Monster Altar

Chapter 179

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Just as the green arrow ejected from Susanoo’s chest, a person suddenly broke out of the ground.

This is a person wearing a mask. Judging from his figure, he should be a man. The opponent is hiding under the ground, but from start to finish, Kenbunshoku Haki of Fang Ping never found him.

After the man appeared, the right hand turned into a beast claw as thick as several meters and patted Fang Ping.

The distance is too close. Even with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping does not have time to escape with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.


The huge beast claws slapped on Susanoo, and Fang Ping flew upside down like a heavy blow.

On Susanoo’s surface, cracks appeared like spiders, and then collapsed and disappeared like rocks.

Destructive power to destroy Susanoo in a single blow. Such destructive power even needs to be transformed into a humanoid monster. It is definitely the top battle strength among Tier 5 Awakener.


Before Fang Ping fell to the ground, the masked man had already swiftly smashed Fang Ping. The huge beast claws were photographed at Fang Ping with terrifying destructive power. If this catch was shot, Fang Ping would surely be broken to pieces, even Maybe skeleton doesn’t exist.


The inverted Fang Ping disappeared, not at all appeared beside the other flying knives, but completely disappeared in place.

A monster that can be transformed into a human form has already let him use all his methods to finally gain the advantage. Now there is a person stronger than a monster that can be transformed into a human form. He has no thoughts to fight anymore, and runs decisively. Up.

“so close!”

When he reappeared, Fang Ping appeared at his own residence in the Monster Countermeasures Division, with a face full of fear.

If the Flying Thunder God Jutsu is used to slow down a bit, he is probably already dead at this time.

If he can still contend with the strength that can be transformed into a humanoid monster, then facing the man who appears later, he is almost there’s no resistance.

Not only can the opponent evade Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception, but he also possesses extremely powerful strength, which is not what he can resist now.

“Wearing a mask, this person can turn into a humanoid monster when he saves it. Is it also a monster that can turn into a humanoid shape?”

Fang Ping secretly guessed.

Will save a monster, except that it is of the same type as this monster, the others can be said to be very small.

“I always feel that this person’s figure is somewhat familiar.”

Fang Ping raised the brows slightly.

Because he was wearing a mask, he couldn’t see the man’s face clearly, but his figure gave him a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere.

“Forget it, if something like this has happened, let’s report it first.”

The forces that can produce humanoid monsters in batches are bound to be extremely powerful, and Fang Ping is not able to contend at all. At this time, it is naturally necessary to launch Yinchuan Base City’s monster countermeasure Kola.

Moreover, there is no such thing as pulling down the water. To be precise, the opponent has already targeted the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City. After all, the 23rd on the list has been killed by the opponent.

After leaving the residence, Fang Ping hurriedly visited the Vice-section Head of the Human Resources Department, the middle-aged woman who led Fang Ping and the others through the procedures when she joined the Monster Countermeasures Division.

This is the person with the highest status in the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City that Fang Ping knows.

After the announcement, Fang Ping was introduced into the office, and soon after, middle-aged woman Xu Cuimei arrived.

“Minister Xu.”

Fang Ping addressed the other party politely, and the other party nodded with a smile.

If it’s someone else in He’an Base City, she probably won’t be interviewed, but for Fang Ping, she is really happy to see her before, and the reason is naturally because of Fang Ping’s potential.

Just joined the monster countermeasures department, he has been able to occupy a place on the list, which shows that Fang Ping has great potential, and the future achievements will never be weaker than her, and it is even possible to surpass her to become a Morning Star.

This is obviously a potential stock, a potential stock that has always been worth her early investment, so when she learned that Fang Ping asked for advice, she agreed.

“Is there anything wrong with you this time?”

Knowing that Fang Ping must have something to find her, Xu Cuimei asked.

“Minister Xu, just now, I was attacked by a monster that can transform into a human form.”

Fang Ping said quickly.

“What, did you meet a monster that can transform into a human form? Are you sure you made a mistake?”

Xu Cuimei stood up and looked at Fang Ping in shock.

By her current status, she naturally knows many secrets that are not known, including the ability to transform into a humanoid monster. She fully understands how serious it is to be transformed into a humanoid monster.

“I saw her turned into a monster, and I can’t make a mistake. The other party seems to be eyeing the person on the list, and Lan Ning, who is 23rd on the list, has died in her hands.”

Fang Ping affirmed.

“You come with me.”

Xu Cuimei’s complexion changed again and again, she greeted Fang Ping, took Fang Ping to the elevator, and went straight to the top floor of the building, knocking on a door that said “Deputy Director’s Office”.

“Come in!”

Greetings came from inside. Fang Ping and Xu Cuimei walked in and saw the person inside. She was a middle-aged beautiful woman. It was Lu Yun from the two Morning Star powerhouses Fang Ping had seen a few days ago.

When it comes to things, Lu Yun’s complexion has also changed slightly. As the largest base city in the nearby area, he has naturally dealt with a force that can be transformed into a humanoid monster and knows the horror of this force.

“Can you teleport back?”

Lu Yun looked at Fang Ping and asked.

“No, the other party should have sealed the space coordinates on the flying knife with Petrochemical, and I can only teleport to the nearest place.”

“Then teleport over there and show me the way.”

Lu Yun nodded and said.

With Lu Yun, Fang Ping teleported to the nearest place where the flying thunder divine technique was set, and the place where he was fighting just now.

Then, he experienced the excitement of moving at the speed of sound. Lu Yun picked him up, let him show the way, and then rushed at a terrifying speed no slower than the sound.

After a few minutes, they rushed to the fighting place. The masked man and the red clothed woman were gone, except for the broken ground after the battle.

“The place of war is here.”

Fang Ping said.

“You are here, let me see if the other party has gone far.”

Explaining to Fang Ping, Lu Yun checked the traces of the scene and quickly chased in one direction.

Half an hour later, Lu Yun returned with empty hands. He obviously did not catch up with the “2” and let the “2” escape.

The man among the two, possessing the ability of Earth Element and being able to avoid Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception, must have relied on this ability to escape with a red clothed woman.

“You tell me the details of the battle.”


Lu Yun instructed Fang Ping, and Fang Ping explained all the details in detail.

Soon afterwards, Fang Ping and Lu Yun returned to the Monster Countermeasures Division. Soon, the Monster Countermeasures Division released a reward for transforming into humanoid monsters.

2 People’s appearance characteristics are recalled by Fang Ping, and are derived from the ability of the capable person.

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