Monster Altar

Chapter 178

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“Can be transformed into a humanoid monster?!”

Fang Ping was shocked, and the woman, like Lu Yu, was actually a monster transformed into a human form.

A monster that can be transformed into a human form can be guessed without even thinking about it. It must be extremely rare. He really did not expect that he would encounter a second monster that can only be transformed into a human form so soon.

“Like Lu Yu, it has the same number and can also be transformed into a human form…”

Fang Ping’s heart is full of solemnity.

The monsters in front of them are too similar to Lu Yu’s characteristics. It is certain that behind the two, there must be a terrorist force that can mass-produce transformed monsters.

“No. 201, the number of the number is lower than Lu Yu’s ‘181’. Lu Yu was the Morning Star at its peak. Although this monster is powerful, it obviously hasn’t reached the Morning Star. In other words, the number is higher. The strength will be stronger.”

Fang Ping sucked in a cold breath.

Lu Yu, No. 181, already has Morning Star battle strength, so don’t everyone before him each and everyone have Morning Star battle strength? What a powerful force this is?

It is conservatively estimated that this force has at least 100 Morning Stars, and this is obviously impossible to Morning Stars, and there will inevitably be a Blood Moon powerhouse, which is definitely a larger force than Yinchuan base city.

“Just because the rankings are staring at me, or are there other reasons staring at me, has Lu Yu been under my control and discovered by this force?”

Fang Ping’s hair exploded, and my heart was cold.

Being targeted by a force with at least 100 Morning Star powerhouses, I feel terrified even thinking about it, making him impossible to bear a chill.


Being able to transform into a humanoid monster not at all gave Fang Ping too much time to digest the shock in his heart. After transforming into a monster form, the battle strength that was originally entered into Tier 5 soared, and the breath on his body became more dangerous.

The hind leg suddenly stepped on, and the ground collapsed under this step, and it was a huge body violently shot towards Fang Ping, obviously faster than before.


Four wind blades appeared on the forelegs, like four long sharp blades sharpening towards Fang Ping, and the vigorous vigor slapped Fang Ping’s face, causing Fang Ping’s face to hurt.


When the 4 blades were about to chop Fang Ping into 4 pieces, Fang Ping teleported away with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

The monster that can transform into a human form is extremely fast, but Fang Ping with Flying Thunder God Jutsu is significantly faster.

Under the remote control, the flying knife circled behind the monster that could transform into a human shape. Fang Ping teleported and appeared, and Susanoo’s giant green hand slapped the monster that could transform into a human shape on the back.


In the form of a monster, although the speed is still not as good as the square with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, the reaction and speed are significantly faster.

When Fang Ping’s teleportation appeared, the monster actually reacted and twisted. The sharp claw with 4 wind blades blocked Susanoo’s green giant hand, and the two collided violently.

On the ground, where the two collided, a long crack appeared, and the surroundings were full of cracks like a spider web.

Oh, pā, pā!

Fang Ping shrouded in Susanoo back again and again, every step back, the ground will be stepped on a pothole.

Susanoo, exhibited by Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, is a peak order ability, but today’s Fang Ping has only Tier 3 realm, which is two realm short of being able to transform into a humanoid monster.

So even if you use Susanoo’s peak order ability, battle strength is still not as good as a humanoid monster.

Ka-cha ——

Cracks appeared on the surface of the giant green hand that collided with the sharp claw that could transform into a humanoid monster.


Dense wind blades appeared, hitting on the flying knife, and the flying knife was hit and flew towards Fang Ping.

And the petrified rays swept towards Fang Ping, and all the plants encountered along the way were petrified under this kind of rays, and no matter it was a flying knife or Fang Ping, they were all covered by petrified rays.

It can be transformed into a humanoid monster with a high IQ. Fang Ping continuously uses flying knives as coordinates to cast Flying Thunder God Jutsu. It can be transformed into a humanoid monster to guess the role of flying knives and use this to target Fang Ping.


Opening the door in the void, Fang Ping avoided the space inside the door, avoiding the blast of petrochemical rays, while the surface of the flying knife swept by the stone firing line appeared petrified.

The flying knife was unable to fall to the ground. Whether it was remote control or flying thunder divine technique, it was blocked by this layer of petrification and cut off the connection with Fang Ping.

“After transforming into the form of a monster, it really becomes even more difficult.”

Inside the door, Fang Ping brows tightly knit.

Originally, with his current strength, it was quite reluctant to fight Tier 5, but now, after being transformed into a humanoid monster into a monster form, the battle strength has skyrocketed, and it has exceeded the Tier 5 general level, making it even more difficult.

“Try again, if it doesn’t work, you can only withdraw first!”

Fang Ping didn’t feel blushing if he couldn’t beat him. Knowing that he was not an opponent, he had to fight hard, that would be stupid.

Making up his mind, Fang Ping pulled the remaining ten 3 throwing knives from the bag tied to his leg.


Void opened the door, and he appeared behind the monster that could transform into a human form, and the ten 3 throwing knives flew in different directions.


And just as he opened the door in the void and appeared, he could be transformed into a humanoid monster and he had been aware of him appearing behind him.

The huge body, but with extraordinary flexibility, turned around, and the petrified rays attacked Fang Ping. It had already sensed that the petrified rays could seal Fang Ping’s control of the flying knife.

A full 5 throwing knives were swept by the petrochemical rays, and the petrochemicals disconnected from Fang Ping.


Fang Ping teleported and appeared next to a throwing knife that dodged the petrified rays. Susanoo’s chest corner opened, and a large number of green arrows flew towards the monster that could transform into a humanoid.

This is the last resort. If it still doesn’t work, it can only be withdrawn.

puff puff puff!

The scale armor that can be transformed into a humanoid monster is passively worn, and holes appear one after another.

Green arrows are effective for monsters that can transform into humanoids.


A monster that can transform into a humanoid roar from pain, and the yellow rays of light swept in this direction.

Fang Ping teleported and disappeared in place, and the flying knives originally in this place followed the footsteps of other flying knives and were severed by Petrochemical and Fang Ping.

Knowing that green arrows are useful for being able to transform into humanoid monsters, Fang Ping’s confidence soared and appeared in other directions. Once it appeared, the same dense green arrows attacked.

puff puff puff ——

After several confrontations, Fang Ping has only 3 flying knives that can be manipulated.

Although the injuries left by each time were not serious, after several successive accumulations, the injuries on the body of the humanoid monster became heavier, and the position of the abdomen was bloody.


Fang Ping’s eyes are full of murderous intention, and another wave of green arrows can turn into humanoid monsters.

At this moment, he has temporarily forgotten the fear of the strength behind the monster, no matter how powerful the opponent is behind him, but since he wants to kill him, he will not make the opponent feel better.

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