Monster Altar

Chapter 184

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With feet like springs, Sang Tai leaped high, jumping out of the potholes as deep as several meters, dropping from the sky with his right foot, sweeping towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping did not evade, but used Susanoo.

Since the formidable power is not enough, it is to increase the formidable power. He also wants to see who is stronger than the Tier 5 Awakener today.

After his eyes turned into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Susanoo can now be used as a regular combat method without causing damage to his eyes.


A green giant with only the upper body appeared. The huge body was different from the past. Not only was it a skeleton, it was also full of meridians and flesh and blood. The right hand held a huge spiral sword, and the cold breath spread.

That’s right, this is not Susanoo in the first form, but Susanoo in the second form. The realm has risen to the peak of Tier 2, his pupil power has been further strengthened, and he has been able to use Susanoo’s second form.

The left hand patted Sang Tai kicked from dropping from the sky, and the wind generated enough to sweep the ordinary person away.


Like a fly, Sang Tai was slapped into the air and hit the ground heavily, smashing a huge pothole with a diameter of more than 100 meters on the ground.

“Uh huh…”

Sang Tai climbed up from the pothole again, this time he is no longer intact.

The clothes made of monster leather with extremely high defense became torn, and the corner of his mouth was even more stained with blood.

Wiping off the blood on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were cold, and he just laughed at the softness of the opponent’s attack. He was slapped in the face at the next moment, and he was slapped like a fly, which made him feel terrible at this time.


He didn’t say a word, but the yellow rays of light shrouded him, but it became more dazzling, and the knotted muscles on his body became more prominent.

Compared with him, the bodybuilder in the previous life is not at the same level.

Moreover, unlike the muscles of a bodybuilder that look good but have little practicality, his muscles do not contain any moisture.

With a flicker, he approached Fang Ping, and his fist, harder than steel, thumped like a pile driver at Fang Ping, who was protected by Susanoo.

The spiral sword of Susanoo’s right hand greeted him, and stab Sang Tai.

Hong long!

The fist collided with the tip of the spiral sword, and the terrifying shock wave spread out around the collision place. On the ground, a huge crack appeared between the two, and the surrounding was densely packed small cracks.

Both Fang Ping and Sang Tai couldn’t help being knocked back slightly by the strong impact, but at the next moment, they pounced on each other again.

Sang Tai circled behind Susanoo, trying to avoid Susanoo’s front and attacking behind, while Susanoo swept with the spiral sword in his hand and swept towards Sang Tai who wanted to go around.

Unable to dodge, Sang Tai had to throw his fist and collide with the spiral sword in Susanoo’s hand.

Boom, bang, bang!

The two fought one after another, the battle was extremely fierce, and no one had an absolute advantage.

Susanoo, who has reached the second form, has increased his battle strength to reach Tier 2, but Sang Tai is not weak either. As a Tier 5 Awakener, his battle strength is also extremely strong.

At the beginning, the reason why I suffered from being swapped like a fly by Susanoo was because I felt that Fang Ping’s offensive power was too weak to break his own defense.

Nowadays, Fang Ping is no longer underestimated, and it suddenly becomes difficult.


The tip of the spiral sword collided with the fist. I don’t remember how many times this was the collision.

Suddenly, the spiral sword in Susanoo’s hand was spinning like a huge electric drill.


The spiral sword’s formidable power increased greatly, and the hands of Sang Tai that collided with the spiral sword were bloody, dripping with blood.

Even though he had focused on strengthening his fists, he still couldn’t help being injured by the spiral sword that increased the formidable power.

“Able to rotate…”

Backed in embarrassment, looking at the rapidly spinning spiral sword, Sang Tai’s eyelids throbbed, and the spinning spiral sword was too dangerous, even with his enhanced physical body, he couldn’t carry it hard.


From the back of his tattered clothes, a pair of white radiance condensed wings grew out.

With flapping wings, he soared into the sky, and flew behind Fang Ping in an instant, and a long white radiance like a blade slashed towards Fang Ping that was enveloped in Susanoo.

This is his other ability-wings of light.

A kind of wings condensed by light, not only allows him to have the ability to fly, speed up his movement, but also a means of long-range attacks.


A deep crack of 100 meters long appeared on the ground.

Before being swept by white radiance, Fang Ping teleported away with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

He also has a fast moving method, even faster than the current Sang Tai. The reason why he doesn’t use it is just to familiarize himself with Susanoo’s second form of formidable power.

But since the opponent has already struggled with him for speed, he naturally has no reason to use it.


Sang Tai flew in the air, keeping a distance from Fang Ping, and another blade of light smashed down, leaving a huge crack of 100 meters long in place.

“Is there a long-range attack method? I have it too.”

Susanoo raised the spiral sword in his hand under the control of Fang Ping, the spiral sword revolved, next moment, countless green arrows shot out.

This is the kind of green arrow used by Fang Ping in Susanoo’s first form. Now that Susanoo has upgraded to the second form, the green arrow no longer shoots from the chest, but instead shoots from the spiral sword.

Of course, not only the injection method is changed, but also the formidable power.

Peng peng peng!

The green arrow came, and the face of Sang Tai in the air changed, the wings of light flapped, and his figure quickly dodged.

However, the green arrows fired were too dense, even though he now has extremely fast movement speed, he still couldn’t help being shot by many green arrows.

A body with strong defenses attached to earth-yellow rays of light was stabbed. One after another, green arrows pierced his body, dripping bright red blood from the wound.

The light wing was shot through by the green arrow, turned into rays of light and dissipated, and he fell from the sky to the ground.


With Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping appeared beside Sang Tai who had fallen to the ground. The spiral sword spun quickly and stab Sang Tai.


Sang Tai, who had just turned over and got up, was unable to dodge and was stabbed in the abdomen by a spiral sword.

A blood hole appeared in his abdomen, and his body was forcibly pushed to the ground under the violent power.

The whole person was nailed to the ground by the spiral sword, and the spiral sword stopped spinning, but once Sang Tai had any abnormal movement, the spiral sword would inevitably spin up quickly and pierce his body within the body.

“I surrender.”

Cold sweat slipped from Sang Tai’s forehead, and Sang Tai stubbornly gave up.

Although his defense is strong, he cannot stop the spinning spiral sword.

Although he was very aggrieved, there was no other way except to admit defeat.

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