Monster Altar

Chapter 183

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“It’s time to tell the winner.”

Fan Xuan reminded.

On the duel arena, Tian Di’s body turned into a diamond, and he obtained an unusually strong defense. Even if he was frozen by the ice, he could break free quickly, with almost no damage.

The super defense made her resist the attack of the chill.

On Yan Xue’s side, the originally transparent crystal sword turned into blood. Facing Tian Di, who turned into a diamond impervious to sword and spear, she did not retreat but instead moved forward, and the bloody sword slashed towards Tian Di.


The diamond’s fist collided with the blood-colored sword, and Tiandi Diamond’s fist had deep wounds, and was hit by a huge impact, causing him to retreat again and again.

However, Yan Xue was not affected too much. After one sword, another volley slashed out, cutting out a bloody rays of light and hitting Tian Di’s chest. A deep wound appeared on Tian Di’s chest and flew upside down.

“I surrender–“

After fighting against each other several times, Tian Di was hurt all over, knowing that there was no chance of winning, Tian Di resolutely gave in.

“Yan Xue wins and replaces Tian Di who is 30th on the original list!”

Seeing Tian Di admit defeat, the Tier 5 Awakener who served as referee announced.

“Another person has made the list. This is already the third. This He’an base city is truly amazing.”

“There are indeed some amazing. The number of people on the list alone is enough to rank in the top 5 among the base cities.”

Some Awakener who watched the game sighed and said that a base has 3 people on the list. This is rare. He’an Base City is completely famous in Yinchuan Base City’s Monster Countermeasures Division.

Many people were on guard and gave birth to the idea of ​​collecting information from the Awakener in He’an Base City. Otherwise, when the opponent issues a challenge, but they don’t understand the opponent’s ability at all, it will be a disadvantage.

After defeating the opponent, Yan Xue sighed in relief and walked towards the audience stage.


Fang Ping and the others are all congratulated, they won the 30th place on the list, and they will receive 1300 points every month. This is a lot of points, which is enough to supply the monthly nutrient solution consumption.

“Thank you.”

Yan Xue thanked him, walked to Fang Ping’s side, looked at Fang Ping and asked.

“It’s been almost half a year since you last challenged. Xiang Qiu has challenged 3 times and is already on the top of the list. On the contrary, you didn’t challenge once. When are you going to challenge again?”

Her icy face softened a lot involuntarily, which has been so naturally when she saw Fang Ping since the last time.

She didn’t notice this kind of change herself, but the people around him noticed it. Yao Jun showed a playful smile at the corner of her mouth, and Fan Xuan frowned inexplicably, some inexplicably irritable.

“Watching you fight, your hands are indeed itchy, just now.”

Fang Ping thought for a while and said.

The entire group went to the mission hall. Through the mission hall, Fang Ping challenged the eighth on the list.

If it’s just a fake name, it’s all, he will not challenge a Tier 5 Awakener for the sake of a fake name, but once there is an interest link, it is different, after all, it is a real benefit that can be seen.

“The duel is scheduled for 3 in the afternoon.”

After sending out a challenge application, Fang Ping quickly received a response from the Monster Countermeasures Division. Because the challenged Awakener is now in Yinchuan Base City, the challenge was scheduled at 3 o’clock this afternoon.

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, a lot of people came to watch the battle in the dueling hall.

The number is even more than when Yan Xue challenged Tian Di, who was ranked 30th in the morning, and there were some top 20 players among them.

One is a Tier 4 level challenge, and the other is a Tier 5 level challenge. The level of emphasis on the two is obviously different.

Some people who are in the top 20 of the list, but not high in the ranking, have already felt the threat.

In the duel arena, Fang Ping is facing the eighth on the list. This is an extremely tall man with a height of more than 8 meters.

The two arms are bare, the hair is somewhat long and curvy, the eyes are cold and severe, and the body is full of wild beast-like wildness.

“It’s from He’an Base City again.”

Seeing Fang Ping, his voice was full of dissatisfaction, as if he had a big grudge with the people in He’an Base City.

The fact is also true, he is Sang Tai who was challenged and defeated by Xiang Qiu.

In the past six months, Xiang Qiu’s ranking has risen to the seventh in the list, and after he was defeated, he was eager to be strong, and his ranking has also improved a lot to eighth in the list.

In the process, he has challenged Xiang Qiu many times, but all failed.

For this reason, he has a natural aversion to the people in He’an Base City, and now he is challenged by Fang Ping, who also comes from He’an Base City, which immediately makes him even more dissatisfied with the people in He’an Base City.


Fang Ping didn’t make a sound. He really didn’t mean to aim at the other party. Now he can’t tell what level his strength can reach in Tier 5.

Since Xiang Qiu is ranked No. 7 on the list, he simply challenged the No. 8 on the list. He really didn’t think about targeting the other side.

He didn’t mean to explain, this thing is unclear, it will only annoy the other party the more you explain.

And there is no need to explain, he has never been a person with a hot face and a cold ass.

“No death or disability, otherwise the ranking will be disqualified and held accountable forever.”

After referee read the rules, he stepped aside to announce the start of the battle, Fang Ping and Sang Tai both moved.

Fang Ping eyes turned into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, using remote control, 5 throwing knives flew out of the leather case with flying knives, turned into 5 purple lights, and approached Sang Tai from 5 directions in an arc-shaped trajectory.

Sang Tai was covered with a layer of earth-yellow rays of light. The already very strong muscles became more prominent after being covered with earth-yellow rays of light.

With the collapse of the ground, he disappeared in place, like a galloping heavy truck threw out.


The fist wrapped in the earth-yellow rays of light, tore the air, with a harsh sound, pounding towards Fang Ping.


Before being beaten by a fist, Fang Ping teleported and disappeared and appeared behind Sang Tai, his right fist turned into a huge flame fist, extending the hammer towards Sang Tai.

This is Ace’s skill in the use of flames. It has the characteristics of fast speed, wide range and great formidable power. Ace once punched 5 ships with this kind of fire fist.

In Fang Ping now, the formidable power of the flame ability is only slightly weaker than that of Ace, and a punch is enough to turn a range of 100 meters into scorched earth.

Hong long!

Faced with such a sudden attack, Sang Tai did not have time to dodge, and was directly overwhelmed by a larger flame fist.

A pothole with a diameter of a few ten meters appeared on the ground. In the center of the pothole, the soil turned into lava, gu gu bubbling, and Sang Tai was lying in the lava.

“On this strength?”

Climbing up from the lava, Sang Tai was unscathed, his eyes were slightly contemptuous and looked towards Fang Ping.

The earth-yellow rays of light enveloped him not only strengthened his battle strength, but also strengthened his defense. Under the strong defense, he hardly carried Fang Ping’s this fist without injury.

“Excellent defense.”

Fang Ping eyes slightly narrowed, today’s Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability, formidable power has reached the peak of Tier 4, not far from Tier 5.

The opponent can carry it down without any damage, and the defense is really extraordinary.

“Well, just see if your defense is too strong to break.”

After being provoked by the opponent’s words one after another, Fang Ping’s complexion remained unchanged, and he would not be angry at this provocation.

However, although not at all angry, it does not mean that he will be happy in the face of the opponent’s provocation.

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