Monster Altar

Chapter 172

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Flying Thunder God Jutsu was launched, and Fang Ping, which was worn on the silver tentacles, disappeared.

When Fang Ping appeared again, he had already appeared in his own residence in the Monster Countermeasures Division.

Drop, drop, drop!

The bright red blood dripped on the floor without money, Fang Ping’s complexion pale as paper.

“Please don’t die!”

He has not used the healing power for a long time, and Fang Ping is shrouded in white light.

The hideous wound on his abdomen was recovering at a speed visible to naked eye. After a few minutes, the wound had disappeared. Only the holes in the front and back of his clothes proved that he had suffered severe injuries not long ago.

“Morning Star monster!”

Fang Ping’s pale paper face recovered a bit, but still a little pale.

Thinking of the attack just now, he couldn’t help but feel numb with his scalp after a while.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu does not need to be printed, it can be launched between thoughts, even if it is a Tier 5 monster sneak attack, it is impossible to give him any reaction time.

Only the Morning Star monster can do it, so the Sneak attacking him just now must be the Morning Star monster.

“The IQ of Morning Star monsters is generally not low. It can be guarded by a Morning Star monster. The fruit on that tree is definitely a good thing. I just don’t know, this thing, whether people can take it.”

After being frightened, Fang Ping couldn’t help but be moved.

Although he almost died under the sneak attack of that Morning Star monster just now, it was different after he was prepared. With Doa Doa no Mi’s ability, he was quite sure to steal the silver fruit.

“First submit the Ice Demon Tiger mission and figure out what the fruit is.”

Not at all In a hurry, Fang Ping decided to clarify the role of the fruit first.

If the fruit is only useful for monsters and useless for people, wouldn’t it be a waste of risk?

Of course, it’s not a waste of work. After all, there are monsters Lu Yu controlled by other gods, but the importance of improving one’s own strength and improving Lu Yu’s strength are different, and it is not worthwhile to increase Lu Yu’s strength. Take your own risks.

Changing his clothes, Fang Ping went to the mission hall and turned in the mission of the Ice Demon Tiger.

The corpse of a monster can also be exchanged for money and points, and the price given is quite good. After all, the Yinchuan base city has the technology of extracting nutrient solution from the flesh and blood of the monster, and the demand for the corpse of the monster is huge.

However, possessing Monster Altar requires the sacrifice of monster corpses, and Fang Ping is naturally impossible to sell.

After turning in the task and returning to his residence, Fang Ping put the body of the Ice Demon Tiger into the sacrifice space and began to sacrifice.

A white light fell and exploded, turning into a teenager. The teenager was dressed in a dark kimono and had long black hair. He was too handsome.

It makes people impossible to bear think that the other party is a girl, but unfortunately, the other party is indeed a man.

Name: White

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: middle order


Ice Escape Kekkei Genkai: Ice Attribute ability.

“There is some bad luck, with a Tier 4 monster’s body actually only took out him.”

Fang Ping looked at the cartoon characters.

Bai, there are not many appearances in the anime Hokage, but an impressive character, Fang Ping is naturally very impressed. When he saw the death of the other party, he was even very sorry.

However, a Tier 4 monster’s corpse only offered to take out white. Fang Ping felt that his luck was a little bad. After all, before that, he had used the Tier 4 monster’s corpse to offer a took out Kage level figure.

The only good news is that although Ice Escape Kekkei Genkai is not a powerful ability in Hokage, it is the ability of ice, which can be integrated with the ability of Hie Hie no Mi.

“I choose Ice Escape Kekkei Genkai.”

Fang Ping makes a choice.

“The sacrificial person already has the ice ability and is capable of fusion.”

The majestic voice sounded, and a white light penetrated into Fang Ping within the body. After Fang Ping’s body was slightly cold, it returned to normal.

He looked towards the attribute panel Hie Hie no Mi’s ability description.

Mutated Hie Hie no Mi Ability: Integrate the ice ability of Ice Escape Kekkei Genkai, which is slightly enhanced compared to Hie Hie no Mi’s formidable power.


Fang Ping enters the space inside the door to check the magnitude of this small magnitude.

The ice ability is released to the maximum. With him as the center, within a few ten meters, everything is covered by ice, and a snow mountain peak appears.

In the end, he concluded that the formidable power of Mutant Hie Hie no Mi has slightly improved, but not much, and the level is not at all to peak order.

He was not surprised that he was upgraded to peak order once not at all. Mera Mera no Mi’s ability was improved 3 times before he was able to reach the super level. It is unlikely that Hie Hie no Mi’s ability could be upgraded to peak order once. .

Turning on the computer, Fang Ping inquired about information related to silver fruit on the Internet.

I have searched for several hours, but not at all found any related news, not at all on the Internet.

Either this kind of fruit is extremely rare and no one has seen it, or although someone has seen it and knows its purpose, it is secretive and has not been announced.

“I don’t know if there is any secret information in the Monster Countermeasures Division?”

Fang Ping thought of the top-secret data of the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City. If there is any place to find information related to this kind of silver fruit, then the top secret database of the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City must be one of them.

As one of the top ten base cities, Yinchuan Base City has extremely strong strength and deep background. The exploration and research of monsters and various strange things must be at the forefront of each base city, and there must be many records in its database. Secret information.

If he can check this top-secret database, there should be some discoveries, but as a member of the ordinary monster countermeasures department, he is naturally not qualified to query this top-secret database.

At this time, it is not a good choice to report the news of the silver fruit. There is only one fruit. If it is really valuable, he will definitely not have his share in the end.

But this can’t trouble him. He has Uiharu Kazari’s hacker innate talent and hacker memory. When it comes to hacking technology, he has never been afraid of anyone.

A string of codes appeared on the computer, and he began to attack the internal system of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City.

“It deserves to be the Monster Countermeasures Division of the large base city. This defense is much stronger than the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City. It actually took me 4 hours.”

After spending 4 hours, Fang Ping finally invaded the internal system of Yinchuan Base City’s Monster Countermeasures Division that was not open to the public, opened the secret database, and began to browse through the secret database, looking for records related to silver fruit.


Searching in the secret database, Fang Ping found the corresponding information after half an hour.

Frost fruit, the fruit with the big fist of a baby, has the miraculous effect of enhancing the ability of the cold Ice Attribute.

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