Monster Altar

Chapter 175

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With Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping returns to his residence in the Monster Strategy Division.

The first encounter with the silver Morning Star monster, he was seriously injured and dying.

In the second encounter with the silver Morning Star monster, his Shadow Clone there’s no resistance was killed in seconds. If he were to be replaced by him, he would probably be dead.

The two encounters with the silver Morning Star monsters showed him his weakness. Now, although he has some strength, he is still far from the Morning Star.

Take out the crisper with Frost fruit, Fang Ping takes out the Frost fruit.

The baby fist sized fruit is silver as a whole, with snowflake-like natural lines on the surface, exquisite like a work of art, so Fang Ping even has the heart to destroy it.

Ka-cha ——

With one bite, the mouth is full of sweet juice. It tastes like a pear, but it is more delicious than any pear. This is the best fruit Fang Ping has ever eaten.

3 2 mouths, he has already chewed the Frost fruit and swallowed it, after all, only baby fist sized.

After swallowing Frost fruit, Fang Ping suddenly felt a icy cold in his body. The temperature of his body was rapidly decreasing, and ice appeared on the surface and around his body.

“Not good !”

Fang Ping complexion slightly changed, Doa Doa no Mi can use the ability to enter the door space.

The place he is now in is an apartment provided by the Monster Countermeasures Division. If the cold is allowed to erupt uncontrollably, the entire apartment will be affected.

As soon as he entered the door space, Fang Ping had already turned into an ice sculpture, and around Fang Ping, the ice spread rapidly for 4 weeks, reaching more than 100 meters away, before finally stopping.

Cold, not cold.

Since acquiring the Hie Hie no Mi ability, Fang Ping has been immune to cold, but now he feels the cold again.

He felt that he was walking in the World of Ice and Snow in a summer suit, and he felt as cold as he could.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours. The cold on his body slowly eased and finally disappeared. The ice on the surface of his body also disappeared. He knew that Frost fruit’s medicine efficacy had passed.

“I don’t know how much the formidable power of Hie Hie no Mi has been enhanced?”

Following the thoughts in Fang Ping’s mind, a cold air emerged from Fang Ping within the body and spread forward.

The ground in the door space was under the cold air, and an icy road with a width of more than ten meters appeared. The icy road quickly stretched forward and extended to more than two hundred meters before it finally stopped.

Compared with before, today’s Hie Hie no Mi’s formidable power has definitely improved a lot, and it has been improved by leaps and bounds.

“Peak order.”

Fang Ping has a judgment in his heart, so that he, who is still in the Tier 3 realm, has such a strong ice ability, the ability level of the Hie Hie no Mi ability must have reached the peak order.

It is worthy of being a strange thing that even the Morning Star monsters must be excited about. With just one, he can steadily raise the ability level of Hie Hie no Mi’s ability to the peak order.

After testing it again, Fang Ping stopped the test and exited the door space after deeply experiencing the enhancement of the formidable power of today’s ice ability.

Walking out of the apartment, Fang Ping walked inside the monster countermeasures department in a good mood.

The monster countermeasures department is extremely huge inside, almost like a high-end community isolated from the outside world.

“Does anyone know what happened just now?”

“I heard that Morning Star monsters attacked the production base. Fortunately, Deputy Director Qin Lan and Deputy Director Lu Yun joined forces to kill, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.”

“What? Even Morning Star monsters attacked the production base. What is going on? How could Morning Star monsters attack the production base?”

“I don’t know, it’s a monster after all, who knows how to suddenly go crazy and attack the production base?”


As expected by Fang Ping, the monster countermeasure department is talking about the silver Morning Star monster.

The other battles in Morning Star were so loud that even the base city of Yinchuan, which is more than 100 miles away, could feel the obvious vibration.

“Fang Ping.”

A woman’s voice sounded, and Fang Ping looked over. A petite and lovely woman was trotting towards him. Behind him, a young man followed.

The young man is not handsome, but he has a fierce temperament, like a sword out of its sheath, which is prohibitive.

And Fang Ping actually recognized this young man. To be precise, he had seen a photo of this young man, because this person is Meng Zhuo at No. 5 on the list.

“Great, I can meet you here.”

The petite and cute woman came to Fang Ping with joy, and Meng Zhuo, who followed her, also came, with the temperament like a scabbard.

On the road, many passers-by were clever and avoided from a distance. Many of them clearly recognized Meng Zhuo and looked at Fang Ping with sympathy.

In their minds, a story has taken shape.

Meng Zhuo pursues petite and cute women, but because of Meng Zhuo’s ordinary appearance, the petite and cute women do not have a cold with Meng Zhuo, but rather have a good impression of a handsome young man.

Nowadays, three handsome young men who have a good opinion of petite and cute woman, Meng Zhuo and petite and cute woman have encountered three people. The petite and cute woman is extremely enthusiastic to young men. This makes Meng Zhuo extremely angry and is on the verge of exploding.


Fang Ping had some tingling on his scalp and some unnatural expressions on his face. It is really not a good thing to be targeted at No. 5 on the list.

The most important thing is that he really has nothing to do with the woman in front of him, nor does he have any thoughts. Although the woman in front of him looks cute, she is really not the type he likes. He is not a lolicon. He is completely affected. There is no disaster.

Under the gaze of Fang Ping and passers-by, Meng Zhuo finally walked in front of Fang Ping. The atmosphere became solidified, and the situation was on the verge of breaking out. Many people stepped back, fearing that they would be affected by the battle.

At this moment, Meng Zhuo said.

“Thank you for saving my sister.”

The solidified atmosphere disappeared for an instant, and the expressions on the faces of the onlookers became dull, and it took a long time to recover. Each and everyone had strange expressions.

This script is wrong, brother, you took the wrong script! ! !

I thought it was a three-corner play plus a duel, but I didn’t want to be a warm and touching gratitude play.

“No need to.”

Fang Ping’s face also turned slightly weird, and said quickly.

Not only was the people around him thinking that the other party was coming to fight, he also thought that the other party was coming to fight, it was indeed the fierce temperament exuded from the other party, which clearly seemed to come to provocation and fight.

The petite woman also noticed the misunderstanding at this time, blushed and explained.

“Sorry, my big brother once injured his facial nerve, so…”

“it’s okay no problem.”

Fang Ping waved his hand quickly, just because of a misunderstanding.

Ranked No. 5 on the list, the opponent’s strength, even among Tier 5 Awakener, is bound to be extremely top class. I am afraid that compared with the current Lu Yu, he will not give too much.

There are various life-saving methods, although he is not afraid, but inexplicably enmity with a ranking No. 5 is not what he hoped.

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