Monster Altar

Chapter 182

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“Fortunately, hide quickly!”

In a cave far away from the fighting place, the red clothed woman and masked man were all sighed.

They didn’t expect that the Morning Star powerhouse would come so fast. Fortunately, they hid quickly, and before leaving, all the flying knives on the scene were cut off from contact, otherwise, they might not be able to escape.

“Next, Yinchuan Base City will definitely focus on searching for us, and it will take a while.”

The mask man said.

“Damn it, let the human escape, causing the news to leak.”

The red clothed woman has turned into a human form again, with obvious wounds on her abdomen. She is annoyed by Fire Dao.

“There is no way. I didn’t expect the other party’s space ability to be able to teleport over a long distance. Blame me, because I didn’t collect the intelligence in place.”

The mask man said.

“What are you going to do next?” the masked man asked.

“Yinchuan base city cannot stay, I am going to other base cities.”

Red clothed woman said.

“Go to other base cities? Good choice.”

The masked man nodded and felt that the red clothed woman’s choice to go to other base cities was the right choice. If he was not able to leave Yinchuan base city unless he had a special situation, he would leave Yinchuan base city like a red clothed woman and lurking to other base cities. .


Time was spent in cultivation and receiving missions, unconsciously months passed.

The red clothed woman and the masked man seemed to have disappeared. After the battle with Fang Ping, no trace was found.

If it weren’t for the surveillance records of entering and leaving the city, the silhouette of a red clothed woman was found, the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City might think it was Fang Ping who directed and acted a fictional character in order to earn points.

“Hie Hie no Mi ability.”

In a wilderness, Fang Ping loudly shouts, and the world of ice and snow descends.

With Fang Ping as the center, ground icing spread rapidly for 4 weeks, and one after another huge ice spikes of several ten meters long rose from the ground.

In a very short time, a range of more than a hundred meters centered on Fang Ping has been turned into an ice and snow stone forest.

“Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability.”

Then, the cold surrounding Fang Ping disappeared, and Fang Ping turned into a blazing sun.

The hot flames erupted centered on Fang Ping, and the tumbling flames were like clouds in the sky, carrying the terrifying heat of Burning All Living Things.

The world of ice and snow collapsed, the world of flames descended, and the ground near Fang Ping melted into lava, emitting a crimson color.

“Finally at the top of Tier 3.”

Fang Ping is satisfied to see the formidable power of Muted Hie Hie no Mi ability and Muted Mera Mera no Mi ability.

For several months, the nutrient solution was continuously supplied, his strength advanced by leaps and bounds, his realm has been upgraded to the peak of Tier 3, distance to breakthrough Tier 4 already not far.

The time is half shorter than the original estimate, and the effect of the nutrient solution is obvious.

“Using the Mutated Mera Mera no Mi abilities and the Muted Hie Hie no Mi abilities, the battle strength is enough to reach the Tier 4 peak. If Susanoo is used, the battle strength should be enough to reach the Tier 5.”

Now, compared with Tier 5 Awakener, he has no obvious disadvantages. The speed is much faster than Tier 5 Awakener. In terms of destructive power, it should be able to reach Tier 5 with Susanoo.

And this still doesn’t count the battle strength of Sage Mode. If you count the Sage Mode that can enhance the battle strength several times, his strongest battle strength will skyrocket.

The only regret for him is that although the time to use Sage Mode has increased, it has not increased much. It can last for 5 seconds at most. The situation is similar to Namikaze Minato and cannot be used as a regular combat method.

“Yan Xue’s challenge to number 30 on the list is about to begin.”

Leaving the residence, Fang Ping rushed to the duel arena, where he joined Fan Xuan, Yao Jun, Xiang Qiu and the others at the audience stage.

To his slight surprise, there was a woman standing beside Xiang Qiu.

The woman has an oval face, wears a white shirt and washed jeans, and has an extremely sexy and hot body. She is the Number One Person Yan Hong in Shuangfeng Base City that she has ever seen.

After inquiring, it turned out that Shuangfeng Base City was awarded a place to join the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City a month ago, and the most outstanding geniuses of the base city were sent over.

He looked at the duel field. In the duel field, there were two women with nice bodies wearing tight clothes.

One of the women has shoulder-length short hair and a “cold” temperament on her body, giving people a feeling of rejection from beyond a thousand li. It is Yan Xue.

Another woman has wavy hair and the mature temperament of a big sister. She is currently No. 30 on the list, Tian Di.

“Who do you think has a better chance of winning?”

Yao Jun asked Fang Ping.

“It should be Yan Xue!”

Fang Ping judged that his Kenbunshoku Haki had sensed Yan Xue’s state, and the opponent had already become Tier 4 Awakener ahead of him.

He wasn’t surprised by this. The other party took a lot of time to become a Tier 3 Awakener than him. Now with the aid of nutrient solution, the strength will naturally be advanced by leaps and bounds.

The realm of Tier 4 Awakener, and the additional abilities can complement each other, and the opponent’s strength can never be judged by the first Tier 4, so he judges the opponent’s chance of winning.

“it has started!”

When Fang Ping was talking with the others, on the duel field, the Tier 5 Awakener who served as the referee had announced the start of a two-person duel.

Yan Xue took the lead. In the right hand, the transparent crystal sword was condensed, and the ice ability was poured into it. With one sword, it slashed towards Tian Di, and suddenly the ice spread to Tian Di.

Tian Di’s ears became pointed, animal marks appeared on his face, his eyes became red, and his hands became wild beast sharp claw.


The figure dodged sideways flexibly, and immediately avoided the hitting ice, and rushed towards Yan Xue.

With one miss, Yan Xue cut out the second sword, the third sword…one after another ice, quickly spread to Tian Di.

However, Tian Di, who was transformed into a beast, had extremely fast speed and response, and his figure flickered flexibly, brushing past the ice that hit, avoiding the ice that hit one after another.

Within a few moments, he was less than 20 meters away from Yan Xue. At this distance, at Tiandi’s speed, less than one second would be enough to get closer.

Facing the approaching Tian Di, Yan Xue didn’t panic, but thrust the crystal sword in his hand into the ground and into the earth.

As the Crystal Sword plunged into the ground, a large amount of ice covered a large area, tumbling, surging out like a mudslide.

Faced with such a wide range of attacks, Tian Di couldn’t dodge, so he had to carry it hard, turning his claws into fists, and blasting them away.

Ka-cha ——

The spreading ice was smashed under her this fist, turning into pieces of broken ice splashing, but she was knocked back involuntarily by the strong impact.

And the hand that hit the ice turned into ice, and the body became slightly stiff due to the attack of the cold.

Forced to carry it hard, she suffered a loss!

Without giving Tian Di a chance to recover, Yan Xue drew the transparent crystal sword from the ground, slashed out with a sword, and the ice turned into a huge ice knife and cut it away.

“The battle strength didn’t fall into the wind, and even exceeded it. Yan Xue is already Tier 4?”

Yao Jun asked.


Fang Ping nodded.

“Unexpectedly, she was the first one of us to break through Tier 4. It seems that her innate talent is not much worse than you and Xiang Qiu.”

Yao Jun lamented that he felt a lot of pressure. Although he was a companion from He’an Base City, he was also a competitor.

This is true for him, Fang Ping, and Xiang Qiu.

As a person who has the name of genius from the beginning of becoming an Awakener, who will admit defeat and think that he is inferior to others.

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