not at all heavenly material earthly treasure, there is no medicine ingredients that are extremely effective. However, as a dark-neted person in his previous life, Fang Ping naturally knew the word heavenly material earthly treasure.

Fang Ping observed for 4 weeks, and after not aware of the danger, he slowly moved closer to the past.

Suddenly, on the ground, a silver tentacle pierced at a speed faster than the speed of sound, stabling Fang Ping.


Before Fang Ping had time to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he was pierced by the silver tentacles, pierced from the abdomen, and pierced from behind. The whole person rose off the ground and was pierced on the silver tentacles.

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