Monster Altar

Chapter 177

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The huge tornado, as high as seventy-eighty meters, is like a huge pillar connecting Heaven and Earth. It is extremely magnificent, moving quickly towards Fang Ping.

“Really strong formidable power!”

Fang Ping complexion slightly changed. Although it has been guessed from the woman’s words that the woman’s strength must be extremely terrifying, but seeing the woman make a move, she cannot be heart startled. This momentum has reached Tier 5.

“Tier 5, yes, let me see how far I am from Tier 5.”

Although frightened, Fang Ping quickly stabilized his mind and fought back.

“Sharingan Illusion Technique!”

The eyes turned into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and the eyes of the woman met, and the Sharingan Illusion Technique was activated.

In a flash, the woman’s expression became sluggish, her eyes became dull, and she fell into the Illusion Technique.


A throwing knives was thrown away by Fang Ping, and it flew very fast, and it was close to the woman in an instant.

As the throwing knife approached the woman, Fang Ping teleported and Zanpakuto, who was attached to Busoshoku Haki, slashed towards the woman’s throat.

However, at this moment, the woman who had originally had no gods suddenly woke up. The huge gap between the two realms made the Sharingan Illusion Technique little effect on her.

Seeing Zanpakuto who was only a short distance away, the woman’s face changed and she quickly backed away to avoid her.


The woman avoided her throat, but she couldn’t help being scratched by Zanpakuto’s knife.

A cut was made in red’s leather jacket, and a blood stain appeared on his full chest.

The woman took this opportunity to retreat more than ten meters away.


The flying knife caught up with the woman under Fang Ping’s control. Although the woman’s speed was fast, it was obviously not faster than the flying knife.

Fang Ping teleported, Zanpakuto stabs forward, stabs the woman’s chest and heart.

have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. That is impossible. For the enemy, he never has tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.

“So fast……”

The woman’s face was surprised. She knew Fang Ping’s spatial ability, because Fang Ping had used it when he fought with Lan Ning a month ago.

However, it is speculated from the situation at that time that Fang Ping’s spatial ability should not be a teleportation space ability, not at all teleportation ability characteristics.

Although surprised, the woman’s reaction was extremely swift. Now, unlike when she broke free from Illusion Technique, she already had some time to react.

Suddenly, red scales grew on the surface of her body.


Zanpakuto slashed on the red scales as if hitting metal. Except for a huge force hitting the woman and knocking the woman into flight, it did not leave a wound on the woman.

“hmph -“

Fly out for a few ten meters, stabilize her figure, the woman looked towards the wound on her chest, her complexion couldn’t help but sink. She came to hunt Fang Ping, but she didn’t want to be the first to get injured.

A violent wind appeared at her feet, she flew into the sky, and then, like a fairy scattered flowers, dense wind blades dropping from the sky.

Hiding the sky and covering the earth attack Fang Ping, covering the several hundred meters centered on Fang Ping.

Hey, hey, pu!

Mud water splashed, and under the frenzied wind blade attack, criss-crossed cracks appeared one after another on the ground.

When the splashing muddy water fell, there was no Fang Ping’s silhouette on the spot.

Seeing this, the woman increased her vigilance. Fang Ping’s skeleton doesn’t exist under the wind blade. This result is obviously impossible. Then the reason is that Fang Ping avoided the intensive attack just now with his ability.


Opening the door in the void, Fang Ping appeared behind the woman, his eyes turned into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Susanoo in the first form appeared, and a giant green hand slapped the woman.

Although the woman was already extremely vigilant, facing a sneak attack at such a close distance from the rear, her reaction was still half a beat, and she was slapped by the giant green hand like a fly, falling from the sky to the ground.


A pothole with a diameter of a few ten meters appeared on the ground. The woman was lying in the pothole with tattered clothes. The scales on her back were damaged, and a little bit of red blood leaked out.


Being slapped like a fly, the woman turned angrily and got up, and a huge tornado hit the Fang Ping in the sky.

At this moment, a throwing knives bypassed the tornado and approached the woman.

Afterwards, Fang Ping teleported and disappeared, avoiding the huge tornado, and appeared beside the woman when she reappeared, and Green’s giant hand patted the woman.

The terrifying wind pressure hit, the woman’s face was pale, she tore off her clothes, and her chest revealed an eye like a rock.


The eyes opened, and a yellow rays of light shot out.


Fang Ping felt the danger instinctively, and the flying knife went around behind the woman, teleporting and disappearing, while the yellow rays of light swept forward.

Ka-cha ——

The aquatic shrubs and all the plants turned into rocks under the yellow rays of light, and then, numerous cracks appeared on the surface, which broke into pieces of rubble.

Petrochemical rays, this is another ability of women. It is an extremely powerful ability to turn animals and plants swept by yellow rays of light into rocks.

However, because of the embarrassment where this ability is activated, women seldom use it. This time it is obviously forced by Fang Ping to use it.

But Fang Ping still dodges, this is what the woman did not expect.


Fang Ping teleported behind the woman, and the giant green hand slapped the woman’s back again.


The woman was shot flying, and she slid more than 100 meters out of the muddy swamp. The scales on her body fell off in a large area, the bloody skin was exposed, and blood was leaking.

“What a dangerous ability!”

Fang Ping glanced at the petrified plant, and he felt a palpitating heart. Although he was protected by Susanoo, he was not at all sure that he could bear this petrified ray.


Not daring to give the woman a chance to breathe, the flying knife caught up with the woman, Fang Ping teleported and slapped the woman again. The woman was injured and flew upside down again.

Hey, hey, bang!

Under Fang Ping’s successive attacks, the woman was continuously injured and flew upside down.

The woman was very embarrassed with tattered clothes and blood on her mouth.

In terms of attack power, she still needs to be above Fang Ping, but because Fang Ping has Flying Thunder God Jutsu, she can’t attack Fang Ping at all and can only be passively beaten again and again.

Especially combined with the remote control of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Flying Thunder God Jutsu becomes more difficult to guard against.

“Okay, good.”

The woman snarled angrily, and suddenly, the only piece of fabric left on her body was stretched and dropped, but her body swelled in astonishment, and finally turned into a huge monster.

The monster looks like a lizard, with patches of red scales on the surface of the body, and the back of the monster’s chest has an eye that looks like a carved rock.

On the abdomen of the monster, there is a golden number of “201”.

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