Monster Altar

Chapter 186

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After dismissing the three Captains, Fang Ping found a place, and each minding their own business began to exercise daily abilities.

As a team leader, you don’t need to participate in patrols, which is really good. Apart from changing a place, it’s just like not at all.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you can’t develop and temper your abilities in the door space, otherwise there will be unexpected situations and you will not be able to receive messages in time.

“let’s go and eat!”

At noon, Fan Xuan appeared with a slight sweat on his forehead. The opponent did not patrol in the morning. Like Fang Ping, he should find a place to develop and exercise his abilities until now.

“it is good.”

Fang Ping stopped the development and tempering of his abilities, responded and followed Fan Xuan to the cafeteria.

“The inner Qi atmosphere of the team is not stable, and many people are quite worried about your strength!”

Fan Xuan reminded.

“I’ve noticed it, but this kind of thing is useless to justify, it can only be proved by strength.”

Fang Ping shook his head and said.

“That said, unless a Tier 5 monster appears, it will be difficult to convince them.”

Fan Xuan nodded.

Day by day, and two weeks later, the production base was attacked several times by monsters, but before Fang Ping could take action, the monsters had been killed.

The strongest one is the Tier 4 monster. The Captain team that encounters the Tier 4 monster is significantly stronger than the average Tier 4 Awakener, and has already beheaded it alone.

With the absence of Fang Ping’s shots for 2 consecutive weeks, the atmosphere in the team has become more unstable.

Some female Awakener who like to chew their tongues even said things like “Tier 5 parallel imports” in private. Fan Xuan defended Fang Ping several times with them, but it was still useless.

“Come on with a Tier 5 monster, if you don’t come again, your title of’Tier 5 parallel imports’ will be realized.”

Fan Xuan complained.

“I said, your expectations are a little weird.”

Fang Ping said funny.

When other people take on such garrison missions, they all hope not to encounter monsters that are too strong. Fan Xuan said good, but hope to encounter Tier 5 monsters.

“It’s a bit weird indeed.”

Fan Xuan smiled helplessly, he must be crazy, and he hopes to meet Tier 5 monsters.

A few more days passed, and half of the one-month garrison time had passed.

In the evening, a four-person team is responsible for night patrol. Captain is a middle-aged woman among the three Captains. The team consists of Fan Xuan and two other men.

“There is movement!”

Suddenly, among the four, a man wearing glasses, his face condensed, and he reminded.

One of his abilities is Voice Formation, which can interweave a voice Formation within one kilometer centered on him.

Within the scope of Formation, any subtle sound, even if an ant crawls over it, can be heard if he wants to.

And just now, he heard unusual footsteps, it was the sound of some kind of larger creature stepping on the litter.

“In what direction?”

The middle-aged woman asked.

“That direction!”

The man with glasses pointed in one direction and said.

The middle-aged woman beckoned, motioned everyone to follow her, carefully lurking in the past, to see what monster it was.

But just more than 100 meters ahead, the man with glasses has complexion changed.

“The monster found us!”

Almost at the same time the man in glasses said this, there was already a “ka-cha” voice from a distance.

That was the movement of the monster breaking the tree and rushing quickly.

Soon, the monster was less than 100 meters away from them. The middle-aged woman took the shot, and in the void, the rays of light were intertwined into a huge net of light, and the net directed towards the coming monster.

This is her ability to manipulate the “light” to interweave into a web of light, and has a very strong cutting ability. With this ability, he once cut a Tier 4 monster into minced meat.

哧 ——

The monster couldn’t dodge, or didn’t evade, hitting the rays of light, and a chick sound was heard.

But the monster was not at all cut by the light net, but broke the light net, only a few shallow scratches appeared on the body, only a little scratch.

Through the moonlight, they could see the silhouette of the monster.

This is a monster that is more than ten meters long with a scarlet carapace and as many as 100 pairs of stomach feet.

“Not good, this is Tier 5 monster bloodthirsty centipede.”

Seeing this monster, everyone was complexion greatly changed. This is actually a Tier 5 monster.

“I’ll stop it, you guys ask for help.”

The middle-aged woman was cold in her heart, and her luck was too bad. When the leader was not very reliable, she actually encountered a Tier 5 monster.

Now I only hope that the team leader will not be too watery, and be able to come to contain this Tier 5 monster in time, and then join their 3 Captains to jointly kill this Tier 5 monster.

She pressed her hands to the ground, and the soil swarmed under her control, submerging the bloodthirsty centipede, forming a huge cocoon.

But before she had time to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly, the surface of the mud cocoon was pierced through with a bloody mist, and it was rapidly being corroded and dissolved.

This is the ability of the bloodthirsty centipede-blood mist, which is highly corrosive. Whether it is animals, plants or metal soil, it can corrode and melt.

Ka-cha ——

The bloodthirsty centipede broke through the ground and hit her. She hurriedly laid a light net in front of her, but was hit by the bloodthirsty centipede, and the bloodthirsty centipede hit her.

“pu chi ——”

She was spit out blood and flew upside down. Before she could get up from the ground in the future, the bloodthirsty centipede had already pounced on her, biting her with a disgusting liquid-filled huge mouth.

Unable to break free, her heart is full of despair, knowing that today I am afraid that it is bode ill rather than well.

At this moment, she actually saw a huge green giant hand pat at the bloodthirsty centipede.


The bloodthirsty centipede was shot upside down, and the carapace was sunken and cracked where it was shot, and green liquid oozes out.

She turned her head back in surprise, but saw behind her, at some point a green giant appeared.

The green giant has only the upper body, which is incomplete, but the body exudes an extremely terrifying and dangerous aura.

The leader who had never been optimistic about her was among the green giants, and she was saved by the leader who had always looked down upon.


Glancing at the middle-aged woman, although the injury was not minor, she should not die. Fang Ping looked at the bloodthirsty centipede and ran towards the bloodthirsty centipede.

The bloodthirsty centipede opened his huge mouth, and the bloody mist gushed out and hit Fang Ping.

Fang Ping did not hide. Behind him are the middle-aged woman and Fan Xuan 3 people. If he hides, except for the middle-aged woman, Fan Xuan 3 people are likely to die.


The bloody mist hit Susanoo, and there was a sound of corrosion. Although Susanoo was corroded, it was not at all broken.

Like Sang Tai’s abilities, Susanoo has the same offensive and defensive capabilities. While gaining a strong attack power, it also gains a strong defense power.

The spiral sword of the right hand was lifted and rotated rapidly, and countless green arrows flew out, shooting towards the bloodthirsty centipede.

puff puff puff!

Bloodthirsty centipede has blood holes one after another on the hard carapace. After a burst of green arrows, densely packed blood holes appear on the bloodthirsty centipede.

Although every blood hole is not serious, but with so many blood holes, the bloodthirsty centipede can’t help being injured.

Seeing that the green arrow stopped, the bloodthirsty centipede quickly culled towards Fang Ping, trying to bite Fang Ping close.

Fang Ping raises the spiral sword in his hand, pierces the air, and pierces the bloodthirsty centipede.


The bloodthirsty centipede flew upside down, opening a huge blood hole.

Fang Ping chased after the bloodthirsty centipede, the spiral sword in his hand was spinning, making an ear-piercing roar, and piercing again.

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