Monster Altar

Chapter 185

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“Fang Ping wins and swaps the list with Sang Tai. Fang Ping ranks 9th on the list and Sang Tai ranks 22nd on the list.”

Seeing Sang Tai admit defeat, referee hurriedly pronounced his sentence.

Being a referee of this level is too reluctant for him, after all, he is just a Tier 5 Awakener.

If Fang Ping hadn’t stopped in time just now, he would definitely not have time to stop it.

“Really won?”

In the auditorium, many people showed a surprised look on their faces.

For reasons of vital interests, the ranking of the list is not at all moist.

When the ability is not restrained, it is certain that the high sequence is better than the low sequence. Even if there are two adjacent lists, there is bound to be a gap in strength.

Like Fang Ping, it is extremely rare to cross 4 lists at once and challenge the 22th 8th list as the 1nd list.

Therefore, many people are not optimistic about Fang Ping. They think that Fang Ping has some support, but they don’t want Fang Ping to really win. He defeated Sang Tai and won the eighth place on the list. This is really out of their way. Expected.

“Sure enough, I won.”

It is not surprising that Fang Ping won, and only the entire group from He’an Base City.

They are more or less aware of Fang Ping’s behavioral style, after all, the family and forces behind them have investigated Fang Ping.

According to the survey information, Fang Ping tends to be conservative in his behavior and never fights a battle of uncertainty. If he chooses this way, he must be sure.

The result was not beyond their expectations, Fang Ping won.

“Another rival!”

Some of the lists ranked before Fang Ping, but not many people who surpassed them, their faces were solemn.

The gap between Fang Ping and them is not too big. With the growth rate Fang Ping is now showing, their ranking on the list will be very dangerous.


After saying hello to the entire group of He’an Base City, Fang Ping went to the mission hall again, but this time was not to issue a challenge, but to check his current points.

Insert the ID card into the points inquiry machine, enter the password, and the points inquiry machine displays his current points.

“15 points. Although it is a lot, it is still 500 points.”

Fang Ping sighed.

He checked his points because he wanted to purchase an extremely expensive potion.

Today, he has reached the peak of Tier 3, distance to breakthrough Tier 4 is only one step away, but this step has a shortcut, the shortcut is Awakener potion.

Awakener medicine is a medicine that assists in making a breakthrough. It can help the Awakener in bottleneck to make a breakthrough.

Such an Awakener medicine can save at least several months, and, most importantly, it will not cause irreparable damage to the body.

Although it will cause some damage to the body when taking it, it can be recovered. As long as it is not taken repeatedly, it will not cause irreparable damage to the body.

This is a safe way to improve strength. In fact, some genius children of the Awakener family usually use this method to make a breakthrough.

Such Awakener medicines are naturally extremely precious, and they cannot be bought with money, and corresponding power and connections are needed.

Originally, Fang Ping’s channel was impossible to buy, but after joining the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City, he had a channel to buy this precious thing.

“The Tier 4 Awakener potion requires 2 points. It seems that you have to take 10000 missions to get enough.”

Fang Ping walked to the huge screen where the task was released, and began to find a suitable task.

When he saw a task, his eyes lit up.

[No. 5 breeding base stationed for one month, the required number of people: one Tier 5 Awakener, 4 Tier 3 Awakener, 3 Awakener 9 people.

Task rewards: 5 +5010000 points for Tier 5000 Awakener, 4 +2510000 points for Tier 2500 Awakener, 3 +1210000 points for Tier 1200 Awakener. 】

“I should be a Tier 5 Awakener now, right?”

Fang Ping went to the task window to ask. As expected, he had a record of defeating Tier 5 Awakener, and he could be recognized as a Tier 5 Awakener, and he was rewarded with 5010000 +5000 points.

He immediately accepted the task. Fortunately, the number of Tier 5 Awakener has not yet been taken.

Three days later, Fang Ping went to the meeting place, met with other people who had accepted the task, and took a bus to the No. 3 breeding base.

At the meeting point, he unexpectedly met an acquaintance, a beautiful woman with long black hair.

The goose-egg face, the tall nose bridge, and thin lips are undisputedly beautiful.

No matter where you are, you will become noticeable. This person is Fan Xuan.

“You also took over the task of stationing at No. 5 breeding base?”

Walking over, Fang Ping asked slightly unexpectedly.

“Yes, I also took over the task of garrisoning No. 5 breeding base.”

Seeing Fang Ping, Fan Xuan’s face also showed surprise, and at the same time was a little bit happy.

In order to have the effect of sharpening, the group of people in He’an Base City have not teamed up to take the task since the first time they took the task, but they don’t want two people to take it by coincidence without discussing it. To the same task.

It is obviously a joy to be with people you know, especially if this person is Fang Ping.

The people who took the task arrived one after another, males and females. In the end, all thirteen people including Fang Ping arrived. They took an armored vehicle arranged by the Monster Countermeasures Division and set off to the No. 3 breeding base.

After 4 hours of bumpy journey, I finally arrived at No. 5 breeding base.

This is a very huge production base, covering an area of ​​5 square meters.

Surrounded by a metal wall 30 metres high, infrared sensing is installed on the surrounding wall. Once a monster approaches, an automatic alarm can be found immediately.

After handing over to the garrison, Fang Ping and other ten persons began to garrison. Except Fang Ping, the remaining ten persons were divided into three groups. Each group was led by a Tier 3 Awakener for patrol.

As for Fang Ping, as the only person with Tier 3 battle strength among the thirteen people, he is responsible for commanding 5 teams and emergency support.

“This is your schedule.”

In an office, Fang Ping handed the schedule to the three Captain team members, and at the same time looked at them.

3 people, 2 men and one woman, all of them are middle-aged.

This age is still a Tier 4 Awakener, indicating that the potential is exhausted and it is difficult to have a breakthrough. Lifelong achievements are likely to stop Tier 4.

While Fang Ping was looking at the 3 people, they were also looking at the leader of Fang Ping. Fang Ping’s age was too young to make them feel a little uneasy.

Being young means not being stable enough, and being young means not being too strong.

Because of the rigid rules, the opponent’s strength should be Tier 5, but in Tier 5, I am afraid it will not be too strong.

If you encounter Tier 5 monsters, especially when Tier 5 monsters are still strong, I am afraid it will be very choking.

Fang Ping noticed the worry in the eyes of the 3 people, but he did not at all defend it.

There is no proof, if you say how powerful you are, the other three will not believe it.

“There are spatial coordinates on the throwing knives. Once you encounter an emergency, you only need to shout on the intercom and I will be able to rush to…”

Take out 3 throwing knives and Fang Ping handed them to 3 people.

Nowadays, there are not a few people who know that he has a flying knife as a coordinate teleportation method, so there is no need to worry about the problem of ability exposure, because the exposure has been exposed long ago.


All three of them accidentally took the throwing knife. Space ability, this is a rare ability. I didn’t expect the team leader at this time to have it. In this case, the support will undoubtedly be very quick.

After the accident, the worries of the three people became more serious.

The reason why the team leader is assessed as possessing Tier 5 strength is probably due to the particularity of space capabilities.

The particularity of space ability is quite advantageous when the opponent is an Awakener, but it becomes a disadvantage when the opponent is a monster.

Monsters generally have huge bodies and strong defenses. If their attack power is too weak, it may even be difficult to damage them.

The team leader in front of him is obviously known for his strange ability, and his attack power may not be too strong.

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