Monster Altar

Chapter 176

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In the wilderness, a tall and thin woman shuttled through the jungle. She lost to Fang Ping’s 23rd Lan Ning.

A few days ago, she received a reward for hunting and hunting a monster, and now she is hunting and hunting this monster.

Suddenly, her forward footsteps stopped, her eyes looked guarded forward, and in front of her, a woman appeared.

This is a woman wearing red leather clothes and leather pants, with a coquettish appearance and flaming red lips.

“Who you are?”

Realizing that the coquettish woman was probably coming for herself, Lan Ning asked with caution.

“The person who wants your life.”

The coquettish woman licked her red lips, her eyes seemed to be looking at the prey.

“hmph -“

Lan Ning is coldly snorted, although I don’t know why the other party will stare at her, but since it has been determined that the other party is the enemy, she is not welcome.

The blue trumpet flowers appeared, emitting a scent that could cause people to stun, and one after another blue flowers, which were harder than metal, attacked the coquettish woman.

There was a trace of contempt at the corner of the coquettish woman’s mouth, and the gust of wind suddenly raged, the blue flowers were blown away, and the stunned fragrance in the air was blown away.

Wrapped in the wind, the coquettish woman flew up and looked at Lan Ning condescendingly.

For more than ten minutes, a woman was covered with blood and eyes and fell unwillingly. This woman was Lan Ning.

The coquettish woman walked to Lan Ning’s corpse, her body suddenly swelled, and in a very short period of time, it became bloated and turned into a huge monster. A golden figure on the monster’s body is clearly visible.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha ——

After chewing, Lan Ning’s corpse was chewed and swallowed by the monster with bones. The monster turned into a fascinating woman again, and only heard the fascinating woman say.

“The next one is the 22nd on the list. I hope it won’t be too weak, otherwise it won’t be challenging at all…”


At a high-end hotel, Meng Zhuo siblings hosted a banquet to express his gratitude to Fang Ping for his rescue.

2nd day, because of Frost Fruit, Fang Ping has not been out to pick up the mission for more than 20 days. The pick up mission left Yinchuan base city.

This time, what he received was also a task of hunting and hunting Tier 4 monsters.

Compared to boring patrol missions, he prefers this type of hunting and hunting missions because the time is relatively shorter and the type of monsters to be searched can be selected. The most important thing is that he is a Kenbunshoku Haki, which is very suitable for this type of mission. task.

A week later, in a swamp, Fang Ping searched and found the monster he wanted to hunt down.

This is a monster with five meters in length, four short and thick limbs, and a thick Fairy Tail.

With the ability to disguise, you can blend your own color with the surrounding environment and become a part of the surrounding environment.

Hiding in the swamp is like a puddle of muddy water. If it weren’t for Kenbunshoku Haki, Fang Ping wouldn’t be able to find it even if he walked nearby.


The swamp is the main battlefield of this monster. Under the control of the monster, the muddy water rolls up like a huge wave, submerged towards Fang Ping.

“Mutated Hie Hie no Mi ability.”

The cold air spread from Fang Ping’s body, tumbling and flooding the muddy water towards Fang Ping, and was frozen by the ice several meters away from Fang Ping.

On the other hand, Fang Ping rushed to the monster quickly, and on the swamp ground, under his feet, an icy road appeared.


The muddy water turned into a few thick tentacles, whizzing towards Fang Ping, but like the “wave” just now, before approaching Fang Ping, it was frozen and turned into ice, and the ka-cha shattered. .

Taking this opportunity, Fang Ping was already close to the monster.

The monster sensed something wrong and dived into the mud, but just at this moment.

The cold ice suddenly extended from Fang Ping’s feet, and the 100 meters centered on Fang Ping was frozen into cold ice, and the monsters were also frozen in the cold ice.

Ka-cha ——

The monster struggled hard, broke free from the ice, and wanted to escape. It had already realized that it was not Fang Ping’s opponent.

But it has just broken free from the ice, and a knife attached to Busoshoku Haki has quickly wiped its neck.


There was a hideous wound on its neck and blood was splashing. It was not a monster of skill in defense.


The throat was damaged and was severely injured. Knowing that he would die today, the monster attacked Fang Ping frantically.

However, before it attacked Fang Ping, a huge Icicle pierced from the ground diagonally, pierced its body, pierced a hole in its body, and knocked it out.

Climbing up wanted to attack Fang Ping again, but was hit by Icicle again.

With a lot of blood loss, in the end, the monster fell to the ground with a plop and died completely.

Fang Ping stepped forward and put the body of the monster into the sacrifice space, and was about to return to the monster countermeasures department with Flying Thunder God Jutsu. At this moment, his expression became unexpected.

“Someone is approaching quickly!”

Kenbunshoku Haki’s range of perception, a humanoid silhouette is quickly rushing towards him.

Soon, he saw someone rushing over. This was a woman wearing red leather clothes and leather pants, showing a curvaceous figure, flaming red lips, and quite sexy.

“Are you Fang Ping No. 22 on the list?”

The woman stopped one more than a hundred meters away from Fang Ping and looked at Fang Ping aggressively.

It’s not because of Fang Ping’s eyes. Although Fang Ping has some handsome faces, he still doesn’t have that great charm. When the other party looks at Fang Ping, he looks like a prey.

“I am Fang Ping, but I shouldn’t provoke you, am I?”

Sensing the woman’s hostility, Fang Ping remained on guard, thinking about this period of time, whether he provokes who.

The 29th on the list counts as one.

The man who teamed up with 3 women can barely be counted as one. Although there is no conflict of interest between the two, there is no guarantee that the other party will lose face in front of the 2 women and anger him.

Apart from this, Li Pengling, who was challenged and defeated by him, was the 22nd Li Pengling on the original list and the 23rd Lan Ning who challenged him.

“You really didn’t provoke me. To blame, you are the 22nd on the list.”

The tip of the woman’s tongue licked her sexy red lips.

“Unexpectedly, Daoist is more handsome than the picture, elder sister, I am a little bit reluctant to kill you.”

“The information says that you have beaten Lan Ning, who is the 23rd on the list. I don’t know how much better you can compare to her.”

“Lan Ning, you shot Lan Ning before you found me?”

Fang Ping keenly perceives the meaning of the other party’s words. Before the other party makes a move against him, it is likely that he has already made a move against Lan Ning, and it is very likely…

“Yes, she is dead.”

There was a smile on the woman’s face, but Fang Ping felt a chill.

“You can beat her, you should be better than her, but don’t let the elder sister down.”


While speaking, the woman suddenly took a shot and a huge tornado appeared and approached Fang Ping.

There is a horrible attraction from tornado, attracting everything including Fang Ping. Everything involved in it was shattered in an instant.

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